fredag den 7. juni 2013

Fjorten dages billeder -- A Fortnight in Pictures.

Der er gået fjorten dage, siden sidst ... og det er ikke fordi Ugleboet har ligget stille. Nej snarere har Ugleboets indbyggere haft så meget om ørerne, at fjerene har stået i alle retninger. Her kommer en række billeder fra de forgangne dage.

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A fortnigth without blogging, and not because everythig has been quiet in the Owlery. We've been so busy that feathers have flown in all four quarters. Now I've better show some pictures and tell a little of what we've been busy with at the Owlery.

  • En af hønerne var blevet skruk. Den lå og optog reden, så de andre måtte lægge deres æg udenfor i en rede under bladene.  Der fandt Uglemor den en dag, hun hjalp Minimax med pligterne ...
  • On of our chickens was broody. The other found nowhere to lay their eggs, and started a new nest hidden under the big leaves. MotherOwl found them one day...
  • Og så fandt hun også de bits, vi havde købt for nogle dage siden sammen med vandkanderne. De lå stadig i vandkanden sammen med sprederen.
  • MotherOwl also found the drill bits we bought together with the new watering cans. They were in the watering can together with the nozzle.
  • Den sidste søndag i maj var det tid for den årlige valfart til Aasebakken. Her bærer spejderne statuen af Vor Frue af Aasebakken tilbage ind i klosteret. Vejret holdt tørt indtil dørene havde lukket sig efter statuen, så kom regnen. 
  •  Our yearly pilgrimage to Our Lady of Aasebakken is always the last Sunday of May. Here the scouts are carrying the statue back inside the monastery. When the doors were closed, it started raining.

  • Morgenstemning hjemme i vores landsby
  • Morning in our village. 

  • Skyggens lærling - Trolden på sin sidste skoledag, nu er det tid for eksamener. 
  • Ranger's  Apprentice. It is Trolli on his last day of school. Now only the exams, then Summer holidays.

  • En uindbudt gæst prøvede at flytte ind hos Spirillen og Piraten. Minimax bar nænsomt, men bestemt den lille skovspurv udenfor. 
  • AN uninvited guest tried to move in at Marsupilami's and Pirate's place. Minimax gently, but determined carried the young sparrow outside.

  • Håndtagene til skufferne fra den gamle reol var meget beskidte. Uglemor synes ikke de skal pudses op. Derfor fremstår de patinerede. 
  • The handles for the old drawers were very dirty and dusty. MotherOwl did not want them ploished, but cleaned them thorougly. Now they just look old and worn. 

  • Alle skufferne er færdige og håndtagene er sat på igen. Nu mangler bare selve reolen. 
  • >All the drawers are finished and the handle screwed back on. Only the shelves are still outside, being cleaned now. 

    • Vores genbo fik beskåret sit birketræ meget voldsomt. Ugleungerne og Uglemor lavede sjove ting af birkebark. Der er en mand oppe i træet på billedet. 
    • Our neighbour had a birch that was too big. In the picture a man is about to start cutting it down. MotherOwl and the Owlets made funny things from the bark. 
    • Et stykke af et andet birketræ. Uglemor pønser på at lære at dreje i træ og fik at vide at så skulle træte flækkes, så det ikke slår revner. Uglemor er meget stolt over denne flækning, der er foretaget med en lille håndøkse. 
    • A piece from another birch. MatherOwl has always wanted to learn woodturning, and was told that the wood is to be split to dry without damage to the wood. MotherOwl is very proud to have split this log in the middle with only a small handaxe. 

    • Birkesæbe. Uglemor har lavet en sæbeform af træ, og den skulle afprøves med en birkesæbe. Formen er vældig smart. Her er sæben lige hældt i og dækket med birkeblade - bare for sjov. 
    • Birch soap. MotherOwl made a log mould. It was used for the first time making birch soap. The mould is good. Here the soap has jus been poured into the mould and coveres in birch leaves - just for fun. 
    • Formen er også god til at skære sæben. Her har Uglemor taget sæben ud af formen, fjernet det hvide plastic, formen var foret med, og nu bliver der skåret. 13 stykker sæbe på ingen tid skåret med en ostehøvl. Supersmart. De grimme ender blev skåret i små bitte tern der skal bruges til fyld i en anden sæbe. 
    • The mould is a big help in cutting the bars as well. MotherOwl unmoulded the soap and took avay the plasic lining. And the she cut 13 soaps in next to no time with a cheese cutter. The ends vere cut into tiny cubes to be mixed in a future soap. 
    • Her er sæberne så. Den gukle farve er birkeblade, den grønne klorofyl (slikfarve).
    • The soaps. The yellow colour is birch leaves, the green chlorophyll (candy dye). 

    • Grøn forårssæbe, naturlig farve og klorofyl. 
    • Green Spring Soap, the soap's own colour and chlorphyll.
    • Kaffesæbe. Det grønne er en lille bid af forårssæben. Heldigvis ramte jeg den lille bid, da jeg skar sæben.
    • Coffee soap, The green is a little piece of the spring soap. I was lucky to cut through it. 
    • Sakurasæbe - japanske kirsebærblomster - farvet med paprika og med dekorative rester fra forårs- og kaffesæben. 
    • Sakura Soap - Japanese cherry blossoms - dyed with paprika and ith decorative bist from the spring  and coffee soaps.
    Det var en smule af det vi har foretaget os.

    This was just a little bit of what's been going on.

    5 kommentarer:

    1. Spændende med ny hobby.... Har du også ideer om, hvad du vil dreje?

      1. Indtil videre har jeg to ideer: En skål med næsten lodrette sider til afkøling af sushiris (en hangiri) og små låg og bunde til krukker af birkebark, som jeg har lavet af naboens birketræer. Hvis jeg får lært kunsten, skal der nok komme flere ideer :D

      2. Ellers kan jeg da godt tegne et par designs til håndtene du kan øve dig på...

    2. Uglemor,

      You have been very busy! Thank you for sharing your photos. I hadn't heard of Our Lady of Aasebakken. I am going to do some research! I hope the exams go well. Are you going to the beach again this summer? I remember your photos from last year.

      God bless!

      1. Our Lady of Aasebakken is a very local Danish thing. We have no pilgrimage shrines form before the reformation still known or still accesible. Except Haraldsted - the place where St. Canute was killed, and it is now an old ruin, but also with a yearly pilgrimage.
        The story of Our Lady of Aasebakken is as follows, translated from the homepage of the Benedictine nuns living there: "At the consacration of the mionastery Ausust 22th 1942 the bishop of Denmark, Theodor Suhr, (we have only one bishop with the world's biggest diocese, in square meters, not in persons) brought with him a gothic statue cut form one oaken bole.The statue is app. 1.20 m high and dates from the middle age. The statue of Our Lady is probably from a church in Jutland, and for many years it was placed in the sacristy of St. Ansgars Church in Copenhaguen (the cathedral of Denmark). Bishop Suhr gave the statue to the monastery of Aastebakken. It is places in the church there and only leaves once a year, for the pilgrimage to Aasebakken." I only found this one explanation in Danish online, and I think your Danish is still not up to this level. But they have nice photo of the statue here:


    Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

    I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.