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Digtet her er en reprise. Jeg bragte det første gang den 18. januar 2021, og anden gang, hvor jeg sammenlignede med en tidligere dansk oversættelse til vintersolhverv sidste år, men jeg synes nu bedst om min egen oversættelse, så det er hvad jeg bringer i dag. Jeg har lige forbedret et par af linkerne - i det mindste synes jeg, at det er en forbedring.
Vi har desværre ikke mere sne, der får træer, huse, hegn og mur til at se ud som kager med glasur. Jeg håber, det snart kommer igen, for det er meget bedre for humøret med sne til at lyse op i vintermulmet.
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This poem has been published once before January, 18, 2021, and again at Winter solstice last year. This time with an elder, Danish translation. I am brash enough to say that I like mine the best, so that's what you'll get today - I improved two of the lines, at least I found it to be an improvement.
Unfortunately we have no more snow to make tree and house, and hill and lake, look frosted like a wedding-cake. But I hope for the snow to return, as snow to light up our murky days are way better for the soul than rain and low clouds like today.
Winter-Time Late lies the wintry sun a-bed, A frosty, fiery sleepy-head; Blinks but an hour or two; and then, A blood-red orange, sets again. Before the stars have left the skies, At morning in the dark I rise; And shivering in my nakedness, By the cold candle, bathe and dress. Close by the jolly fire I sit To warm my frozen bones a bit; Or with a reindeer-sled, explore The colder countries round the door. When to go out, my nurse doth wrap Me in my comforter and cap; The cold wind burns my face, and blows Its frosty pepper up my nose. Black are my steps on silver sod; Thick blows my frosty breath abroad; And tree and house, and hill and lake, Are frosted like a wedding-cake. by Robert Louis Stevenson 1913 |
Vinterdag Først sent står vintersolen op, en gyldenhåret dovenkrop, der skinner et par timer kun for at forsætte så sit blund Og førend stjernen går sin vej, før morgengryet, vågner jeg Og frysende, på bare tæer klæder jeg mig på ved lampeskær Jeg varmer mine fingre lidt ved ilden her, som varmer hedt. Så i en rensdyrslæde går det rundt i verden udenfor. Før jeg går ud, bli'r jeg klædt på får vanter, jakke, hue på. Og vinden svider snart min kind snor sig som rim i næsen ind Mod sneen hvid står sorte skridt min ånde blæses hid og did. Og træer, huse, hegn og mur ser ud som kager med glasur. Charlotte Olden-Jørgensen, 2021 |
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Simply lovely. It is just after 4 in the morning and I am already hotter than I like so this really speaks to me today - both RLS"s poem and yours. Thank you.
SvarSletImagining snow on a hot day really helps, at least I have found it so. I love hot, and I love cold. So I'd be happy both places.
SletI like your poem better too, but can't imagine dressing by candlelight in the cold. I wonder sometimes how different my life might have been if my family had stayed in Germany. Would I still hate extreme cold?
SvarSletI have dressed by candlelight in the cold - just like in books, complete with nailheads with hoarfrost. It was kind of cosy really.
SletAnd as for not hating cold, depending on where in Germany your family came from. Many places are not very cold in winter. And cold and dry and no wind is actually hotter than drizzle, just above freezing and wind - which is what we are mostly treated to here in Denmark.
Hamburg. My father told once about skating along a frozen river to get to school.
SletHamburg, that's halfways to where I lived for a year in Germany. And the climate is very similar to mine, a bit more snow, because it's further inland, and a bit more dayligth because it's further south. But not much colder generally.
SletWe have winters like that, where we go skating on rivers and lakes, but they are the exception. Mostly we get a week of snow/frost and then back to drizzle and above zero like now.
I do like both.
SvarSletWe do not get much extreme cold here, but my hands stay cold a great deal of the time. I cannot imagine if we got snow, too, on a regular basis.
Snow does not necessarily mean colder. Here it can get as low as -20 (Celsius) , but normally -7 is as cold as it gets. When it snows, it's just below freezing and it is so pretty and quiet. I love it! And then there's no wind, so it actually feels more nice than +2, drizzle and windy.
SletThe humidity makes it much worse. People from Greeland moving here complain about the cold!