lørdag den 31. december 2022

Godt nytår -- Happy New Year

Med dette indlæg der tilfældigvis er nummer 2023, siger Uglemor godt nytår til alle.
I år begynder kaninens år.

-- 🎇 --

With this post, curiously it is post number 2023, MotherOwl wishes everybody a happy and prosperous New Year.
This year will be the year of the rabbit.

Nok engang har jeg forlystet mig med Jennifer Fulwilers helgengenerator. Den gode Jennifer har også lavet en årets ord-generator. Den måtte jeg også prøve. Resultatet ses herover.

-- 🎇 --

As most years I choose a saint, or rather two via the Saints' Names Generator made by Jennifer Fulwiler.
Jennifer has also made a word of the year generator. I just had to try it. The results can be seen above.

fredag den 30. december 2022

Fredagsfrustration :: Fyrværkeri, trafik og dyr

Friday Frustrations :: Fireworks, Traffic and Pets
🧨 -- For English - Scroll down  --  🧨

I nyhederne i onsdags kunne man læse det her:

Og det kan jeg faktisk godt forstå. Hvis jeg synes det var sjovt at fyre en masse fyrværkeri af, så ville jeg også føle mig fristet til at skrive noget hjem på postordre fra det store udland.
     Siden fyrværkeriulykken i Seest i 2004 er det bare blevet sværere og sværere at købe fyrværkeri for privatpersoner. Først blev tidsrummet begrænset og fyrværkeriet skulle opbevares i særlige containere, så det kun var de store supermarkeder der havde råd og energi til det osv osv. Nu skal jeg helt ud på Lars Tyndskids marker bag et byggemarked og stå i en forblæst kø for at købe - ikke engang store batterier eller mange raketter - nej jeg vil bare have et par fontæner, en million knaldperler og noget farvet røg og andet børne- og stråtagsvenligt fyrværkeri. Det store udtræk kan jeg nemlig beundre hos mine naboer.
     Der er mange - jeg ved ikke, om det er de fleste, men det er i hvert fald de mest højlydte, der arbejder på at få afskaffet fyrværkeri helt. Og hvorfor? Ikke på grund af skader på mennesker, ejendomme eller natur, næh fordi det skræmmer deres hunde og andre dyr.
     Og selvfølgelig skal man tage hensyn til dyr, og ikke skyde fyrværkeri af op ad en hestefold elle lignende. Men det er ved at tage overhånd. Folks "fur-babies" og dem, jeg kalder "de rigtige dyr" er ved at have forrang for mennesker og især børn.
     Det er det samme der skete, da kommunen ikke skulle slukke springvandet i den fælles sø, da vi havde en kuldeperiode. Vi var mange, der ønskede det, så børnene kunne stå på skøjter på isen. Men næh, nej, de ca. 20 ænder, der boede i dammen, havde forrang. Og der var endda en nabos', hvor de nævnte ænder bare kunne gå hen.
     Ænder, heste, hunde osv. har forrang frem for mennesker. Jeg skal være meget forsigtig, når jeg cykler gennem skoven for at handle. Hunde, enten uden snor (ulovligt, men alle gør det) eller i lange, lange snore, løber rundt på stierne, og jeg risikerer at blive væltet eller få snorene viklet ind i hjulet, hvis ikke folk er påpasselige. Og ve mig, hvis jeg tilfældigvis skræmmer en hest, der bruger trafikstierne i stedet for de bløde ridestier. Og der er ingen anden måde for mig at komme til byen på cykel på, hvis jeg ikke vil cykle på en meget smal, stærkt trafikeret vej, der bruges af rigtig mange busser og lastbiler - det vil jeg ikke, for jeg vil gerne nå frem og tilbage igen i live.

Tak for at lytte til mine sure bemærkninger.

English -- 🎇  --  🧨 -- 🎆 --  

Transcript of the news item from Wednesday:
Record amount of illegal fireworks confiscated this year
By Signe Julie Andersen

This year, the Customs Administration has confiscated a record amount of illegal firework

1.7 tonnes of illegal fireworks have been confiscated after attempts to smuggle them across the border to Denmark, the Danish Customs Agency announced on Wednesday.

The illegal fireworks were found from 1 January to 26 December, and a tally shows that the different types of illegal fireworks are mainly found in packages from postal and courier companies.

And I can actually understand that. If I thought it was fun to set off a lot of fireworks, I'd be tempted to order some home from abroad.
Since the fireworks accident in Seest in 2004 (an accident in a fireworks plant - where no-one was to blame, just a row of unfortunate circumstances) it's just got harder and harder to buy fireworks for ordinary people. First the time was limited and the fireworks had to be stored in special containers, so that only the big supermarkets could afford and have the energy for it etc etc. Now I have to go to the very outskirts of town, a fields behind a hardware store and stand in a wind-blown queue to buy - not even big batteries or lots of rockets - no, I just want a few fountains, a million firecrackers, some coloured smoke bombs and other child and thatched roof friendly fireworks. I can enjoy the big ones my neighbours set off.

There are many - I don't think they are a majority, but they are certainly the most vocal - who are working to abolish fireworks altogether.

And the reason fireworks should be forbidden? No, it's not because of the damage to people and property. It is because it scares their dogs and other animals.

And of course you should be considerate of animals, and not shoot off fireworks next to a horse stable, paddock or similar. But this is getting out of hand. People's "fur-babies" and those I call "the right animals" are taking precedence over human beings and especially children.

Like the community did not want to close down the fountain in the communal lake when we had a cold spell. We were many wanting this, so that the children could go skating on the ice. But no, the 20 or so ducks, living in the pond, had priority. And there was even a neighbouring body of water where said ducks could go.

This is a new fad. Ducks, horses, dogs and so on have priority over people. I am to be very careful when biking through the woods to go shopping. Dogs, either let off the leash (illegal, but everyone does this) or with those retractable leashes, run the paths, and I risk being knocked over or having the leash entangled in my wheels if the owners are not careful. And woe me if I happen to scare a horse using the traffic paths instead of the soft horse paths.But there is no other way for me to get to town by bike, if I won't bike on a very narrow, extremely busy road used by buses and lorries at all times - I won't, as I want to make it there and back again alive.

Thank you for listening to my rant.

Her købte jeg så mit fyrværkeri - på en mark hvor cirkus plejede at holde til - hos tre flinke og kompetente gutter. De kan varmt anbefales.

🧨 - - -  🧨

This is where I bought my fireworks. A shop in the middle of nowhere  - not really, it was closer to town than where I normallý have to go, and run by three highly competent and nice young fellows.

torsdag den 29. december 2022

Månedens farve - JANUAR - Colour of the Month

Månedens farve for januar 2023 er --  The colour of the month for January 2023 is

Jeg vil ikke prøve på at ramme denne farve præcist i mine fotografier, men noget, der ligner.

  -- 🎨 -- 

I am not going to try to match this colour perfetctly anywhere. But much dark green will happen.

onsdag den 28. december 2022

Words for Wednesday - December 28, 2022 - Aunt Jemima's Story 3

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.
  What we do with those prompts is up to us: a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore ...
  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

Elephant's Child who is supplying the prompts for the Wednesdays of December has given us these words for today:


And a photo:

I just plunge right in where I left off last Wednesday. As usual using the words in the order they were given:

"But yes," Kai continued, "he was a wonderful man. I do understand how Aunt Jemima fell in love with him. They were nothing if not resilient as long as they had one another. They took everything in stride, the death of their only daughter, Carl getting laid off more than once, every ill fortune was met with "It could have been worse." We had a hard time thinking it could have been. And Aunt Jemima's pain and loneliness after the unfortunate death of her beloved Carl is a valid excuse for her cool and reticent exterior. But inside she is still young, loving and kind. You just have to find your way in there. And I do not know how," Kai ended his tale and looked stiffly at the carpet below his feet.
Tage broke the awkward silence: "Look!" He said very loud in the silence. "Look! There's a double rainbow out there. It is a good omen!"

tirsdag den 27. december 2022

En farve om måneden - 2023 - A colour a Month

I 2021 havde Jude fra Travel Worlds en udfordring der hed Life in Colour. En farve pr. måned, og det var sjov at forsøge at kombinere den både med Søndagsbilleder, og hvad der ellers foregik af billedindlæg her på bloggen.
     Af og til var den første søndag, hvor Jude afslørede månedens farve, lige sent nok. Det kunne jo være så sent som den 7. i måneden, og nogen gange havde jeg lige set noget, der ville have passet perfekt et par dage forinden.
      Og det ser også ud til at Jude opgav ideen igen - der skete i hvert fald ikke noget lignende i 2022.
     Forleden faldt jeg over en Random Colour Generator, der med et tryk på en knap gav mig en ny farve. Jeg trykkede så på knappen 12 gange - en for hver måned. Faktisk trykkede jeg hele 13 gange, da en af farverne var en genganger. Resultatet ses her til højre. Der er ret mange grønne farver, men de er alligevel forskellige.
     I 2023 vil jeg poste den kommende måneds farve en af de sidste dage i måneden forud. Ydermere vil "farvekortet" her ligge nederst i højre sidepanel.
Hvis der er nogen, der har lyst til at lege med, er de velkomne. Læg et link i kommentarerne, så vi kan komme og se.

Opdateret: Jeg kan se, at jeg har været for uklar.
     Hver 1. søndag i måneden - i det indlæg der hedder Søndagsbilleder - vil jeg have et eller flere billeder der indeholder månedens farve.
     Om den også kommer med de andre søndage og i andre indlæg, vil tiden vise. Hvis I vil lege med, kan I tagge jeres post med Colour23 eller #Colour23 for andre sociale medier og linke tilbage til det indlæg hvor månedens farve afsløres. 

  -- 🎨 -- 

In 2021 Jude of Travel Worlds had a challenge called Life in Colour. A colour a month, posted the first Sunday of each month. I found it fun trying to combine the monthly colour with Sunday Selection and what else possible on this blog. A stumbling blog to me was, that the first Sunday was a bit late to know the colour, some months the first Sunday is almost a week in, some months the flowers, leaves, whatever fitting the colour had passed their prime just a short while earlier.

Also it seems that Jude gave up on this fun challenge. At least no Life in Colour challenge came up for 2022. Hence, when I found the  Random Colour Generator, I pressed the Generate a colour button 12 times. One for each month of 2023. Actually I pressed the button 13 times, as one colour was a repeat. The result can be seen to the right. Green is overrepresented, but the greens are all different, so I kept them. 

I will be posting the Colour of the month on one of the last days of the previous month, but you will also find the colour swatches in my right sidebar.

If anybody wants to play along I would be happy. Comment on the monthly Colour of the month post so that we can find our way to your blog.

UPDATE: I see now that I have been to vague. The first Sunday of each month, for Sunday Selections, I am going to post one or more photos containing the Colour of the Month. I am going to label / tag them Colour23.

How to play along: If you want to play along, please label your posts with the same label Colour23 (or tag#Colour23 for other social media) and link back to my post revealing the monthly colour.

mandag den 26. december 2022

Poetry Monday :: Candy Canes

Poetry Monday is hosted by Diane, and she and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings are always posting wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is on a blog break. Her inspiring poetry is sorely missed, we hope she comes back soon.

This Mondays topic is
Candy Canes.
In "big words" I wrote a contrafactum.
Enjoy or not as you find good.
Merry and blessed Christmas to each an all of my readers.

Ode to the Candy Cane
Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
You are a thing of Christmas
And I love every inch of you
Your stripes, your curves, your colours too.
Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
You are a thing of Christmas

Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
Your colours are so pretty.
So green, so re, so pearly white
I love you, every lick and bite
Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
Your colours are so pretty.

Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
Your flavour is delicious.
Of tastiness you pack a punch
And I love you when you go "crunch".
Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
Your flavour is delicious.

Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
I know where you are hiding.
I pick you off the branches green
Enjoy you in the candles' sheen
Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
I know where you are hiding.

Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
You are a thing of Christmas
And when you're no more to be found
I know next year you'll hang around.
Oh Candy Cane, oh Candy Cane,
You are a thing of Christmas.

 - - - - -

Next Mondays topic: Treasure

lørdag den 24. december 2022

Glædelig jul!

Glædelig Jul
-- Merry Christmas --
Frohe Weihnachten
-- Feliz Navidad --
Hyvää Joulua
-- Wesołych Świąt --

     Dette er et "automatisk" indlæg. Lige nu er gåsen i ovnen, Skribenten hentede den i går nede på gården, den er stoppet med æbler og svesker af egen avl, rødkålen står og luner, den er også hjemmelavet, men ikke hjemmedyrket.
     Ugleungerne pynter træet med hjælp af storesøster, der er hjemme i julen og Hvalrossen og Uglemormor snakker over en kop kaffe. Alle julegaverne, der i år er færre, men til gengæld større, er pakket ind, parat til at komme under træet. Kalenderlys og adventskrans brænder for at indhente sig selv og Trolden spiller på klaveret for os.
     Måske farer Uglemor rundt og leder efter en enkelt gave, der er blevet væk. I løbet af året køber jeg gode gaver, når jeg ser dem, og gemmer dem et godt sted, væk fra Ugleungernes nysgerrige øjne og pillende fingre. Af og til med det resultat at de er væk. Helt væk. Et år var der en julegave, der først dukkede op til midsommer.
- - - - - - - - - -

Right now the advent candles are burning to catch up. The goose is in the oven, the Writer got it yesterday from a nearby farm, it is stuffed with prunes and homegrown apples. We also eat red cabbage cooked with vinegar, redcurrant jam, sugar, salt and spices. This concoction is heating and the potatoes are boiling. Later some of them will be glazed in honey.

The Owlets are decorating the tree, helped by their big sister and her children. The Walrus is keeping GrannyOwl company over a cup of coffee, and Trolli is playing the piano. MotherOwl is searching for the last of the presents to wrap. I always find such good gifts during the year, and then hide them where curious Owlets do not look. Often I forget where that special place was, and some years gifts has totally disappeared, not showing up until midsummer.

After eating all this good stuff, we'll dance around the tree singing Christmas carols and hymns. Then the gifts will be opened, one at a time with everyone looking, it takes a long time in our big family. Then we'll eat dessert - risalamande with cherry sauce and hope for Trolli to get the hidden almond, as the gift is a book he wants. (Donald Duck Christmas Classics - From all of us to all of you). Then we all look at, play with and admire gifts, eat some more candy, look longingly in the crib where no Christ child is yet to be seen. He is not there until midnight. Christmas day we'll go to mass, talk with friends and wish them a blessed Christmas.

torsdag den 22. december 2022


 Maybe a bit too early, but Elephant's Child made me think of this:

As long as we can laugh about it!

onsdag den 21. december 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Aunt Jemima revisited

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.
  What we do with those prompts is up to us: a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore ...
  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

Elephant's Child who is supplying the prompts for the Wednesdays of December has given us these words for today


I made it! It's Wednesday for 33 more minutes!
My never-ending story of Susan and her exploits just got a new chapter.

Kai, Susan, Heidi, Lis and Tage sat in the living room of the Magician's cottage, Sandra was at work, and the children had kept Kai to his promise of telling as much as he knew about aunt Jemima.
First Susan and Heidi told about the visit to aunt Jemima's old house and of the faerie-trap.
Then Kai took over: "My mother, your grandmama of course was a witch as well" Kai explained,  "and Jemima was her sister. When she went and fell in love with Mr. Carl Carlsen her mother and father, my grandparents, were not happy."
"Why not?" Lis asked. "After what Susan and Heidi have told us, he was a really great wizard, and a good man too."
"He was, but they did not know, and he seemed so ordinary. They judged him by his name - aunt Jemima still is a chip off the old block, remember how she questioned Susan upon her arrival?" They all nodded, and Kai continued: "Anyway, they sent aunt Jemima off on a holiday to make her forget her Carl, which of course she did not do, and they wrote letters to one another each and every day. I dare bet those letters are still somewhere in the house. When the faeries all have left, we'll have to go there."
"When will this be?"Heidi asked.
"In a couple of months," Kai answered. "I'll look now and then if I can have Susan's stone."
"You can," Susan said, and handed him the stone.
"Let me continue aunt Jemima's story. She returned home from her holidays, and it was clear that she and Carl had not kept away from one another. In other words. Aunt Jemima was pregnant. Her parents were not totally ruthless, and the two married very fast. The child, a charming girl, unfortunately did not live very long. She died when the gallery in a church fell down and buried her in the rubble. They never had any more children. Aunt Jemima and uncle Carl then proceeded to purchase the house they lived in to his death. They also bought an old car, called The Machine by the rest of the family, because that house was really far away from everything back then ... it still is," he added thoughtfully.
"Uncle Carl was a fabulous artisan. I still have a tiny carpet he made for me as a birthday gift. He stitched every stitch himself, and it looks like a dream still ..
"I dare bet it is a flying carpet," Heidi said.
"That's wishful thinking, Heidi." Kai said. "It has lain in front of my bed ever since, and nary a motion form it. But for him inventing, rugmaking and wizardry were all forms of art. He tried to combine all these things, maybe he did try to re-invent flying carpets, but he died in an accident when Lis and Tage were small. Do you still remember him?"
"I think so, wasn't he always smiling, rotund, and with a grand beard!" Lis said, while Tage answered: "Maybe. Handsome, smiling, beard, a bit like Santa?"
"You two!" Kai said in mock despair. "A father needs more than one brain to be your father."
   to be continued ...

Vintersolhverv - Winter Solstice

Jeg ved godt, at der er onsdag. Onsdagsord kommer senere. For i dag er det vintersolhverv!
I dag er dagen 7 timer og 1 minut lang. Solen står op klokken 8:37 og går allereden ned igen klokken 15:39. Det er herligt, at vide, at dagene bliver længere fra i dag, selvom vi altså ikke kan se det endnu. Eftersom dette er skrevet inden solopgang, er billedet fra i går - jeg tænker ikke, i dag bliver mere opløftende. 
~ ~ ~  ~
I know it's Wednesday. But Words for Wednesday will just have to wait, for today is winter solstice! Today our day is at its shortest. We have 7 hours and 1 minute of daylight - The sun rises at 8:37 and sets again at 15:39. It is dark, wet and dreary. I am happy that the days are getting longer from today, even if we cannot see it for some time to come yet. As it's still before sunrise, the photo is from yesterday. I think today will look much the same.

Billedet er taget kl. 11.14 Al den dejlige sne er smeltet 
Photo taken at 11.14. All the wonderful snow has melted.

Digtet her er en reprise. Jeg bragte det første gang den 18. januar 2021. Dengang lovede jeg at fortælle, hvis jeg fandt Pixibogsudgaven. Det glemte jeg vist, for jeg kan ikke finde noget som helst. Jeg fik altså oversættelsen fra Pixibogen med god hjælp. Her er så en sammenligning. I al ubeskedenhed kan jeg altså bedst lide min egen oversættelse!
~ ~ ~ ~
This poem has been published once before  January, 18, 2021, with the promise of a follow up and a  comparison when I found the original Danish translation. Well I did find it - with some help from nice people! - some time ago even, but it seems I forgot to post about it. Here it is. The original poem, the old Danish translation, and mine. I am brash enough to say that I like mine the best

Late lies the wintry sun a-bed,
A frosty, fiery sleepy-head;
Blinks but an hour or two; and then,
A blood-red orange, sets again.
Before the stars have left the skies,
At morning in the dark I rise;
And shivering in my nakedness,
By the cold candle, bathe and dress.
Close by the jolly fire I sit
To warm my frozen bones a bit;
Or with a reindeer-sled, explore
The colder countries round the door.
When to go out, my nurse doth wrap
Me in my comforter and cap;
The cold wind burns my face, and blows
Its frosty pepper up my nose.
Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house, and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a wedding-cake.
by Robert Louis Stevenson 1913
Det er vinter
Først sent står vintersolen op,
en rød og frossen dovenkrop,
den blinker svagt en times tid
og gemmer sig så under dynen hvid
Før stjernerne himlen har forladt,
og det er mørkt, som var det nat
vågner jeg op og klæder mig på
og ryster af kulde fra top til tå.
Jeg sætter mig med min mælkekop
ved ilden og varmer min frosne krop;
drager derefter med rensdyrslæde,
vinterfrakke og halstørklæde
ud i den øde vildmark på togt,
studerer hver bakke, hver dal, hver slugt.
Isvinden bider i mine kinder
Rødt min næse af kulde skinner.
Mine spor i den hvide jord er sorte,
mine spor i den hvide sne er korte,
Og træer og bakker og huse og tage
er hvidfrosne som en bryllupskage.
Erik Thygesen, 1967
Først sent står vintersolen op,
en gyldenhåret dovenkrop,
der skinner et par timer kun
for at forsætte så sit blund
Og førend stjernen går sin vej,
før morgengryet, vågner jeg
Og frysende, på bare tæer
klæder jeg mig på ved lampeskær
Jeg sidder tæt på ilden tit
tør mine frosne lemmer lidt.
Så i en rensdyrslæde går
det rundt i verden udenfor.
Før jeg går ud, bli'r jeg klædt på
får vanter, jakke, hue på.
Og vinden svider snart min kind
snor sig som rim i næsen ind
Mod sneen hvid står sorte skridt
min ånde blæses hid og did.
Og træer, huse, hegn og mur
ser ud som kager med glasur.
Charlotte Olden Jørgensen, 2021

mandag den 19. december 2022

Poetry Monday :: Muffin

Poetry Monday is hosted by Diane, and she and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who supplies us with many of the topics - are also writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, was slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. But then a humongous storm blew past and interrupted the flow of electricity and it seems Jenny never really got back after this. Let's hope there's nothing worse happening than a break, and let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. Let us hope that she will return to blogging and maybe eventually join Poetry Monday again, she, and her wit and positive energy is sorely missed.

Today I do not function well. I'm having a headache, and every time I think "Muffin" the only thing surfacing is these two lines which is all I remember from a crazy song my daughter and her classmates made up when she went to school in Salzgitter-Lebenstedt, Germany (2003-2004):

Wir sitzen im Kreis und teilen ein Glas Gurken
denn wir sind Superhelden und bekämpfen allen bösen Schurken

We're siting in a circle and share a glass of gherkins
For we are super-heroes and are fighting all the evil villains

If Iris Flavia of Double-Half or One Ten without ham is reading this, please correct and tell anything you might know about this.

The MUFFINS did however inspire me to a drawing for the Simple Daily Drawing challenge.

My other drawings for this challenge - bad and not so bad - can be seen on my drawing blog: Uglemor tegner, where we also meet Habakuk and his wife Abelone, and now and then a Droplet or two.

- - - - - 

Next Monday: Candy Canes

søndag den 18. december 2022

Søndagsbilleder ~ Stadig sne :: Sunday Selection ~ Still Snowy

Endnu et par dage, i dag søndag og i morgen, mandag, formiddag får vi smukt vintervejr. Så vender det kedelige "ingentingvejr" med skyer, regn og gråt tilbage. Bare se på vejrmeldingen her ... suk. Alle sneuglerne sidder trist tilbage og tuder. 

Men i dag kunne vi nyde det!

Data: DMI, Grafik: BedreVejr
Today and tomorrow, Monday, we will still be treated to nice winter weather. Then it ends, and grey, dreary, low clouds and rain will be taking over. MotherOwl and the other SnowOwls are quite sad. Look at what's in the future according to DMI.

But today we enjoyed.

Hov, hvor er fuglene? Jeg står og ser på dem, længe. Men i det øjeblik, jeg tager mit kamera - vupti, ikke en fugl i syne!

And where are the birds? I stand for long, just looking at them. But the second I grab  my camera. Voila, not a bird in sight!

Snefeer danser på engen.

The snow fairies are dancing in the meadows.

--- ❅ ---

Og byens juletræ. Det er pænere med lys på, indrømmet. Men hvorfor katten kan vi ikke bare få et rigtigt træ?

And the tree in town now lit, which absolutely is an improvement. But drat it, why can't we just have a real tree?

Og lad os ende med noget smukt. Mere sne og en sjagger

Let's end on a positive note. More snow and a fieldfare!

Glædelig 4. søndag i advent -- Happy 4th Sunday of Advent

fredag den 16. december 2022

Fredagsfrustration :: Allergier, intolerancer og ideologier

--- For English  -- Friday Frustrations, Allergies, intolerances and Ideologies -- scroll way down ---

Det er efterhånden længe siden jeg rigtig har skrevet om FODMAPdiæten her på bloggen. Ikke fordi jeg ikke bruger den længere, tværtimod, den er blevet så selvfølgelig for mig, at det næsten virker underligt at skrive om den. Men de seneste par dage har jeg oplevet nogle ting, der har fået mig til at tænke ...

--- 🍎🍏 ---

     For nogle dage siden var jeg på indkøb og overvejede jeg og jeg skulle blande mig en pose bland-selv slik, men jeg orkede ikke at læse mig igennem alle ettiketterne med småt tryk, forvirrende skrifftyper og i underlige vinkler i min søgen efter HVEDEMEL og MÆLK - der godt nok som her er skrevet med store bogstaver eller med fedt, eller unerstreget, eller kursiv, eller ... - og især efter sorbitol der også gemmer sig under E-420 og på ingen måde fremhæves, fordi Fødevarestyrelsen har talt. *)
     Så blev jeg opmærksom på en far, der stod med sine børn og blandede slik. Han formanede gentagne gange børnene til kun at vælge dem med de grønne cirkler på. Jeg kiggede nærmere og så, at der øverst i kanten af hver etiket var en række forskelligfarvede bobler, en med Laktosefri, en grøn med Vegansk, en med Gelatinefri, og en med Glutenfri, tror jeg nok.
     Det vil så sige at det er nemmere at være veganer eller muslim end FODMAP-intolerant når man vil blande slik.

Den anden ting, der skete, var at jeg har sovet meget afbrudt i nat, er rendt på toilettet flere gange i løbet af formiddagen, og at min hjerne føles som om den er pakket ind i vat (Brain fog hedder det vist nok). Og hvorfor? Jo, fordi et af de mærker af karry, vi plejer at bruge, har ændret deres indhold, så karryen nu også indeholder kanel, allehånde og hvidløgspulver. Det er denne sidste ingrediens (et høj-FODMAP-produkt), der er skyld i mine trængsler.
     I nogle andre lande har man en FODMAPmærkning - der vel snarere er en antiFODMAPmærkning. Nøj, hvor ville jeg gerne se den her i landet!

Mærket her forestiller to sammenslyngede F'er der står for FODMAP Friendly.

 - - - - - - - - - - Alt det tekniske - - - - - - - - - -

*) Om både konsistens- og sødemidler står der på Fødevarestyrelsens hjemmeside:

Allergi og overfølsomhed
Konsistensmidler forbindes ikke med allergi eller overfølsomhed.
Specifikt om E-420 / Sorbitol står der:

Stabiliserer og blødgør fødevarers konsistens. Bruges desuden som erstatning for sukker. Må bruges i alle de fødevarer, der generelt må indeholde tilsætningsstoffer, dvs. alle forarbejde fødevarer undtagen drikkevarer. Bruges typisk i is for at undgå udkrystallisering og gøre konsistensen mere blød. Forekommer naturligt i mange frugter, som fx rønnebær, æbler og pærer. 

--- 🍎🍏 ---

Og jeg repeterer lige de 14 "fornemme" allergener, som Fødevarestyrelsen har besluttet, bør fremhæves:
Glutenholdige kornprodukter (hvede, rug, byg, havre), krebsdyr, æg, fisk, jordnødder, soja, mælk (herunder laktose). nødder, selleri, sennep, sesamfrø, svovldioxid og sulfitter, lupin og bløddyr.

--- 🍎🍏 ---

FODMAP er et akronym for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-, And Polyols (Fermenterbare Oligo-, Di-, Monosaccharider og Polyoler)

Oligosaccharider: Fruktaner og GOS - findes i fødevarer som hvede, rug, løg, hvidløg, bønner og bælgfrugter.

Disaccharider: Laktose - findes i mejeriprodukter som mælk, bløde oste og yoghurt - jo federe, jo bedre, laktose er vandopløseligt, som alle sukkerstoffer. Og laktose findes i al mælk, det er ikke bedre med gelemælk, fåremælk eller andre pattedyrs mælk.

Monosaccharider: Fructose - findes i flydende honning, æbler, osv.

Polyoler: Sorbitol og alle andre sukkeralkoholer, hvis navn ender på -ol.

Også sødestoffer som inulin og stivelser som carageenan er FODMAP-stoffer - jeg kan bare ikke huske, om de er polyoler eller oligosaccharider. 

--- 🍎🍏 ---

Og så er der krydsreaktionerne med birkepollen, som er den mest almindelige pollenallergi i Danmark.
Her der vigtigste: Gulerod, abrikos, blomme, kirsebær, kiwi, nektarin, fersken, pære, æble, kartoffel, tomat, peberfrugt, ærter og selleri, jordnødder, hasselnødder, mandler, cashewnødder, valnødder, paranødder, pistacier, pekannødder, macadamianød

--- 🍎🍏 ---

Jeg har kigget på tallene. De er omtrentlige, men jeg tror ikke, at de er meget forkerte. 12-15 % lider af en form for pollenallergi, og mellem 60 og 70 % af dem har krydsreaktioner. Hvis jeg stadig kan regne, betyder det, at ca. 10% af befolkningen lider af krydsreaktioner alene med birkepollen. Det er en hel del mennesker, der hver eneste dag kæmper med de små, ulæselige bogstav i indholdsfortegnelserne.

Ca. 1 % lider af cøliaki og 3-4 % af laktoseintolerance. Det betyder, at antallet af "krydsregerende" er omkring det dobbelte. Men i det mindste her i Danmark er allergier og intolerancer ikke fancy. Og derfor beder jeg simpelthen om, at alle ingredienser listes op med pæne, læselige bogstaver.

- - - - - - - - - - PÅ ENGELSK  - - - - - - - - -  IN ENGLISH  - - - - - -

It's been a long time since I've written about the FODMAP diet here on the blog. Not because I don't use it anymore, on the contrary, it has become second nature to me, and it almost feels strange to write about it. But the last few days I've experienced some things that have made me think ...

--- 🍎🍏 ---

A few days ago, I was shopping and thinking about mixing myself a bag of pick'n'mix sweets, but I couldn't stand the prospect of reading through all the labels in small print, confusing fonts and at odd angles in my search for  FLOUR and MILK - which at least as shown are written in either capitals, or bold, or italics, or underlined, or ... and especially sorbitol, which also hides under E-420 and is in no way highlighted because the FDA has spoken. *)

Then I became aware of a father standing with his children mixing sweets. He repeatedly admonished the children to choose only those with the green blops on them. I looked closer and saw that at the top of each label was a row of different coloured bubbles, one with Lactose Free, one green with Vegan, one with Gelatine Free, and one with Gluten Free, I think.

This means that it is easier to be vegan or Muslim than FODMAP intolerant when buying sweets.

The other thing that happened was that I came from a night of broken sleep and a morning spent on urgent trips to the bathroom, plus a severe attack of brain fog. And why? Because one of the brands of curry we usually use has changed their contents so that the curry now also contains cinnamon, allspice, and garlic powder. It is this last ingredient (a high-FODMAP product**)) that caused my woes.

--- 🍎🍏 ---

In some other countries they have a FODMAP label - which is really more like an anti FODMAP label. Oh, how I'd love to see it in my country as well!

The label here depicts two intertwined F's that stand for FODMAP Friendly.

 - - - - - - - - All the technical stuff - - - - - - - - -

*) About both consistency and sweeteners is on the Food Administration's website:

Allergy and hypersensitivity
Sweeteners are not associated with allergies or sensitivities.

Specifically about E-420 / Sorbitol it says:

Stabilises and softens the texture of foods. Also used as a substitute for sugar. May be used in all foods that may generally contain additives, i.e. all processed foods except beverages. Typically used in ice cream to prevent crystallisation and soften the texture.  

Naturally occurs in many fruits, such as currants, apples and pears.

--- 🍎🍏 ---

And I'm just repeating the 14 "lah-di-dah" allergens that the FDA has decided should be highlighted:
Cereals containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats), crustaceans, eggs, fish, peanuts, soya, milk (including lactose). nuts, celery, mustard, sesame seeds, sulphur dioxide and sulphites, lupin and molluscs.

--- 🍎🍏 ---

FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Monosaccharides, And Polyols

Oligosaccharides: fructans and GOS - found in foods such as wheat, rye, onions, garlic, beans and legumes.

Disaccharides: lactose - found in dairy products like milk, soft cheeses and yoghurt - the fatter the better, lactose is water soluble, like all sugars. And lactose is found in all milk, it's no better with jelly milk, sheep's milk or other mammalian milk.

Monosaccharides: fructose - found in liquid honey, apples, etc.

Polyols: Sorbitol and all other sugar alcohols ending in -ol.

Also sweeteners like inulin and starches like carageenan are FODMAPs - I just can't remember where they fit in.

--- 🍎🍏 ---

And then there are the cross-reactions with birch pollen, which is the most common pollen allergy in Denmark.
Here are the most important ones: Carrot, apricot, plum, cherry, kiwi, nectarine, peach, pear, apple, potato, tomato, bell pepper, pea and celery, peanut, hazelnut, almond, cashew, walnut, Brazil nut, pistachio, pecan, and macadamia nut

--- 🍎🍏 ---

I looked up the numbers. They are approximate, but I think not off the mark by much. 12-15% suffers from some kind of pollen allergy and between 60 and 70 % of those have cross reactions. If I still can do maths this means around 10% of the population is suffering from cross reactions from Birch pollens alone. This is quite a lot of people fighting the small, illegible letter in the tables of contents every single day.

Around 1 % suffers from Celiac disease and 3-4 % from lactose intolerance. This means that the number of "cross reactors" are around double these numbers. But at least here in Denmark allergies and intolerances are not fancy. And that is why I simply ask for all ingredients to be listed in nice, readable letters.

--- 🍎🍏 ---

torsdag den 15. december 2022

Words for Wednesday - December 14.

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.
  What we do with those prompts is up to us: a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore ...
  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

Elephant's Child who is supplying the prompts for the Wednesdays of December has given us these words for today


This time only a short glimpse of Susan back at Unicorn Farm, picking fruits for Tom, the gardener who's an efreet - at least half an efreet. And as usual I took up the additional challenge to use the words in the order they were given.

Susan had to wash her hands again and again. Yet she still felt sticky from the fresh fruit. It was sticky in the extreme, their jelly like interior having spilled over her hands and sleeves when it broke open during picking. The branches had a funny, splotchy look, and Tom, the gardener had told her that these trees did exfoliate. Which was the same as moulting in a bird or shedding in horses and dogs.
Finally she felt clean and returned to the picking. It was a relaxing task to find the pure yellow fruits and snap their thick stems. Tom told in his very short way that they drew even more minerals from the soil than any tree in the citrus family.
They did not look like citruses at all to Susan, but then Tom had not said that they were citruses, only compared them to one another. She had to find the small label when she as done picking.

Commenting ... maybe a solution

I complained in the Blogger community over the many changes to Blogger - and a helpful user answered me there. He furthermore told me that many of the commenting issues Elephant's Child and other are having could be due to the fact that modern browsers disable these two browser settings as default - and sometimes re-disable then when they update:
- Save Cookies
- Allow 3rd party website tracking
And as these settings are the two main reasons for issues with commenting, I recommend that you check them out - alternately have someone tech savvy to teach you how to do (it's not that difficult, but differnt from browser to browser) so you know where to look after an update to change them back.

tirsdag den 13. december 2022

Z ~A :: Zip through Autumn ~ 9 - Updated again

Dec 7- Dec  13 ~ Dare, Chance
Dare For once I dare post something political on my blog. We had an election, now over a month ago. The prime minister - Mette Frederiksen. leader of the social democrats - said that her aim was a new government, spanning the middle.
This Wednesday the last real left-wing party left the discussions. Now we're probably in for four years of centre-right government. And although blue is my favourite colour, I'm NOT happy.

If I had the Chance, I would take all the immigrants and refugees in Denmark and their children, and give them 2 weeks of holidays somewhere nice. Preferably starting last Monday (a week ago yesterday)
Because then all those blue nincompoops could see how they really are living off the work of all those people.

There would be:
- almost no cabs to be had
- almost no meals at restaurants - and NO clean plates
- almost no mail
- almost no packages and goods delivered
- almost no care of senior citizens
- almost no cleaning of schools etc.
- almost no fast food to be had either.
- a great lack of nurses and doctors
- architects and engineers too.
and lots and lots of other things.

But I am not really surprised, only disappointed that Mette Frederiksen is living up to my worst expectations.

If you want to know why I am not surprised. I read an interview with her when she still was prime minister. Among other things she said this: 
Source: TV 2 16. marts 2021

Deportation  rules as strict as possible
Mette Frederiksen replies that she hopes her own government and all future governments will do all they can to deport criminals who are no longer allowed to stay in Denmark. 

- I am in favour of as strict deportation rules as possible.

At the same time, she stresses that Denmark is obliged to comply with the international conventions. 

- But I simply disagree with the international conventions in this matter.

Yes, giving in to the radical right is THE way to be a social-democrat in Denmark.

-- --  UPDATE December 13 -- --

Now the last of the non-rigthwing parties has left the negotiations:

'Unfortunately the prospects are pitch-black'
By Frederik Palle

The Radical Left Party (Not a radical party at all, only very moderately left, environmentally aware party) are out of the government negotiations, and thus much suggest that Denmark's future government will consist of the Social Democrats, Venstre (meaning Left, but they are not left at all. Conservative-liberal, agrarian party) and the Moderates (who are not moderate, but a clone of Venstre).

As expected, this is not received with big smiles by SF (Socialist people's party) and Enhedslisten (means Unity/united-list; red-greens).

Jacob Mark, SF's group vice-chairman, calls it "a myth" that a SVM (the one it is going to be) government would be strong just because it has a majority.

- Denmark is about to have a centre-right government led by the Social Democrats, even if there is a red-green majority. It is incomprehensible and I hope that Mette Frederiksen comes to her senses and returns to the majority that has done so many good things over the past four years, he writes on Twitter.

The Greens' political spokesperson, Mai Villadsen, believes that a SVM government will have consequences for the climate.

- Mette Frederiksen has repeatedly said that she only became green because she was pressured to it by the four parties. Enhedslisten, Alternativet, SF and De Radikale. Today, the last of those parties left the government negotiations. Unfortunately, the prospects are now pitch-black, she writes on Twitter.

I'm just happy that the populist, immigrant-hostile parties are also out of the negotiations.

UPDATE 2 -- December 14.
And yes, as I feared, those three Centre-rigth parties are to be our government for the coming four years. Already they have promised to:
- lower the taxes for the richest,
- put more pressure on immigrants to get them working more and earlier,
- incite older people to stay in work life for longer,
- to lessen chance of higher education for the poorest,
- make shorter, more business oriented highter educations,
- make new taxes on agriculture, but only if they do not lessen their rentability,
- restructure the service for the unemployed to save money,
- give more money faster for military purposes,
- give less money to museums and other cultural institutions (Leading to throwing out of exhibits, because they do not have money for storage and repair),
- lower the possibility for part time employment,

And the good ones:
- More money for the hospitals, for the ER, now.
- More money for the mentally ill, mostly children - a commission will be looking into this.

-- 🇦 -- 🇧 -- 🇨 --

Zip through Autumn:
Here's a list of dates and prompts. We're almost done by now.
Sept 21- 27 ~  Zero excuses, Yearn to
Sept 28- Oct 4 ~ Xenodochy in blogging, Why blog
Oct 5- Oct 11 ~  Variety, Unique to my blog
Oct 12- Oct 18 ~ Ten-year plan, SMART goals

Oct 19- Oct 25 ~ Recommend, Questions for visitors
Oct 26- Nov 1 ~ Priorities, Open
Nov 2- Nov 7 ~ Never blog this, Motivating
Nov 9- Nov 15 ~ Lesson, Know where I've been
Nov 16- Nov 22 ~ Joy and Job in blogging, Ideas
Nov 23- Nov 29 ~ Happy Habits, Goal of your blog for remaining 2022
Nov 30- Dec 6 ~ Fortitude, Easy tips

Dec 7- Dec  13~ Dare, Chance
Dec 14- Dec 20 ~ Balance, Achievements in 2022

mandag den 12. december 2022

Poetry Monday :: Potted Plants

Poetry Monday is hosted by Diane, and she and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who supplies us with many of the topics - are also writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, was slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. But then a humongous storm blew past and interrupted the flow of electricity and it seems Jenny never really got back after this. Let's hope there's nothing worse happening than a break, and let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. Let us hope that she will join Poetry Monday again, she is missed.

This time you'll have two shorties, a WordLit and a Haiku.

Potted plants growing
in my rooms. Green in winter
and brown in summer.

 - - - - -
Next Mondays topic is: Muffins.

New Blogger!

Today I deletes a bog post - It went into the trash-bin. Blogger has a trash-bin now, so accidentally deleted posts can be saved!

And I would have praised the spam filters for not catching any of you regular bloggers, but this morning, for the first time in over three weeks - I had to release Messymimi's comments from spam-limbo.

Also the feed-back gadget is renewed, but awry. I hope this is a work in progress.

-- -- -- --

Dagens gode nyhed, Blogger har nu en papirkurv, hvor de indlæg, man uforvarende er kommet til at slette, ligger. Og de kan fiskes ud igen!:

Og så ville jeg have rost spamfilteret. For det er nu over tre uger siden at jeg har måttet redde nogle kommentarer ud. Men så i morges var hele tre as Messymimis kommentarer fanget igen, så rosen må vente.

Og så er der sket noget med feed-back funktionen. Den er blevet fornyet, men virker ikke helt endnu. Jeg håber, der sker noget på den front.

søndag den 11. december 2022

Sunday selections :: Let it SNOW!

Sidste uge - 🕯🕯- Last week

På indkøb - Vores rådhus. - 6. december - Shopping - Our Town hall!

Kvart i fire - på vej hjem med bussen - 6. december - A quarter to four - on my way home by bus

Det sneede! - 7. december - Let it snow!

Snefnuggene blev hængt op - 7. december - Someone hung the snow ornaments

og vi fik snevafler - 7. december - and we had snow waffles

Dem her kom indenfor. Der var is i sodavandene
- 7 december -
I took these inside, the soft drinks were partially frozen.

Torsdag var det fuldmåne og koldt. - 8. december - Thursday the full moon shone and it was cold.

Jeg foldede og flettede et par numre af Ugeposten til at stille planter på
- 8. december -
I folded and wove together some issues of the local paper. Making "trivets / mats" for the plants.

Yuzutræet kom også ind. Det skulle nok have været ind sammen med laurbærrene, jeg håber det overlever. Nu har de i hvert fald begge en avisflettet ting at stå på.
 - 8. december -
The yuzu plant has joined the laurel inside. I should probably have taken it inside earlier, and hope it survives. At least both now have a nice newspaper mats to stand on.

En dejlig solnedgang - 8. december - A most delicious sunset

Ved mit gamle Vejen hjem-træ, månen ser stadig fuld ud
- 9. december -
At the On my Way Home-tree. The moon still looks full.

Det sneede igen, og vores æbler var et tag selv bord
- 10. december -
Again snow. Our apples were a buffet for birds.

Solsorte - 10. december - Blackbirds

og sjaggere - 10. december - and fieldfares

Den er også flot bagfra - 10. december - It's also pretty from behind.

lørdag den 10. december 2022

Fredagsfrustration - Aldi 2

For et par uger siden undrede jeg mig over, hvor elendig "min" Aldi var blevet. Det var der åbenbart en årsag til - de var på vej ud.

--- 🛒 ---

Some weeks ago I mused over the vaning quality of "my" Aldi. Obviously this was not without reason. They are pulling put of Denmark.

Translation of the text:
The German grocery chain Aldi withdraws from the Danish market.

Rema 1000 (A Norwegian grocery chain) takes over 114 of Aldi's 188 stores in Denmark. Rema 1000 and Aldi state this in a joint press release.

In TV 2 Lorry's (News agency) area, 29 stores are to be taken over. Aldi will close or sell the remaining stores in 2023.

The decision has been taken as part of a transformation strategy to focus on the other eight markets in Europe, where Aldi is experiencing strong growth and "sees a long-term potential", the press release reads.

"Aldi opened in Denmark in 1977 as the first discount grocery chain and served as a huge inspiration for our owner, Odd Reitan, when he opened the first REMA in Trondhjem in 1979.

"So it is with equal parts humility and pride that we get to carry on the torch, says Henrik Burkal, CEO of Rema 1000 Denmark."

From the list below you can see which Aldi stores in TV 2 Lorry's area will reopen as Rema 1000.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Og ja, "min" Aldi er med på listen. Hvilket jeg syner er sært, for der er allerede en Rema 1000 centralt placeret i byen. Gad vide, hvad der sker?

--- 🛒 ---

And yes, "my" Aldi is on the lists of stores to reopen as Rema 1000. I find this strange, as we already have one of these in the centre of town. I wonder, what will happen.

fredag den 9. december 2022

Fredagsfrustration :: Køreplansændringer -- Opdateret

English summary - more bus woes:
This coming Sunday, all bus and train scedules once again changes. And once again, just like last year, I cannot find all the new scedules online - UPDATE: Complainig helps, they ate online now 👍.

And once agan, just like  two years ago they only changed the bus to fit the trains in daytimes / workdays, not in the evenings or in the weekends. 

--- 🚆 --- 🚍 ---

På søndag får de flest busser, tog og S-tog nye køreplaner. Det betyder to ting. Dels skal jeg udskrive nye køreplaner for de busser, tog og S-tog, vi bruger. Dels at jeg er nødt til at tjekke for fejl i køreplanerne 😉 Dette sidste burde ikke være mit job, men det lader til at der ikke er nogen andre, der gør det. Læs selv videre.

Først: Nye papirkøreplaner.
- Lokalbanens hjemmeside er forbilledlig; klar længe i forvejen, overskuelig side, fine køreplaner.
- Busserne er i nogenlunde tid, også til at finde osv.
- Men S-togene ... I dag, fredag står der stadig:
Kan du se hvad der mangler at blive opdateret? S-togene, ja, nemlig, ja.
Sidste år var det præcis det samme, og de nye køreplaner blev først lagt op på hjemmesiden næsten 14 dage efter at de var trådt i kraft. 
OPDATERET: Åbenbart hjælper det at klage, for NU ligger de der 👍

Tjek for fejl:
Så er der vores busser til stationen og hjem igen. De skal passe med lokalbanen, Derfor skal de naturligvis også ændres  når lokalbanerne ændres.
Den ene er fin:

men den anden ...
Ja, det er fint, at de husker at tilpasse jer Lokalbanekøreplanen i dagtimerne. Det triste er bare, at den også er ændret i aftentimerne og i weekenderne. Det har de glemt ... lige som for to år siden.
Så fra og med på søndag vil vi kun have to minutter til at skifte til bus 360R, mod de sædvanlige (og oftest utilstrækkelige) tre minutter vi har haft indtil nu, og som 320R får lov at beholde.

Bemærk venligst, at begge busser er R-busser. Busselskabet skriver
R-busser er kendetegnet ved at have faste minuttal og sikre korrespondancer til øvrige konceptbusser samt andre vigtige bus- og togforbindelser. Det tilstræbes, at R-bussen har en så direkte linjeføring som muligt mellem større byer. Med halvtimedrift i dagtimerne og timedrift aften og weekend passer R-bussen godt til passagerernes behov, hvor mange har fleksible arbejdstider og benytter bussen til fritidsaktiviteter og kulturtilbud om aftenen eller i weekenden.
     Sikre korrespondancer (min fremhævning)? 2 minutter til at komme ud af toget, under sporene og hen til stoppestedet i den anden ende af stationen? Det er altså ikke ret sikkert.