søndag den 18. juli 2021

Sunday Selections -- Around the World

When we can't travel it is great that the theme for this year's Sand Sculpture Festival in Hundested is Around the World.

Oktoberfest in München (Munich).

La Tour Eiffel, Paris.
Today the Tour de France ends here, Id' like to be there ... it remains a dream.


This gruff fellow took us to Easter Island

Japan - Temple gates, Fuji-San, cranes and ladies in kimono.

We even went to Australia

We saw New York from a gull's point of view.

Russia in a (nut)shell

Carnival in Venice.

And a trip to Fantasia

5 kommentarer:

  1. Wow! I could only wish for such talent. I saw the tallest sandcastle in Denmark in the TV news recently. Another wow moment.

    1. They are really good. The tallest sand catle? I had to look that one up. Thanks for telling about it, it's made by many of the same artists that have participated in Hundested as well. The gigantic sand castle is in the opposite end of Denmark from me, so I'm not going there.

  2. Absolutely brilliant. Thank you for sharing these incredible (and joy filled) sculptures.

    1. Thank you. It is the 10th year for this festival, and we have seen 9 of them (I can't remember why we did not see one of them). It is always worth visiting.


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