tirsdag den 10. december 2024

Google er blevet sær :: Google's new Antics

Sometimes complaining here just helps better than anything else I can do.

Now Google has found out a new way of  bothering me. It logs me out at irregular intervals, and then insists on showing me all notifications in Swedish.

This is the disclaimer, you get when reading a new blog - only I get it every time, I visit any blog - and as said in Swedish. I have of course logged in again, checked my language settings;  my preferred language is as always Danish (and English for those pages not yet in Danish), so of course I need all notifications and Blogger's start page to be in Swedish.

But why?

8 kommentarer:

  1. Blogger has been yanking my chain too. When I went to my reading list a little while ago the most recent post it showed me was five years old. Around it was a random selection of other posts - some of them more then ten years old. Sigh. And they weren't all from the same blogger either.

    1. And your post was tucked at the top. Goodness only knows how many other posts I have missed.

    2. This has been going on for me for some time now (over a year), but only with some blogs. Most still update.

    3. ... and today EC's comment was put in spam-jail. Crazy times.

  2. Ah, Google, always playing games for reasons only they know.

    1. I wish they could learn to either never fix what ain't broke, or test their improvements before implementing them.

  3. Maybe they're trying to "teach" their AI to run some things, and it's messing up. I've got old posts from others popping up, too.

    1. Sounds strange, but yes, this could be a reason. I wish theie beta-testing was better :(


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