mandag den 12. juli 2021

Poetry Monday :: Cheer the Lonely

Right now I do not think that the loney ones need to be cheered. It's the families pent up with one another, suffering from cabin fever, who needs cheering. Sorry folks - another bitter poem from a grumpy, old Owl.

When you're lonely you can go to the loo.
No discussions of texture and hue
of your favourite chair

When you're lonely you don't have to look
for your glasses, your pen and your book
they're rigth there.

When you're lonely, you decide what to cook,
Where to sit, where to go, where to look.
How to share.

When you're lonely in short, you're the boss.
You decide on which rivers to cross
to get where.

16 kommentarer:

  1. You definitely have a point! And well told, too! ;)

    1. THank you, I feel rather grumpy for the toime being.

  2. I don't think your poem is bitter, I think it's raw and honest.

  3. You are speaking loudly to and for my grumpy self.

  4. Being alone during quarantine has been hard on many people, but i agree, being jammed in the house with family has been difficult in its own way.

    1. Both is hard, I think.
      I always think that if you're lonely getting a dog is a great way to be not so lonely any more. People ask about your dog and so on. Of course it's not a cure all.
      Being over taxed with family is not easy solved either.

  5. Some who are lonely but don't want to be could maybe use some cheering up. Families who are fed up with each other can just go to their separate rooms or out into the yard for a while.

    1. This requires a room for each person, and/or children that respect the wish of other for privacy.

  6. When I'm alone I can choose: I can either mourn or reign (which rhymes in Slovenian, my mother tongue).

    1. Tough, but good saying. How does it sound in Slovenian (which I read haltingly and poorly as I know Polish)?

    2. I can either mourn or reign - al' žalujem al' kraljujem


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