onsdag den 31. januar 2024

Colour24 ~ February

The colour of February is Graphite black.

6 kommentarer:

  1. This will probably be easier to find than the clay brown, at least for my eyes, which are not very observant.

    1. I have found that once you start focussing on a colour it just pops up everywhere, ant that's part of the fun

  2. I like black, it goes with everything.

    1. Not one of my faves, but it makes other colours pop, and slate/graphite is an ideal background.

  3. Black, oef. Ik vind juist dat februari licht brengt.

    1. Jo heldigvis, og herligt med mere lys! Men sort er en fin baggundsfarve, der sætter forårsfarverne i kontrast.


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