torsdag den 1. juli 2021

Removing CAPTCHAs and Moderating Old Posts

Sometimes, no often, I give up commenting on blogs where you have to click all fire hydrants, cross walks, bridges, stairs, palm trees or something like it. I can't see well enough to find them all, and invariably have to go through this ordeal four times or more to comment.
Could you please remove them?

But then you say - old posts: people put ads for this and that, bits and bobs, hate speech, Boomer removers, political statements or financial 'aid'.

The solution is to put your older posts on moderation, not your new ones.

Look here. I know it's in Danish - changing the language settings to English  keeps my Blogger in Danish, and makes my mail program unable to find the Trash folder - but why❓
The placement of the selections are the same, and I translated the relevant words.
Now everybody can comment, but if someone comments on an old post, the comment are quarantined, I am notified via e-mail, and can delete or set free the comment.
This works for me. And I hope for my readers as well.

14 kommentarer:

  1. That's what I do also but I set my at 14 days instead of 30. I rarely had anyone commenting on on post that are a month old but who knows, people do browse older posts, I know I do.

    It's strange but your Blogger setting should not affect your email. Not sure why it can't find the trash folder.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. My 30 days was arbitrtily set, 14 would work as well, I think.

      No, or maybe yes. If the Danish Google is looking for "Papirkurv" and the English one for "Trash bin" they maybe cannot find it if its in the other language :) What do I know. At least they say either "error - can't do" or make a new trash bin if I change the Google language settings (only way to make Blogger speak English).

  2. Sadly, at the moment, I have to prove I am not a robot on EVERY blog I read for at least four days a week (including yours). Thanks Blogger. Sometimes I have to click on the dreaded images (and like you I have problems). Mostly I just have to click on the I am not a robot box. And for some blogs the comment gets swallowed. Repeatedly, though I can usually comment if I go back a few hours later.

    1. This is strange indeed, I almost suspect it's something with your supplier being extra-super-suspicious.
      I find mostly it's the same blogs that want me to find fire hydrants etc. The Click-a-box is OK, I can do that ;)
      If I remember, I press 'mark as block' (Ctrl + A) and Copy (Ctrl + C) before clicking submit. My comments seldom get swallowed, but it happens often enough to bother me. When it's bad, I compose my comments - if longer - in Word and paste them into the comments blog. This happens more frequently with WP blogs, and I have so far put it up to the Blogger vs. WP cold war.

  3. Just checked my blog, and yes, i have moderation for only older posts, and captcha turned off.

    1. TYhanks for checking. I never have problems on your blog.

  4. I don't have moderation or captcha on my blog. I don't see it on very many blogs these days. I never had any trouble with them, but still don't like them.

    1. I have no problems on your blog either. My old comments are moderated mostluy because of some Russian web site offering their services on one of my older posts. I get the occasional spam comment, but not often - one of the blessings of being unknown with very few visitors :)

  5. Svar
    1. I'm not removing these two comments as your blog seems not to be either vendoring things or offering strange services, but this is the kind of comments, that normally will be deleted on my blog.

    2. She is a blogger, I had a look one day, mostly photos if I remember right.

    3. Yes she's a blogger, bur always only writing these same two comments on all blogs, she visits. I suppose only to generate hits on her own (esoteric) picture rich blog.
      I have taken to leaving the "Beautiful blog" comment, and deleting the "Please visit my blog" ones ;)


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