onsdag den 8. september 2021

Words for Wednesday - September 8

  All September, and so also today, the second Wednesday of September, the prompts are given by Cindy at Of Dandelions and Sunshine.
  The prompt for today is a challenge: "They say a picture is worth 1,000 words.   Write at least 100 words about the image below.."

Back to Susan's/my childhood and schooldays.

"Write a 100 word essay on this picture", Anne, their nice English teacher wrote on the blackboard. Susan was delighted, she loved free essays, where she was not forced to analyse some inane text or steamy poem. But then Anne hung the photo and Susan's heart sank. A town! A big town even, as seen from above. Skyscrapers and streets, not a tree or a bird in sight. It was taken from high up, so high up that it gave Susan a funny feeling in her stomach just watching it.
  If I have to write about this photo, I'll have to imagine I'm some kind of bird, Susan thought. A plane would be about to crash, being so close to the building, and I can't stand the idea of somebody standing on the edge of an even taller building to take this photo. A bird it is! Susan took her notebook and a pencil and began writing.

157 words.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Love it - and that image made my spirits sink too. I took a different approach to it and hope it worked.

    1. Big cities are not for everyone. I'm looking forward to reading what you wrote, it's not live as yet.

  2. You did very well with this picture. I have stared at it for quite some time, but nothing has come to mind yet that is worth writing down.

    1. Thank you. I'm sure something write-worthy eventually will emerge inside your brain.

  3. You did very well, and I do like it from a bird's eye view. An insight to the photo itself: It was taken the weekend before 9/11, from the top of one of the World Trade Towers. I was there on holiday with friends. It is a view that has haunted me since 9/11.

    1. You took this photo from the top of World Trade towers? You're a brave person! Thanks for this insight. And yes this makes the photo even more haunting - and my stomach even more queasy.

  4. Fine idea to meet Cindi's challenge.
    And "where she was not forced to analyse some inane text or steamy poem" let the corners of my mouth start an expedition to my ear-lobes.

  5. I supposed nature is more Susan's preference than skyscrapers. I can imagine Susan flying over this city on her broom, sort of passing through to somewhere else slightly better.

    Have a lovely day.

  6. You'd do a great job writing about a bird flying there. Very clever use of the prompt.

  7. Was watching CNN. Tomorrow will be a day like that...


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