This blog is like my life. Filled with beginnings, but not so heavy on finished project. Now the yellow temari and the watermelon yarn is taking a break.. MotherOwl found a new tecnique. Eco-printing. Actually the first test runs hail from last year, but they were made with cotton cloth, and cotton and plant dyes are not that great partners. ... The result were somewhat lacking in permanency-
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Masser af blomster og lidt friskreven valnøddeskal. Lots of petals and some walnut husks freshly grated |
Flere blomsterblade og grønt - More petals and greenery. |
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Dampning i saftgryden -- steaming in the juicer |
Nu blomstrer stokroserne så igen, og Uglemor fandt et gammelt, slidt tæppe med hul i. Det førte til en idé. Klip tæppet i bidder, uden om hullerne og se sorte striber, naturligvis. Farv resten af ternene med ecoprint-teknik, og sy dem sammen igen til et nyt, spændende tæppe.
Now the hollyhocks are once more flowering, and MotherOwl found an old woollen blanket. Somebody made holes in it. Maybe moths, maybe Owlets. But anyway ... it was cut in squares. The holes and the blacks stripes were cut off, and the remaining squares mordanted with the ubiquitous alum and eco-print-dyed
Og sådan nåede jeg enden af endnu et uafsluttet indlæg.
Since then many of the squares hvae been overdyed, some more than once. MotherOwl has been experimenting. and eco printing on and off for a month now. Next step is the mixing and sewing together of the squares.
And thus we reach the end of yet another blogpost without conclusion.
Super! Jeg har også lagt ecoprintene på hylden til "senere" fordi alle mine testlagener blev brunplamagede (jojo, det er sikkert et ord). Men jeg har på min liste "vaske dem grundigt, klippe op og prøv igen bid for bid". Og så har jeg en fiks ide med at gemme mine lagenklude som bruges til malingsaftøring, koge dem så akrylmalingen bliver blød, og så en dag om 30 år har jeg måske tid til at lære at quilte.
SvarSletDet lyder som en god plan. Jeg melder mig til quilteholdet om en 30 års tid.
SvarSletI love how you are curious, always trying things to see what works and what doesn't. The colours are beautiful. I look forward to seeing the blanket once all the squares have been sewn together.