mandag den 17. februar 2025

Poetry Monday :: Fidgety

Poetry Monday it is. It is rhyming time. I love to rhyme and make poetry, only today I spent most of the day waiting in a hospital. Not for my self, for a relative. Nothing serious - or at least nothing a stay at a hospital can cure. I foresee more such episodes, Even this can be made into verse ... Sorry for rambling.

Fidgety is how I feel,
Waiting and waiting some more.
I hear the sounds of the wheels
Oh, will they stop at my door?

Fidgety I am still now
After the waiting is done
I think that maybe - somehow
again I'll be waiting alone.

- - - - - - -

Up and coming:
February 17: Fidgety
February 24: Fluffy
March 3: Station
March 10: Ghost
March  17: Steam
March  24: Orange
March  31: Turn

6 kommentarer:

  1. You did well with making poems from that word. If I know I will have waiting time anywhere I take a good book to read or my kindle, the time passes faster and I don't get fidgety.

    1. A good book is good, knitting even batter, as I can talk and knit at the same time.

  2. It is hard to wait in a hospital, everything seems to take so long there. I hope the relative gets better, although it sounds like you foresee it not happening any time soon.

    1. Thank you, and no I do indeed not foresee any improvement.

  3. This sounds so familiar from every time I was in the hospital with either of my parents. Hospital waits are almost always so drawn out and tiring. Sending support and encouragement, Charlotte, for whenever it is needed.

    1. Exacly! I will need your support and encouragement in the days ahead.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.