tirsdag den 28. september 2021

Unicorn Farm - the Blog

  Now (yes right now, time and date) I have been publishing bits and pieces of Susan's adventures at the Unicorn Farm, in Elsinore, and at Birch Manor for 3 years. 
  The storyline has become more convoluted with each passing chapter, sometimes needing the intervention of Timetravel or black holes to keep ends together.
  Because of this, I suspect that I am sometimes loosing you, making you wonder how this or that is going to end, or continue, when in fact I have already written about it - long ago.
  I have collected all my half-baked chapters about Susan and her friends in one blog - called Unicorn Farm & Birch Manor. The tab Unicorn Farm at the top of this blog will take you there.
  The header and tabs on that blog is a biggie, looking like this:
An introduction is just that, an introduction to Susan's world and my writings.
The tabs from Prequel to The End are all the things happening at Unicorn Farm, spanning roughly three years.
Who's Who - a list of persons, ever growing.
Birkehuset (Birch Manor) to Birch Manor - New Year are all about all the happenings about 50 years later.  Maybe spanning one, one and a half years.
Miscellaneous Tales and so on are the more mysterious, strange, uncanny and so on tales still happening at Unicorn Farm, but which are not a part of the "official" timeline.
Return to "MotherOwl's Musings" takes you back to this blog.

  These tabs are bound to change places, be taken down or renamed or augmented. But the general idea will remain the same.
  So whenever you get lost in my jumps in time and space, or if you wonder what happened to Rósa or Percy the Ghost or if Susan's children and their children actually had magic, this is where to go.

  At some indeterminate date in the future, Unicorn Farm - the blog will probably be taken down again. This means that I have hopes of publishing it in a revised, not self-contradictory edition as a book.
  Or if some accident should befall MotherOwl, the missing chapter, Epilogue,  the missing link between Unicorn Farm and Birch Manor, will once again become public (autoposting set to some future date, if I'm not there to stop it).

I hope this helps.

12 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you. How are you feeling today? Better I hope.

    1. Thanks for asking, yesterday was a bit better, today worse again. Sigh, doctor says it might be stress-related as well. Long healing time ahead.

  2. Thank you for doing this, i am going to read a bit each day as i can.

    1. Thank you. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

  3. Thank you. It does get confusing when taken in bits and pieces.

    1. Yes, exactly. When I got lost, I found this to be in time.

  4. Three years is a long time to be writing a story, it should be a book, hope that happens at some point. For now, I'll read your introduction.

    1. I hope to make a book of it, yes -- actiually two books.
      Happy reading.

  5. Ej, den skrifttype Unicorn Farm står med her i indlægget var min totale yndlings i årevis. Alle skrevne projekter var den overskrift i, i folkeskolen og gym. Sikke en skæg og hyggelig reminder :D

    1. Fedt. Jeg er glad for at kunne bidrage med lidt nostalgi ;)

  6. Let me know when the book is for sale :-)

  7. It sounds like you have organized and sorted it all out. As long as you know what goes with what, us reader will eventually catch up.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.