tirsdag den 31. december 2024

All the colours of 2024

All the colours of 2024. What did I do with them?

January - Clay brown: Frosty leaves, mostly beech

February: Our Graphite Black earth is bringing forth colour - and is a terrific backdrop.

The colour of March, Olive green, is found in these catkins.

I'm sure you can find loads of April's Water blue in GardenOwl if you look close.

And a Bright orange flower for the Colour of the month, May. Growing on my Moon Hill, a survivor from last summer's sowing of all my flower seeds I have no idea what it is, and orange is probably the colour it is hardest to find in the Owlery.

The very best mint is Signal green for June.

Look! some of the nasturtium I picked for jellies and herbal salts have just the right colour for July's Pale ivory.

August is in need of two photos: 
August is THE summer month of Denmark, but ususally it looked like this - lots of Mouse grey around.

But it is not a bad colour when others come along to brighten up things.

In September we ate the very first bite of the very first ripe jalapeño.
It was the deep Orient red of September

In October I was lucky. The camera was in my bag and the cormorant had returned to the pond in town. The stone, which is the base for the water-spouting frog, is naturally Pebble grey.

November saw a lot of plant dyeing, eco printing, contact printing or what ever it is called.
And the colour of the month, Pearl opal green, was eaily found here.

In December this mug turned out just the right Light blue.

With this colourful cavalcade through 2024, MotherOwl is ready to jump into 2025.

The first colour of 2025
the year of the


New Year ~ Challenges ~ A Review

As usual, as I look back on my blogging year, I look at the Challenges I have participated in or set myself

I can repeat much of what I said a year ago:
The turning of the year as always have me thinking ~ Challenges? Why? How many? Which ones? And so on.

For the last many years, challenges have come and gone on this blog and in my life in general. Some I liked, some not so much. Some were fun, some were not.

This past year has been an ungentle year ... I once heard the saying "waiting for the other shoe to drop", well for me 2023 was a centipede. Much - among those my family, this blog, all kinds of fun challenges, my garden, oh so many things - have been suffering from my lack of energy and joy in anything ...

Like 2023, 2024 has been an ungentle year of the millipede variety. The less said the better. But as for the blog challenges this last day of the year is a fine day to reflect a bit. Which ones are keepers, which ones are not?


Words for Wednesday - Link - hosted by Elephant's Child, and a perfectly enjoyable writing Challenge.

Poetry Monday - Normally hosted by Diane -  Mimi and I have taken over while Diane enjoys some family time and travels the world.  Link to Diane and Link to Mimi - Poetic fun.

IWSG (Insecure Writer's Support Group) - Link - A question to answer every first Wednesday - can do!

Sunday Selections - Link - good photo fun. I will participate in the coming year, but maybe not every Sunday

Colour of the Month- Link - A new year with a new idea. It did not work out as intended, but it has grown into something different. It's a keeper.

365 days of drawing prompts - A new drawing challenge. It has a Facebook group, that's neither very supportive, nor very talkative, but on the other hand quite active. The prompts are different enough to be mostly inspiring, and not too woke. And it is not streak-oriented, which is a huge positive for me. You won' see much of this on this blog, but on my dedicated drawing blog, something might happen.

Birthdays - of people known and not so known, mostly poets and writers. I like to cite and celebrate.

 A to Z Challenge* - very stressing but also very fun. For the first year ever, I finished the challenge in 2924. I suppose. I might do a light version without signing up in 2025. I bit off a great deal more than intended with Susan's co-apprentices, but it was fun.

InkTober - InkTober has turned too much into an Instagram event - and the drawings are very professional, people putting in hours a day. This scares me off. I incorporated the prompts in October when it fit, but I did not post anywhere but on my own blog

Fredagsfrustrationer / Friday Frustrations - A way to vent my grumpy so that it does not pervade the whole blog. This too has been suffering - and the grumpiness is spreading as a result -  but it's going to stay.

Tirsdagstips / Tuesday Tips - Suffering, but not totally abandoned.

Duolingo* - Link - studying Japanese, Italian, and a couple of other languages this way is good fun. I'll return, as this has been suffering, and try to keep it up.

Wordle* - and other games of the same kind. I  like this kind of games. They have also been suffering

Not keepers
InkTober52 - InkTober 52 has sadly been discontinued, after lacking for a long time.

        I found two new drawing challenges in 2024:
Doodlewash* - Link It seemed old and well established, but I just never really grasped the Doodlewash concept.

    Then I tested out
Sketch Your Day* - Use one random drawing prompts to record something from you day. From Artists Network. The recurring nature of the prompts did not suit me, I tried adding an element of randomness, but it was not fun after the first three weeks or so. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* Many of these Challenges are centered around maintaining a streak (participating on a consecutive series of days) the longer, the better.

For such Challenges I regularly skip a day on purpose so as not to accumulate long streaks. I do this because keeping a streak in any streak-oriented activity is a big stress-factor for me. I  know I'm strange this way and that this streak-business keeps many people focussed, but I really, really hate it and wish that I could opt out of it being counted.

mandag den 30. december 2024

Poetry Monday :: All Done

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health and relaxation. We hope to hear from Diane soonish.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Today's prompt is All done. This perfectly expresses my sentiments towards the year we're about to leave behind. I cannot write a long, or even medium-sized poem without turning bitter or sad, so a very short one will have to do.

All done
I'm all done with 2024
each day was like a heavy chore
My hopes for 25 are low
just do it better, let hope grow.

- - - - - - -

Up and coming:
December 30: All Done (today)
January 6: Seed / Epiphany
January 13: Fiction  
January 20: Sheep
January 27: Silver

søndag den 29. december 2024

Colour24 :: Sunday Selection

For the last time this year a colourful Sunday post.
The Colour of the Month for December is
Sidste Månedens farve for i år. Her er decembers farve.

Og her nogle billeder -- And some photos
Oops, those chopsticks are light BLUE not green in real life.
Altså, de spisepinde er lyseblå i virkeligheden!

This mug turned out just right.
Men det her krus er mere fotogent.

I dag var der jubelårsåbningsmesse i domkirken.
Today we attended the inauguration mass of the Holy year

lørdag den 28. december 2024

Colour25 - January Colour

As promised I continue my a colour a month challenge in 2025 - now logically named Colour25.

2024 is a year, I'm happy to leave behind, both on a personal, national and international plan there's not much good to be said about it.

On Katherina's blog Σκέψεις, λέξεις, ιστορίες, Thoughts, words, stories in October she spoke of new beginnuings and showed us the beauties of her little corner of the world, Aridaia in northern Greece, among these those beautiful, golden yellow flowers, tentatively identified as sunflowers.

As said, we need a new start. The colour of January is New start yellow.

-- 💛 --

Som jeg lovede, fortsætter jeg min Månedens farve-udfordring her på bloggen i det kommende år. Nu hedder den naturligt nok Colour25.
     2024 er et år, jeg er glad for at sige farvel til. Hverken personligt, nationalt eller internationalt har der været meget godt at sige om det.
På Katerinas blog Σκέψεις, λέξεις, ιστορίες, Thoughts, words, stories fra oktober fortæller hun om nye begyndelser og viser billeder af skønheden i og omkring hendes lille hjørne af verden, Aridaia i det nordlige Grækenland. Der er også de her skønne blomster, som jeg nok tror er staudesolsikker.
     Vi har brug for en ny start, derfor er januars farve Ny start gyldengul.

I challenge you to find something containing this colour, photograph it, and post the photo on your blog one of the Sundays in January.

If you want to incorporate the colour into another challenge - for instance the Words for Wednesday - this is also fine.

If you have other ideas for the use, this is fine as well - and as usual with these challenges, most anything goes, only nothing rude or vulgar, please.

-- 💛 --

Egentlig går udfordringen ud på at finde og fotografere en eller flere ting med månedens farve og så lægge billederne op på sin blog, men efterhånden har det udviklet sig, så man må gøre stort set som man lyster, så længe det hverken er uforskammet eller vulgært.

torsdag den 26. december 2024

Words for Wednesday ~ 25.12.2024

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for December are provided by Wisewebwoman and can be found @ Elephant's Child.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

This week's prompts are:
Plum pudding

A chapter from January of the third and last year of the Unicorn Farm, The darkness is gathering.

Susan woke with a start, she looked around, a wreath made of pine stood on the table, its purple ribbons trailing almost to the floor. Why had it been left behind when she and Mom put away all the Christmas things yesterday after school? Now it was Saturday, and she had fallen asleep waiting for her parents to return home from somewhere. And then the snow had begun. She had dreamt, something about Unicorn Farm, some of the Nisser there were in grave danger. Now stealth was of importance. Could she use the 'phone? No, she dared not, it would probably alarm Ms. Madsen, the old, cranky neighbour, whom Mom had called in to watch over them while she and dad were away doing ... Susan just plain did not remember, the urgent dream had drowned out most of here every day life.
She tip toed to the chimney. It was cold as only cold stone could be. Where was Ms. Madsen, the neighbour? In the kitchen, Susan realized, probably drinking coffee and telling Linda all the latest gossip. Susan tensed and listened. A murmur of voices from the kitchen confirmed her suspicion.
She sneaked into the corridor, found her socks, shoes and winter things, then she went down into the basement. It was always more or less spooky down there, but in the deep of winter, it was dark. She dressed while waiting for the old boiler to start. It did so soon enough and this close it sounded like a thousand ping pong balls were being boiled inside. Susan found her old toboggan and opened the largest of the window on the garden side of the house. She pushed out the toboggan, then followed herself. She had no idea why she brought it, it just seemed like a good idea. And her parents were sure nobody could get in or out through the basement windows, but Susan still could do it - even dressed in her winter coat.
She ran through the dancing snow to the old lumber yard, there she tied the toboggan to a tree and jumped through the portal. When the world stopped spinning, she opened her eyes again and was relieved to see the old, crude furniture of the storage room at the Unicorn Farm. For a moment she just stood there, happy too have arrived in one piece.The room she ended up in, was warm and quiet, the old furniture still in place, but outside she could hear voices, many voices, small and big, raising and falling. She went to the window and looked out. The snow had stopped, it had not snowed as much here as  at home, but everything was still covered in a heavy layer, and a full moon shone eerily through the hurrying clouds. She went to the door leading to the big kitchen manned by the Nisser and listened once again.
Someone were cussing loudly, and screaming at the Nisser. She opened the door, just a crack, wand ready. For a short while she was blinded by the light in the kitchen, then she saw that four or five men dressed in black were trying to catch the Nisser and put them into big sacks held by two other men at the entrance to the kitchen. The Nisser of course fought back, and it all made so much noise, Susan wondered why the professors were not already alarmed.
Fire, Susan thought. I have to make a lot of fire. It will scare off the black men, and call the professors, but fast. She pointed her wand at the curtains and whispered "Kveikiði". At once a small flame began eating away at the curtains in the kitchen. Soon they blazed and the black clad men stopped their fighting with the Nisser and instead began screaming and babbling at the fires, but to no avail. The lamps suddenly extinguished and the only light in the kitchen came from the full moon outside. The men scurried away from the moonshine, but one of them were caught in it and started changing ... they were Werewolves! Susan was afraid. This time she had no granny and no potion to make them normal people again. She had only the Nisser, and she hoped the professors would soon arrive. The door in the other end of the kitchen opened and the professors came running in, toppling the two sack-holding scums by the door, Susan saw Tähti and Taavi point their wand at the werewolves and chant something in Finnish, Silvery filaments shot through the air and tied up the black men and the one changed into a wolf too. She saw one of the Nisser throw a crate of plum pudding after a black man, that had avoided the silvery filaments, and were trying to escape. The ambience of the room changed from chaos and fight to one of revenge. Susan crept back and carefully closed the door. Mission accomplished. Back in Elsinore she was met by the results of a full blizzard, Slowly she crept to the tree and loosened the toboggan. It was downhill all the way home.

tirsdag den 24. december 2024

Glædelig Jul
-- Merry Christmas --
Frohe Weihnachten
-- Feliz Navidad --
Hyvää Joulua
-- Wesołych Świąt --

Dette er et "automatisk" indlæg. Medens det udgiver sig selv, nyder Uglemor julemiddagen sammen med alle Ugleboets indbyggere, Storesøster, den lille Løve, den lille Ædelsten, Storebror og Trolden, der alle er kommet hjem til jul. 
Lige nu er gåsen i ovnen, Skribenten hentede den i går nede på gården, den er stoppet med æbler og svesker af egen avl, rødkålen står og luner, den er også hjemmelavet, men ikke hjemmedyrket.
     Ugleungerne pynter træet med hjælp af storesøster, der er hjemme i julen.
Alle julegaverne, der i år er færre, men til gengæld større, er pakket ind, parat til at komme under træet. Kalenderlys og adventskrans brænder for at indhente sig selv og Trolden spiller på klaveret for os.
     Måske farer Uglemor rundt og leder efter en enkelt gave, der er blevet væk.
Vi ser alle frem til juletræ og gaver, og til at finde barnet i krybben.

This is an auto-post. While it is posting itself the advent candles are burning to catch up. The goose is in the oven, the Writer got it yesterday from a nearby farm, it is stuffed with prunes and homegrown apples. We also eat red cabbage cooked with vinegar, redcurrant jam, sugar, salt and spices. This concoction is heating and the potatoes are boiling. Later some of them will be glazed in honey.

The Owlets are decorating the tree, helped by their big sister and her children, and Trolli is playing the piano. MotherOwl is searching for the last of the presents to wrap. I always find such good gifts during the year, and then hide them where curious Owlets do not look. Often I forget where that special place was, and some years gifts has totally disappeared, not showing up until midsummer.

After eating all this good stuff, we'll dance around the tree singing Christmas carols and hymns. Then the gifts will be opened, one at a time with everyone looking, it takes a long time in our big family. Then we'll eat dessert - risalamande with cherry sauce and hope for Trolli to get the hidden almond, as the gift is a book he wants. (Donald Duck Christmas Classics - From all of us to all of you). Then we all look at, play with and admire gifts, eat some more candy, look longingly in the crib where no Christ child is yet to be seen. He is not there until midnight. Christmas day we'll go to mass, talk with friends and wish them a blessed Christmas.

We look forward to our christmas tree and all the gifts and to see the baby in the manger.

mandag den 23. december 2024

Poetry Monday :: Never Say Never
and/or Christmas/Hanukkah

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health and relaxation. We hope to hear from Diane soonish.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Today's prompt is Never say never /  Christmas/Hanukkah
My really pissed of poem comes after a couple of days where first a teacher ended in a shitstorm for telling her pupils that santa does not exists, then I went to a second hand place to shop for Christmas ornaments. I found: Santas, elfs, baubles, reindeer ... not ONE SINGLE baby Jesus, no wise men, not even an angel. Next day I found a Holiday tree online! And in this same place earlier, we were treated to Eid mubarak and Happy Hanukkah. Everything seems OK except for the Christian version ... that one is out, it seems.

I was as already told, quite pissed after this, so ...  if you're not in for a very grumpy verse ...  just stop here.

Don't send me Season's Greetings
or Happy Holidays.
The days are running swiftly,
time passes in a haze.

The Season here is winter,
it's cold, it's dark and wet.
The Holiday's upon us,
we cook, we clean and fret.

And are we really merry
with santas, elfs, and fairies?

Can't you say: Merry Christmas,
then better silent be,
for santas, elfs and fairies
is nothing fun for me.

You see, the only reason
that I can stand this season
is Him that is the reason
to celebrate this "season".

- - - - - - -

Up and coming:
December 23: Never Say Never and/or Christmas/Hanukkah (today)
December 30: All Done
January 6: Seed / Epiphany
January 13: Fiction  
January 20: Sheep
January 27: Silver

lørdag den 21. december 2024

Vinter Solstice ~ Vintersolhverv

     I dag, helt præcist klokken 10.21 vendte solen. Nu går vi mod længere dage. Det sætter Uglemor stor pris på. for de her grå, korte og regnfyldte dage er ugle-nedslående.
     I tirsdags skinnede solen, og Uglemor tog et billede af solen, da den stod højest på himlen.

 -- 🌞 --

Today at 10.21 am the sun reached its turning point. From now on the days will get longer.
This is received with glee by MotherOwl, suffering from the short and murky days.

Some days ago, Tuesday to be exact, we had some sunshine. And MotherOwl snapped this photo as the sun was at its highest.
Tuesday December 17th. Sunrise 8:41 sunset 15:32  lenght of day: 6h 51 min Max sun height: 11 degrees.
Tirsdag 17 december. Solopgang 8.41, solnedgang 15.32, dagens længde 6:51, solens maksimale højde: 11 grader.

Og så klokken knap fire, fotograferede Uglemor igen - nu denne herlige solnedgang ... den måtte gerne have ventet et par timer.

 -- 🌞 --

And then, a little less than four hours later, MotherOwl snapped this glorious sunset ... it was pretty, but it would have been more welcome a few hours later.

torsdag den 19. december 2024

Words for Wednesday ~ December 18

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for December are provided by Wisewebwoman and can be found @ Elephant's Child.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

This week's prompts are:

Yet another story from Susan's everyday life. I did not use all the words. The story is all true, but the parts happened over several visits to this Pizzeria, which was one of the first to open in Denmark in the 70es, and a great place.

After school Susan and her classmates stood outside the gate.
"Have you heard about the new, Italian restaurant that has opened down at the market square?" Petra asked.
Susan was all ears. Ever since she had been to Italy last summer, her taste buds had been longing for Italian food.
Mette, the high blonde all the others looked to for lead was for once at a loss for words. She was normally the first to hear such news.
Luckily their young English teacher choose this very moment to greet them: "Well, hello my favourite pupils," she began. As she greeted all her classes with these words, none felt anything special about it any more. "Tomorrow is the last day before our holidays, I feel rich, and I want to treat you all to a pizza or something at the new place before it gets overrun. What do you say?" Those last words were unnecessary, as the happy noises from the girls could be heard across the street, shattering the serenity of an old man studying the marble obelisk commemorating the reunification of 1920.

The class had never been as well-prepared for their English lessons as they were next day. When the lessons had ended they all walked to the market square.
They sat at a big table, Anne noted what all the girls would like. Two did not like pizza at all, and wanted to try ravioli after finding out that it was something like filled spaghetti. Most wanted Pizza quattro stagioni with ham and mushrooms, and a few adventurous, among them Anne, choose a pizza capricciosa with artichokes and olives.
Susan studied the menu for a while. Then she found it. "How confusing," she said. "In Rome this pizza was called Pizza napoletana, here it's a Pizza romana. But at least that's what I would like."
"It has anchovises on it, eww," Petra said.
"You seem to agree with most other people," Susan said smiling, "I happen to detest olives and love anchovies. When we were in Rome, I asked for this pizza, and the waiter asked me several times if it really was what I meant, and the kitchen staff stood in the back of the restaurant, looking at this young straniera, eating anchovies on her pizza. My dad told me after we left. I'm happy I did not see it myself. I would have died."

Anne went to the counter and ordered, or at least tried to. After talking to the young man behind the counter, writing and discussing for several minutes she returned: "Susan, how much Italian did you learn on that holiday? I can't make him understand that we want 10 pizzas, not 12 and then two portions of ravioli."
"I can try," Susan said, "as you know, I am a language nerd, and we were in Italy for three weeks. At least I know the numbers."
Susan went to the counter, took Anne's notes and slowly asked for "Due ravioli, per favore," The young man smiled encouragingly at her and she continued. "E dieci pizze. Una Romana, tre Capricciose e sei Quattro stagione."
"Brava!" the young man said and smiled broadly. This made him look younger, even more like a boy, and Susan suspected he might be younger than they were. "E per bevere?"
"What would we drink?" Susan translated without thinking. "Did you think of this, Anne, isn't it mighty expensive?"
"You can all have one soft drink," Anne said, loud enough for everybody to hear it, "And then it's water for the rest of the meal."
Susan tried her hand at translating this: "Acqua per tutti e una bottiglia di err ... hmm ... I don't know soft drink in Italian."
But the young man understood: "Acqua, e una bibita per cada una. Sì, ho capito. Sedetevi, ed io vengo con tutto."
"We sit, he brings," Susan half guessed, and he nodded vigorously.
Waiting for the pizzas they talked about the coming exams, parents and holiday plans. Susan stopped listening and her attention drifted to one of the wall paintings. It was an old bridge, almost hidden by foliage, in a sun drenched, Italian landscape. Susan felt that she should know that place, but she was not up to showing more off by asking about it. She decided to save for a return.
The pizzas were fabulous, and surprisingly eaten to the very last bite of the crust.

And here the story ends. I ran out of steam, and only used half of the words. No promises, but maybe more will come off this - there is an Italian connexion in all the sorcery and witchcraft.

mandag den 16. december 2024


Nej, jeg har ikke glemt nummerpladeudfordringen. Det tager bare virkelig lang tid for mig at finde det næste nummer ... med denne fart vil jeg nå til 999 om 1.248 måneder - det er 104 år.
I dag stod jeg og ventede på at komme over vejen, da en 000 kørte forbi, jeg kiggede en ekstra gang, så havde jeg jo set både 001, 005 (naturligvis) 003 og hele 2 af 002 i dag. Så kørte en rød bil ret hurtigt forbi, var det mon ... de to sidste tal var 04, men var det første nu 0, 9 eller måske 6? Suk, jeg skældte mig selv ud for at have haft for travlt med at kigge efter 000. Men så drejede den røde bil ind på parkeringspladsen til det supermarked, jeg var på vej over til. Jeg skyndte mig som planlagt at aflevere de tomme flasker og så hen til postbutikken i møntvaskeriet. Og der holdt den så:


No, I have not forgeotten my number plate challenge. I'm just woefully slow. Only today I finally met a 004. Keeping up this speed, it'll take me 1248 months to reach 999 - or around 104 years.
Today I stood waiting to cross the street, looking at the passing cars. A 000 passed me - I had seen a 003, a 005 (sigh), a 001, and 2 002's earlier.

A red car sped past in the other direction, I looked, the last two were 04 - but was the first one a 9 or a 0 or maybe a 6 - I could not see. I told myself off for looking at the 000 too closely. Then I saw the red car turn into the parking lot at  the supermarket, I was heading for. I went there, handed in the empty bottles and then I walked along the parking lot to get to the "post office" (It's in a laundromat, not a post office at all). 

And there, in the parking lot, was the red car:

Poetry Monday :: A Recipe for Disaster

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health and relaxation. We hope to hear from Diane soonish.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Today's prompt is A Recipe for Disaster. I was not in a poeming mood, but then I thought it over. A recipe for disaster;  do we need one? does it really exist? If yes I know what to do ...

A recipe for disaster
Is not a thing I'm after.
But then again
I'd grab my pen
Jot down what not to master.

- - - - - -

Up and coming:
Dec. 16 - Recipe for Disaster (today)
Dec. 23 - Never Say Never and/or Christmas/Hanukkah
Dec. 30 - All Done

søndag den 15. december 2024

Sunday Selection :: Colour24

The colour for December is
er decembers farve

Og .. tja der er ikke meget, der har den farve lige nu. Himlen er grå, julepynt for det meste rød, hvid eller gylden. Men det fine glas-juletræ, der var dagens ting i vores adventskalender i går, rammer nok ret godt. Rimen er for længst væk igen, og har veget pladsen for den normale decemberregn. 

-- 💙 --

Not much around us has this pretty blue right now - the skies are grey and all ornaments are mostly red, white or golden. But this one, yesterday's advent ornament, fits the bill. The hoarfrost has long gone, and given way to more rain.

Og så tegner jeg stadig. I september fandt jeg 365 days of Drawing Prompts, en gruppe på Facebook med et stikord til hver dag og en sød, meget aktiv og ikke specielt striks ledelse. Det passer mig fint. Jeg får ikke lagt så mange tegninger op, som jeg kunne ønske, men nu har jeg i hvert fald både stikord og gruppe igen efter showet med SDD ... suk!
     Dagens stikord er Cocktail. Og sådan én kan jo godt være blå.  

-- 💙 --

And I'm still drawing, not as much or indeed as often as I would like. Back in September I found a new group, 365 days of drawing prompts, on Facebook. It is a very active, not judging, not praising overmuch group, but now I again have both prompts and a place to post after the sorry end of SDD. Sigh.

Today's prompt was Cocktail. This can be done in blue.

lørdag den 14. december 2024

Colour25 ... A new Idea

I am going to continue with the colour challenge - now Colour25 - next year, but I have an idea ... Sometimes, on your blogs I see photos with a colour I really find stunning. Could I have your permission to show these photots here (no persons, full credits), with a coloured square, colour code and name and the blog from where the colour was taken.
Then I could maybe name the colour, or I could ask for a name ... Let me show you what I mean:

tirsdag den 10. december 2024

Words for Wednesday :: Only the Words
December 10 2024

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for December are provided by Wisewebwoman and can be found @ Elephant's Child.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

This week's prompts are:

I hope writing will happen sooner or later, but as life is butt-crazy in the Owlery right now no promises.

Google er blevet sær :: Google's new Antics

Sometimes complaining here just helps better than anything else I can do.

Now Google has found out a new way of  bothering me. It logs me out at irregular intervals, and then insists on showing me all notifications in Swedish.

This is the disclaimer, you get when reading a new blog - only I get it every time, I visit any blog - and as said in Swedish. I have of course logged in again, checked my language settings;  my preferred language is as always Danish (and English for those pages not yet in Danish), so of course I need all notifications and Blogger's start page to be in Swedish.

But why?

mandag den 9. december 2024

Poetry Monday :: A Bumpy Ride

The first thing to enter MotherOwl's brains was "Jingle Bells". Luckily this earworm was shaken - you're welcome to it! - By now every reader of this blog probably know by now that MotherOwl finds living through the winter to be A Bumpy Ride. She is not alone.

This poem was originally written by Frank Jæger - yes you've heard of him before on this blog, he was MotherOwl's favourite poet as a young inhabitant of Elsinore, where he lived as well.

He wrote this poem about enduring winter - it is meant for and written about February, where all the accumulated summer-energy (the fires of our heart) is spent, but there's still a long time yet until sunshine and warmer days in April. February 2nd, Candlemass, is known as Midwinter-day in Denmark.

I might reuse this poem at a later date.

Liden sol i disse uger.
Februar har gjort os mindre. Sne som tynger. Is som knuger.
Vi kan ingenting forhindre.
Smallish sun in weeks of winter. February made us lessen.
Sleet is weighing, darkness brooding ... Nothing we can do about it
Vi kan heller ikke bede
om at måtte blive større.
Stær og mus og vinterhvede
må på vore vegne spørge.
And we cannot ask for mercy,
ask for growth in time of winter.
Bird and mouse and seed in hiding
have to ask this favour for us.
Men måske april vil hente
vore hjertebål tilbage.
Sammen vil vi tålsomt vente, liden sol i disse dage.
In April maybe the fires
of our hearts will be returning.
Patiently we wait together.
Smallish sun in days of winter
    Frank Jæger, 1953     MotherOwl, December 2024

- - - - - -

Coming prompts:
December 16: Recipe for Disaster
December 23: Never Say Never and/or Christmas/Hanukkah
December 30: All Done

onsdag den 4. december 2024

Words for Wednesday ~ Just the Words
& IWGS :: December 4

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for December are provided by Wisewebwoman and can be found @ Elephant's Child.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

This week's prompts are:
    Dump Truck
    Rifle Range

I hope writing will happen sooner or later, but no promises.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

Today is also the first Wednesday of the month. Time for the monthly Question from the Insecure Writers' Support Group

December 4 question - Do you write cliffhangers at the end of your stories? Are they a turn-off to you as a writer and/or a reader?

My answer - Do I write cliffhangers? Yes I do, but only at the end of chapters. I would never end a book with a cliffhanger, and I do feel put off when authors do this.

mandag den 2. december 2024

Poetry Monday :: Beans

Not much of a poem, but it was fun. Unfortunately Beans was not the solution to today's Wordle.

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Coming prompts:
December 9: A Bumpy Ride
December 16: Recipe for Disaster
December 23: Never Say Never and/or Christmas/Hanukkah
December 30: All Done

søndag den 1. december 2024

Godt nytår ~ Hapy New Year

Jeg kan endog genbruge min
billedtekst  selvom billedet er nyt.
Edderkoppen er en af vore "overlevere"
En ting, der hænger fra år til år,
selv om det ikke er dens årstid.

I can even re-use the caption,
but the photo is new.
The spider is one of our "survivors".
A thing that keeps on hanging
year after year
even when thy're out of season.
I dag kan jeg bare gentage, hvad jeg skrev for 11 år siden:

Nej Uglemor er ikke blevet senil og roder rundt i år og måneder. Men i dag er det jo 1. søndag i advent - Kirkens nytår. Vi starter på et helt nyt kirkeår. I dag skulle vi flytte alle markørerne. Vi startede på en ny måned, en ny uge, en ny årstid og et nyt kirkeår alt sammen
At så vejret også skulle flyttes fra regn til solskin, gjorde det jo ikke ringere.

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Today I repeat myself from 11 years ago:

No, MotherOwl has not yet turned senile and is mixing up days, months and years. But today was really an extraordinary day in the calendar. As can be seen, today we began a new liturgical year, a new month, a new season, and a new week all in one day.
That the marker for weather also had to be moved from rain to sunshine did not lessen the joy.

torsdag den 28. november 2024

Colour of the Month :: December

And we're ending the year on a cheerful note - at least in my opinion. I love blue, and this Light Blue is like the sky on a clear, frosty day.
Sikke da en optimistisk farve for årets sidste måned. Jeg elsker blå, og denne lyseblå er som himlen en frostklar decemberdag.

Bragging on Thanksgiving

First of all Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate.

-  A  -  B  -  C  -

As I told some time ago, I love word games and puzzles like Wordle and such. For the first time today I solved the New York Times Connections puzzle, So I share the results from today's mini-games. Wørdle is the Danish Wordle look-alike.

Wordle 1.258   5/6

Wørdle #1055 5/6

Connections Puzzle #536

Strands #270 “Thank goodness!”


Tiles - November 28, 2024
Your highest combo was 41 moves.

Spelling Bee - November 28, 2024 *




43Solid. . .
10 points to next rank, 105 to Genius


   Moving Up

   Good Start

* Note for Spelling Bee, Solid is generally the highest you can go without subscribing. If you're smart, lucky, and the Bee contains fewer words, Nice is possible.

onsdag den 27. november 2024

The Words for Wednesday ~ Just the Words

My brain has gone quite empty. I hope to make some writing happen later on.
- - A - - B - - C - - 

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for November are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh and can be found @ Elephant's Child.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

The Words for Wednesday are:


mandag den 25. november 2024

Poetry Monday :: Cry Wolf

Den danske udgave blev udgivet otte minutter tidligere end denne, så gå til forrige indlæg nedenunder, hvis du vil have den.

To cry wolf is almost the same in Danish, we cry: The wolf is coming!
But the English one is once again subject for misinterpretations, we only need a comma: Cry, Wolf!

Cry, wolf! Tonight the moon is full.
You'll be hunted by werewolves
and werebears and -boars.

  And then I was reminded of  Vargsången (The Wolf Song) written by Astrid Lindgren for the movie vesion of  Ronia, the Robber's Daughter. It is a lullaby, sung by Ronia's mother - I always thought it was a bit violent for a lullaby, but then they are a band of robbers.
  I never saw the movie, but I have read the book more than once, and heard the song in the radio several times. I have not been able to find an English version,
so I tried rendering it into English with it still being able to be sung on its original, haunting tune. You will be the judges as to whether I succeeded. 

The wolf is howling in nightly woods,
he wants to but can't be sleeping.
Hunger tears in his wolven paunch,
and cold it is in his keeping.
    Cry, wolf! cry, wolf, don't you come here,
    I'll never give you my young one.

The wolf is howling in nightly woods,
howls with hunger and anguish.
But I'll give him a piggie's tail,
It's fit for a wolfy stomach.
    Cry, wolf! cry, wolf, don't you come here,
    I'll never give you my young one.

The wolf is howling in nightly woods,
and finds no prey in his hunting.
But I'll give him a cock's comb
To put in his sorry bundle.
    Cry, wolf! cry, wolf, don't you come here,
    I'll never give you my young one.

Sleep, my child, in your mother's bed,
The wolf is howling, just let him.
But I'll give him a chicken shank,
That is if it has not been taken.
    Cry, wolf! cry, wolf, don't you come here,
    I'll never give you my young one.

Vargen ylar i nattens skog,
han vill men kan inte sova.
Hungern river hans vargabuk,
och det är kallt i hans stova.
    Du varg, du varg, kom inte hit,
    ungen min får du aldrig.

Vargen ylar i nattens skog,
ylar av hunger och klagan.
Men jag ska ge'n en grisasvans,
sånt passar i vargamagar.
    Du varg, du varg, kom inte hit,
    ungen min får du aldrig.

Vargen ylar i nattens skog,
och hittar sig inget byte.
Men jag ska ge'n en tuppakam,
att stoppa ner i sitt knyte.
    Du varg, du varg, kom inte hit,
    ungen min får du aldrig.

Sov, mitt barn, i bädden hos mor,
låt vargen yla i natten.
Men jag ska ge'n en hönsaskank,
om ingen annan har tatt 'en.
    Du varg, du varg, kom inte hit,
    ungen min får du aldrig.
Astrid Lindgren

Youtube video of Vargsången  the title says Astrid's Lullabies.

 - - - - - -

Topics for December:

Dec. 2 Beans
Dec. 9 A Bumpy Ride
Dec. 16 Recipe for Disaster
Dec. 23 Never Say Never and/or Christmas/Hanukkah
Dec. 30 All Done

Ulvesangen ~ Poetry Monday på dansk

If you only read English, please wait a bit, the English version will publish soon.

Om kort tid kommer dagens Poetry Monday, som er en engelsk gendigtning af Vargsången fra Ronja Røverdatter. Jeg troede jeg havde udgivet min oversættelse af Astrid Lindgrens vuggevise her på bloggen, men lige megt, hvor meget jeg leder, er den her ikke. Så for ikke at gøre Poetry Monday-opslaget alt for langt, kommer den danske udgave her lige inden.
     Det har altid undret mig at Ulvesangen blev kaldt en vuggevise, men måske er forklaringen den enkle, at det er en vuggevise for røvere, og røvere skal hærdes fra små.
     Vi får den først på svensk og så på dansk.

Vargen ylar i nattens skog,
han vill men kan inte sova.
Hungern river hans vargabuk,
och det är kallt i hans stova.
    Du varg, du varg, kom inte hit,
    ungen min får du aldrig.

Vargen ylar i nattens skog,
ylar av hunger och klagan.
Men jag ska ge'n en grisasvans,
sånt passar i vargamagar.
    Du varg, du varg, kom inte hit,
    ungen min får du aldrig.

Vargen ylar i nattens skog,
och hittar sig inget byte.
Men jag ska ge'n en tuppakam,
att stoppa ner i sitt knyte.
    Du varg, du varg, kom inte hit,
    ungen min får du aldrig.

Sov, mitt barn, i bädden hos mor,
låt vargen yla i natten.
Men jag ska ge'n en hönsaskank,
om ingen annan har tatt 'en.
    Du varg, du varg, kom inte hit,
    ungen min får du aldrig.
Vargsången skrevs av Astrid Lindgren till filmen Ronja Rövardotter som kom 1984

Ulven hyler i natmørk skov
Han vil, men kan ikke sove
Sulten river i ulvetarm,
det er koldt nattens skove.
  Du ulv, du ulv kom ikke her
  Ungen min får du aldrig

Ulven hyler i natmørk skov
Hyler så sulten og mager
men jeg vil gi ham en grisetå
det passer i ulvemaver.
  Du ulv, du ulv kom ikke her
  Ungen min får du aldrig

Ulven hyler i natmørk skov
han finder intet bytte.
Men jeg vil gi ham en hanekam
at æde i sin hytte.
  Du ulv, du ulv kom ikke her
  Ungen min får du aldrig

Sov mit barn i moders seng
Lad ulven hyle i natten
Men jeg vil gi han et hønseskank,
hvis ingen anden vil ha' den.
  Du ulv, du ulv kom blot ikke her
  Ungen min får du aldrig

søndag den 24. november 2024

Fires at Unicorn Farm ~ Part 3

Encouraged by Elephant's Child I sat myself down and wrote the last of the story. I am a stickler for happy endings, and this shows here.
And as I used my colour
Opal Pearl Green throughout this story I'll make it count for Colour24 as well

The magicians and apprentices sat around the table in the barn, all singed, smelling of smoke and damp clothing, but all very happy. The reason for the fires had not been a pyromaniac wizard or witch after all, Taavi told a long-winded story of one pyromaniac who ended up as a very good person, but nobody really listened.
Suddenly Tage raised his head and blurted out: "How did Kalle end up here!" He looked at Taavi, who gave him a stink eye. "Oh, sorry Taavi, I did not mean to interrupt," he added, I was just thinking ..."
"Or not," Taavi said. "Excuse accepted. And you pose a relevant question. Let's ask Kalle once again, what happened?"
"Yes ..." Kalle began. "I was asleep, as well I should be, at home in my own bed in Stockholm. Then I remember dreaming of a giant, shimmering opal green crocolisk eating up someone I did not recognize, wrapped up like a giant spring roll or something. I was afraid. I wondered what to do. Then I felt an almighty pulling sensation ... and I awoke in the middle of the corridor, my PJs on fire and Gilvi dousing me with water."
"You were afraid, and wondered what to do with a giant crocolisk!" Jon said slowly "... I think I know what happened." He looked at all the other magicians and apprentices at the table. "Now think. If you saw a humongous, shimmering green crocolisk - and a man-eating one even, what would you do?"
"Run," Tage said.
"Get mum and dad!" Heidi suggested.
"I'd go to ..." Susan began, then gasped, "... to the library!" she ended softly.
"Exactly!" Jon exclaimed, his white teeth showing in a big smile. "And that's what Kalle did. He sleep'ported here! Well done young man. You will probably have no trouble passing the teleportation test this term."
Kalle smiled a huge smile. "Oh I've been so afraid of flunking that test. All my cousins except for Britta who's the youngest, passed the test last term, and they have been teasing Anna and me relentlessly ever since."
"But I'll have to cast a spell on you to prevent repetitions. Just imagine you trying to slep'port to some imaginary place."
Kalle turned white and whispered: "Oh yes, please do. Even some real life places would not be that nice."

lørdag den 23. november 2024

Fires at Unicorn Farm ~ Part 2

On my way home from an errand, I suddenly knew - remembered - how this all ended. Here you are: Part two of the story of the fires at Unicorn Farm.

Gilvi left again and the others sat for long in the barn. The Nisser brought them cakes and hot tea and cocoa, only succeeding in making them all very sleepy. Kalle fell asleep, wrapped in a blanket, and the others dozed fitfully on the benches. They all dreamt vividly. Susan and Heidi woke up and looked at one another.
"The sprites?" Heidi asked.
"Yes," Susan replied, and with this they were off to the adjoining stables.
Kai woke with a start: "Hey Heidi .. and Susan! Stay here, Gilvi said ..." But before he could draw his wand or do anything else to prevent it the two girls had slipped into the stable.
Heidi almost fell up the three steps to the stables, where strange animals and food for all and sundry were being kept. They raced to where they had placed the big glass cage a few days earlier.
The roomy and beautiful glass cage was where they'd left it, but empty, except for a small fire flickering in a dull grey ring in the middle of the cage. The asbestos lattice covering it sat askew.
"They escaped!" Susan exclaimed.
"They sure did," Heidi replied. "Let's go find the twins, quick!"
With this Susan and Heidi ran each in a separate direction, Heidi ran into the Barn, waking up the others, and quickly explained what they had found out before speeding on. Susan took the small staircase leading from the stables to the library. There she met and almost ran into Martine: "It's the flame sprites doing it," she gasped, winded from running up the stairs. "Where's the Kuusisaari's?" "Tähti is in the library," Martine replied, "I think Taavi is downstairs. I'll get him!"
"Please do!" Susan said and ran towards the doors to the library. Smoke was still coming form in there.
"Hello," Tähti gasped through the smoke, "you're not supposed to be here, but please lend me a hand now that you are ... Slökkvid!" she cried as another small fire lit on the carpet.
"It's the fire sprites!" Susan said, "They have escaped." And interrupted by a few extinguishing spells, she quickly told Tähti what they has discovered. "Martine and Heidi are out there looking for Taavi as well."
"I'll find him." Tähti said, "you just stay here and extinguish any and all fires. You're free to use the mundane fire extinguisher on flames not in books - use your head!" And with this she flickered her wand and disappeared.
Sure that now Tähti, Taavi and the other teachers now would take care of the sprites, Susan sat to the task of keeping the books from burning. She soon realized that her magical powers would give out, and grasped the fire extinguisher from the hall. armed with this in her left hand and her wand in her right she kept the flames at bay. She felt more than saw Tue and Heidi coming in to help. Gratefully she concentrated on carpets, curtains and furniture with the extinguisher, leaving the magic to the older two.
Suddenly a keening sound penetrated the building, shaking it and them to their roots. "The Kuusisaari's are calling the Sprites home," Heidi said. "Thank God, I'm exhausted!"
They put out the last of the flames and almost fell into the old sofa. Soon Gilvi's face showed in the doorway: "Good job, all!" he said. "Down to the Barn now, time for a meal and an explanation or two."

... to be continued