søndag den 20. januar 2013

Leve i nuet -- Living Now

     For tre år siden kørte Uglemor gennem en forrygende flot snestorm for at aflevere Trolden til et arrangement. Sneen løb over vejene som floder, vinden hylede og det var bidende koldt. Vi kørte langsomt og nød det flotte vejr. Da vi nåede frem, var det eneste folk kunne sige, at det var træls at det sneede så meget. Medens jeg ventede på ham, læste jeg om hvordan man kunne tage forskud på foråret - det var den 3. februar.
     Og så huskede jeg hvordan der også havde været tips til at forlænge efteråret ... og til at holde varmen væk om sommeren, og kulden om vinteren. Jamen for sytten, det er da årstidernes skiften og at nyde det der er nu, og ikke det der kommer om en uge eller om en måned, der er det vigtige.
     Har vi glemt at glæde os eller længes, for det er jo ikke det samme som at tage forskud på alting.
     Dengang skrev jeg et digt, som jeg egentlig gerne vil dele med jer.

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Three years ago MotherOwl braved a Danish blizzard to get Trolli to a concert, where he was playing ... he plays the piano.

Danish blizzards are very tame, it was blowing and snowing, but there werre almost no danger involved. The snow was blown across the roads and looked just like rivers of snow. We enjoyed the spectacular weather and sang during the ride. At the concert everybody agonized about the weather,  how much is was snowing, how irritating, how downrigth stupid this snow was. And while waiting for him to be finished, I read a piece about taking in branches to get them into bloom and groving plants under ligthgs as a preparation for spring. This happened February 2nd - the day half the winter has officially passed in Denmark. I then remembered reading similar text on prolonging summer well into autumn, and keeping the "heat" of summer at bay (I write "heat" because if we reach 28 Celsius it is really hot, the mean temperature in July and August being around 15-16 Celsius). Bugger! It's the changing seasons I love most about our climate.

I sat down and wrote a poem, but I can't translate it into English with any elegance. An eulogy on seasons with essentially same contents must take its place:
Crispy, clear winter's days with snow.
Hot, long Summer's days where we swim at the beach and eat ice cream.
Autumn days with that unbelievably blue sky and already yellowing leaves.
Spring with snowdrops, short days, and mud.
Foggy days, thunderstorms, windy and qiuet. I love it all.

 - - - - -

Lidt af hvert om vejr!

Jeg kan li' solens skin
og blæsten på min kind.
En himmel klar og blå
er skøn at kigge på!

Jeg kan li' sne og is
og alt det vejr der gi's.
En tåget dag i maj
er lige noget for mig.

Jeg kan li' tordenvejr
og regn og storm især.
Ja selv en gråvejrsdag
kan sagtens slæbe af!

Et tøvejrs dryppelyd
kan fylde mig med fryd.
Kort sagt: Jeg elsker vejr
så gi' mig lidt af hvert.

3. & 4. februar 2010

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    "Danish blizzards are very tame, it was blowing and snowing, but there was almost no danger involved. " Are you sure there wasn't much danger? You sound very brave. I am not sure I'd venture out in such weather. But then again, we are not used to such conditions.

    I love the change of seasons too. Summer is my least favourite month because it gets too hot for me. This year, we've had temperatures up to 46 C. I think I'd be quite happy with your 28 C. That sounds perfect! Yes, there's something to enjoy about all seasons of the year.

    You write poetry too? You are very talented! That's one area I have never had any success.

    God bless!

  2. Yes Danish blizzards are tame, you're always able to see where you're driving, and 20 cm of snow is a lot by our standards. 46 C sounds too hot, for me as well, even though I love warmth. a record hot day in Denmark is about 35 C and that's hot, I think. We have the Golf Current and sea all around to keep us cool in Summer and warm in Winter. If you look at Denmark's latitude, we're at the same as the USA/Canadian border.

    Thanks for your kind word on my poetry.

    Pax et Bonum


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.