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I nyhederne i onsdags kunne man læse det her:
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Og det kan jeg faktisk godt forstå. Hvis jeg synes det var sjovt at fyre en masse fyrværkeri af, så ville jeg også føle mig fristet til at skrive noget hjem på postordre fra det store udland.
Siden fyrværkeriulykken i Seest i 2004 er det bare blevet sværere og sværere at købe fyrværkeri for privatpersoner. Først blev tidsrummet begrænset og fyrværkeriet skulle opbevares i særlige containere, så det kun var de store supermarkeder der havde råd og energi til det osv osv. Nu skal jeg helt ud på Lars Tyndskids marker bag et byggemarked og stå i en forblæst kø for at købe - ikke engang store batterier eller mange raketter - nej jeg vil bare have et par fontæner, en million knaldperler og noget farvet røg og andet børne- og stråtagsvenligt fyrværkeri. Det store udtræk kan jeg nemlig beundre hos mine naboer.
Der er mange - jeg ved ikke, om det er de fleste, men det er i hvert fald de mest højlydte, der arbejder på at få afskaffet fyrværkeri helt. Og hvorfor? Ikke på grund af skader på mennesker, ejendomme eller natur, næh fordi det skræmmer deres hunde og andre dyr.
Og selvfølgelig skal man tage hensyn til dyr, og ikke skyde fyrværkeri af op ad en hestefold elle lignende. Men det er ved at tage overhånd. Folks "fur-babies" og dem, jeg kalder "de rigtige dyr" er ved at have forrang for mennesker og især børn.
Det er det samme der skete, da kommunen ikke skulle slukke springvandet i den fælles sø, da vi havde en kuldeperiode. Vi var mange, der ønskede det, så børnene kunne stå på skøjter på isen. Men næh, nej, de ca. 20 ænder, der boede i dammen, havde forrang. Og der var endda en nabos', hvor de nævnte ænder bare kunne gå hen.
Ænder, heste, hunde osv. har forrang frem for mennesker. Jeg skal være meget forsigtig, når jeg cykler gennem skoven for at handle. Hunde, enten uden snor (ulovligt, men alle gør det) eller i lange, lange snore, løber rundt på stierne, og jeg risikerer at blive væltet eller få snorene viklet ind i hjulet, hvis ikke folk er påpasselige. Og ve mig, hvis jeg tilfældigvis skræmmer en hest, der bruger trafikstierne i stedet for de bløde ridestier. Og der er ingen anden måde for mig at komme til byen på cykel på, hvis jeg ikke vil cykle på en meget smal, stærkt trafikeret vej, der bruges af rigtig mange busser og lastbiler - det vil jeg ikke, for jeg vil gerne nå frem og tilbage igen i live.
Tak for at lytte til mine sure bemærkninger.
English -- 🎇 -- 🧨 -- 🎆 --
Transcript of the news item from Wednesday:
Record amount of illegal fireworks confiscated this year
By Signe Julie Andersen
This year, the Customs Administration has confiscated a record amount of illegal firework
1.7 tonnes of illegal fireworks have been confiscated after attempts to smuggle them across the border to Denmark, the Danish Customs Agency announced on Wednesday.
The illegal fireworks were found from 1 January to 26 December, and a tally shows that the different types of illegal fireworks are mainly found in packages from postal and courier companies.
And I can actually understand that. If I thought it was fun to set off a lot of fireworks, I'd be tempted to order some home from abroad.
Since the fireworks accident in Seest in 2004 (an accident in a fireworks plant - where no-one was to blame, just a row of unfortunate circumstances) it's just got harder and harder to buy fireworks for ordinary people. First the time was limited and the fireworks had to be stored in special containers, so that only the big supermarkets could afford and have the energy for it etc etc. Now I have to go to the very outskirts of town, a fields behind a hardware store and stand in a wind-blown queue to buy - not even big batteries or lots of rockets - no, I just want a few fountains, a million firecrackers, some coloured smoke bombs and other child and thatched roof friendly fireworks. I can enjoy the big ones my neighbours set off.
There are many - I don't think they are a majority, but they are certainly the most vocal - who are working to abolish fireworks altogether.
And the reason fireworks should be forbidden? No, it's not because of the damage to people and property. It is because it scares their dogs and other animals.
And of course you should be considerate of animals, and not shoot off fireworks next to a horse stable, paddock or similar. But this is getting out of hand. People's "fur-babies" and those I call "the right animals" are taking precedence over human beings and especially children.
Like the community did not want to close down the fountain in the communal lake when we had a cold spell. We were many wanting this, so that the children could go skating on the ice. But no, the 20 or so ducks, living in the pond, had priority. And there was even a neighbouring body of water where said ducks could go.
This is a new fad. Ducks, horses, dogs and so on have priority over people. I am to be very careful when biking through the woods to go shopping. Dogs, either let off the leash (illegal, but everyone does this) or with those retractable leashes, run the paths, and I risk being knocked over or having the leash entangled in my wheels if the owners are not careful. And woe me if I happen to scare a horse using the traffic paths instead of the soft horse paths.But there is no other way for me to get to town by bike, if I won't bike on a very narrow, extremely busy road used by buses and lorries at all times - I won't, as I want to make it there and back again alive.
Thank you for listening to my rant.
Her købte jeg så mit fyrværkeri - på en mark hvor cirkus plejede at holde til - hos tre flinke og kompetente gutter. De kan varmt anbefales.
This is where I bought my fireworks. A shop in the middle of nowhere - not really, it was closer to town than where I normallý have to go, and run by three highly competent and nice young fellows.
By Signe Julie Andersen
This year, the Customs Administration has confiscated a record amount of illegal firework
1.7 tonnes of illegal fireworks have been confiscated after attempts to smuggle them across the border to Denmark, the Danish Customs Agency announced on Wednesday.
The illegal fireworks were found from 1 January to 26 December, and a tally shows that the different types of illegal fireworks are mainly found in packages from postal and courier companies.
And I can actually understand that. If I thought it was fun to set off a lot of fireworks, I'd be tempted to order some home from abroad.
Since the fireworks accident in Seest in 2004 (an accident in a fireworks plant - where no-one was to blame, just a row of unfortunate circumstances) it's just got harder and harder to buy fireworks for ordinary people. First the time was limited and the fireworks had to be stored in special containers, so that only the big supermarkets could afford and have the energy for it etc etc. Now I have to go to the very outskirts of town, a fields behind a hardware store and stand in a wind-blown queue to buy - not even big batteries or lots of rockets - no, I just want a few fountains, a million firecrackers, some coloured smoke bombs and other child and thatched roof friendly fireworks. I can enjoy the big ones my neighbours set off.
There are many - I don't think they are a majority, but they are certainly the most vocal - who are working to abolish fireworks altogether.
And the reason fireworks should be forbidden? No, it's not because of the damage to people and property. It is because it scares their dogs and other animals.
And of course you should be considerate of animals, and not shoot off fireworks next to a horse stable, paddock or similar. But this is getting out of hand. People's "fur-babies" and those I call "the right animals" are taking precedence over human beings and especially children.
Like the community did not want to close down the fountain in the communal lake when we had a cold spell. We were many wanting this, so that the children could go skating on the ice. But no, the 20 or so ducks, living in the pond, had priority. And there was even a neighbouring body of water where said ducks could go.
This is a new fad. Ducks, horses, dogs and so on have priority over people. I am to be very careful when biking through the woods to go shopping. Dogs, either let off the leash (illegal, but everyone does this) or with those retractable leashes, run the paths, and I risk being knocked over or having the leash entangled in my wheels if the owners are not careful. And woe me if I happen to scare a horse using the traffic paths instead of the soft horse paths.But there is no other way for me to get to town by bike, if I won't bike on a very narrow, extremely busy road used by buses and lorries at all times - I won't, as I want to make it there and back again alive.
Thank you for listening to my rant.
Her købte jeg så mit fyrværkeri - på en mark hvor cirkus plejede at holde til - hos tre flinke og kompetente gutter. De kan varmt anbefales.
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This is where I bought my fireworks. A shop in the middle of nowhere - not really, it was closer to town than where I normallý have to go, and run by three highly competent and nice young fellows.
Sigh. The squeaky wheels do get the grease - instead of being replaced. And now I wonder whether you have that phrase in your country?
SvarSletThat said, I worry about the birds/animals outside when fireworks are being exploded. I have seen the effects.
No, we do not have that phrase, this might be why people keep on oiling the squeaky ones ;)
SletOf course you have to be careful of when and how to use fireworks, but the right way to ensure this is in my opinion not by making safe and legal fireworks so hard and difficult to buy that people resort to smuggling in unsafe, louder, bigger etc. stuff or even worse to making their own.
There are steps people can take to ensure their animals are safe and not affected by such things as fireworks and I don't think it's fair that the fireworks should be abolished. Same with the water fountain, if the ducks can go elsewhere, then freeze the fountain so children can skate. The ducks will return when the freeze thaws. I think too much is being done to mollycoddle "furbabies" in many cases.
SvarSletHere in Australia, fireworks are banned because of the bushfire dangers with our hot dry country and fair enough, although I do miss them a bit. Many people thought the banning was because of careless children losing eyes and fingers when big bangers went off while they were holding them as they shouldn't have done. But the real reason is the fires. A windblown spark or an escaped catherine wheel can start a field fire that gets out of control within minutes.
Banning fireworks because of risk of fire is a fair reason. Wh had the same ban on midsummer bonfires some years ago - we missed them too, some were allowed on floats from beaches - I wonder if you could do the same. And we seem to agree on this :)
SletThe problem we have is too many people here don't use them safely. It's sad, especially the ones who think it is funny to throw firecrackers under moving cars.
SvarSletWhen Grandpa was earning his medical degree, he would sometimes work in the emergency room. He'd see the people come in with fireworks injuries, some of them horrific. It taught me to be very, very cautious, as i know you are, and only use the smaller, safer items when my children wanted them.
I agree on this and find it a reason to wear safety goggles, supervise children (I just read that a huge percentage of child-firework accidents is happening to children playing with fireworks without adult supervision!) and in general be careful and attentive.
SletBut forbidding fireworks, I do not think this is good. People will then smuggle or make their own, even unsafer stuff.