søndag den 16. maj 2021

Sunday Selections - Growing Edition

Velkommen til søndagens omgang blandede billeder fra ugen, der gik.
Allerførst et link til Life in Colour, hvor månedens farve er lilla, og ikke violet.

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Welcome to this Sunday's post, with mixed pictures from the past week. The first one is a link to l Life in Colour, where the colour of the month is purple, not violet.

Og så en underlig, J-formet radise.
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And a radish in letter shape.

Jeg cyklede gennem skoven tirsdag formiddag, bøgen sprang ud, og knopskællene faldt af og dryssede ned, så det lød som om det regnede, når de ramte min cykelhjelm.

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I went through the woods on my bike. The beech buds were bursting and the leaves unfolding, making all the bud scales fall against my helmet like rain. 

Og vi så det trodsige træ i Hillerød igen. Nu er det sprunget ud.
-- 🌳 --
And we saw the defiant tree in Hillerød again - now the leaves are green.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Wonderful pictures of the woods. It is Spring again where you are.

    God bless always.

  2. This post is so lovely! The forest scenes with paths and shrubs and trees is just what I enjoy on my daily walks.

  3. Green, vibrant and lovely - with delicious pops of colour.

  4. Such beauty in the woods. Those flowers are my favorites.

  5. The woods look like a lovely place to take a ride or even a walk through. I sometimes had carrots that grew in funny shapes, but never in alphabet letters.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.