I dag stod jeg og ventede på at komme over vejen, da en 000 kørte forbi, jeg kiggede en ekstra gang, så havde jeg jo set både 001, 005 (naturligvis) 003 og hele 2 af 002 i dag. Så kørte en rød bil ret hurtigt forbi, var det mon ... de to sidste tal var 04, men var det første nu 0, 9 eller måske 6? Suk, jeg skældte mig selv ud for at have haft for travlt med at kigge efter 000. Men så drejede den røde bil ind på parkeringspladsen til det supermarked, jeg var på vej over til. Jeg skyndte mig som planlagt at aflevere de tomme flasker og så hen til postbutikken i møntvaskeriet. Og der holdt den så:
No, I have not forgeotten my number plate challenge. I'm just woefully slow. Only today I finally met a 004. Keeping up this speed, it'll take me 1248 months to reach 999 - or around 104 years.
Today I stood waiting to cross the street, looking at the passing cars. A 000 passed me - I had seen a 003, a 005 (sigh), a 001, and 2 002's earlier.
A red car sped past in the other direction, I looked, the last two were 04 - but was the first one a 9 or a 0 or maybe a 6 - I could not see. I told myself off for looking at the 000 too closely. Then I saw the red car turn into the parking lot at the supermarket, I was heading for. I went there, handed in the empty bottles and then I walked along the parking lot to get to the "post office" (It's in a laundromat, not a post office at all).
And there, in the parking lot, was the red car:
Well done - though I hope it doesn't take you quite as long as you expect.
SvarSletI sure hope so too. I won't make it, if it does not speed up --somewhat-- a lot.
SletPretty pretty red cars. I guess some of us have husbands who prefer it to be white because you know it has higher resale value! Well, red cars are still the prettiest!
SvarSletI like cars in colours, and am sad to hear that money is the reason behind all those dreary ones ... here it must be grey-black having the highest resale value ;)
SletThanks for commenting.
For every number slow in coming, I hope you get a dozen quickly in succession.
SvarSletThank you. I seen to be cursed here, as I always see the next number to the one I'm looking for, and then not again when I need it. I have seen multiple 005's while looking for 004, but now they have all disappeared ;)