lørdag den 28. december 2024

Colour25 - January Colour

As promised I continue my a colour a month challenge in 2025 - now logically named Colour25.

2024 is a year, I'm happy to leave behind, both on a personal, national and international plan there's not much good to be said about it.

On Katherina's blog Σκέψεις, λέξεις, ιστορίες, Thoughts, words, stories in October she spoke of new beginnuings and showed us the beauties of her little corner of the world, Aridaia in northern Greece, among these those beautiful, golden yellow flowers, tentatively identified as sunflowers.

As said, we need a new start. The colour of January is New start yellow.

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Som jeg lovede, fortsætter jeg min Månedens farve-udfordring her på bloggen i det kommende år. Nu hedder den naturligt nok Colour25.
     2024 er et år, jeg er glad for at sige farvel til. Hverken personligt, nationalt eller internationalt har der været meget godt at sige om det.
På Katerinas blog Σκέψεις, λέξεις, ιστορίες, Thoughts, words, stories fra oktober fortæller hun om nye begyndelser og viser billeder af skønheden i og omkring hendes lille hjørne af verden, Aridaia i det nordlige Grækenland. Der er også de her skønne blomster, som jeg nok tror er staudesolsikker.
     Vi har brug for en ny start, derfor er januars farve Ny start gyldengul.

I challenge you to find something containing this colour, photograph it, and post the photo on your blog one of the Sundays in January.

If you want to incorporate the colour into another challenge - for instance the Words for Wednesday - this is also fine.

If you have other ideas for the use, this is fine as well - and as usual with these challenges, most anything goes, only nothing rude or vulgar, please.

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Egentlig går udfordringen ud på at finde og fotografere en eller flere ting med månedens farve og så lægge billederne op på sin blog, men efterhånden har det udviklet sig, så man må gøre stort set som man lyster, så længe det hverken er uforskammet eller vulgært.

4 kommentarer:

  1. What a gorgeous and cheery colour.

  2. It's one of my favourite colours, so I picked up my camera and walked through my home looking for yellow. What a surprise to find I have not much at all that is yellow!

    1. Sometimes it happens. For me the hunting down of light blue items for today also yielded a meagre result - and blue is my all time fave.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.