torsdag den 27. februar 2025

En sort stjerne ★ A Black Star

     Dette lille symbol ★ skal gøre folk i Netto og andre af Sallings supermarkeder mindre tilbøjelige til at handle amerikanske varer.
     Det glæder mig ... mest altså fordi den sorte stjerne ★ ikke markerer negativlisten - de amerikanske varer, men positivlisten - de europæiske varer.
     Nu kan jeg jo håbe, at folk også bliver opmærksomme på hvor meget kinesisk bras der egentlig ryger ned i kurven, hvor mange ting ting fremstillet af børnearbejdere i Afrika eller Asien ... Det er jo nok en ønskedrøm. Danske forbrugere kommer kun op af stolen, når der er politik på dagsordenen, ikke når andres eller deres eget helbred udsættes for fare.

     This symbol ★ has recently appeared next to the prices on some goods in a large Danish supermarket chain.

The purpose is to make customers choose less American goods.
But I am really happy with this ★ for quite another reason. It is a "positive mark" denoting the European stuff, not a "negative" one stigmatizing the American.

Thus I hope - probably in vain that people will become aware of just how much Chinese junk they are buying, that they will notice the stuff made by children labourers in Africa and the East and so on.

As I say, this is probably a vain hope. Because the typical Danish customer don't give two hoots about their own or others' health. But politics ... that can make them act!

8 kommentarer:

  1. It is so hard. I do not like buying goods from countries where we know children and others are exploited. Yet with a limited budget, it's sometimes buy what is there, or do without. It's not a nice place to be.

    1. and even worse, sometimes there plain is no alternative. I mostly do without or go second hand. Yes it is hard. We're not exactly rich kids either ;)

  2. It's a good beginning but they also need a star of a different colour to indicate locally made or grown goods so people can choose those if they wish.

    1. Yes I also find it a bit sketchy after having read more about it. It only depends on where he headquarters are situated, so ingredients can come from all over, be mixed in Finland and get a black star. I am going to continue my study of labels ;)

  3. Thanks Charlotte for this thread...
    There are many evils from overconsumption of junk....
    In general, there is a need to gain awareness as well as labeling.
    I'm always in favor of a little and good!

    1. Little and good is a fine ideology. I use the: "Could I do this" approach. FOr instance: Hydrolyzed whatever - can't do, don't buy.

  4. Here in Canada we have been learning quickly how to identify goods with the highest percentage of Canadian content, especially groceries, as we try to send a message to Trump on his upcoming tariffs. It's comforting to know that people in other countries are also doing this.


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