tirsdag den 11. maj 2021


 Today is the new Moon of May 2021.

Everything is green outside now. I't wonderful, and yesterday the temperatures were finally over 10 Celsius! What is TUSAL: It is an acronym for Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long. See my explanation HERE and follow the link to Daffycats blog for more.

Here are my May ORTs outside the ORTs bowl.

and inside the ORTs bowl
They come from the crocheting of the circular pot holders.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Anything which adds colour to our lives is never, ever, useless.

  2. Very colorful, i think i would enjoy pot holders in those colors.

  3. I should be stitching, but sewing not knitting or crochet. I did knit a tiny skirt last night, for one of the red headed girls, but I should be sewing warm pants and jackets for them. I bought the felt and other fabrics, have the patterns too, but forgot to buy thread.

    1. Winter on its way. THe redheads sure need warm things.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.