mandag den 6. januar 2025

Poetry Monday :: Epiphany or Seed :: Updated

Today is Epiphany. Time to undress the Christmas tree and put it outside - poor thing; we have sleet and 2 degrees above zero. It's time to take down the big window advent calendar. And while I do so, I'll be composing a poem for today, Poetry Monday ... at least I hope this will happen. Else you're in for a re-post from another year.

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I dag er det Hellig tre kongers dag. Tid til at afpynte juletræet og sætte det udenfor; stakkels træ, det er slud og to grader varmt og blæsende. Knapt nok vejr at jage et juletræ ud i. Det er tid til at tage den store adventskalender ned fra vinduet. Og mens jeg gør det, tænker jeg over dagens mandagsdigt. Ind til videre dette lille, kun let gnavne opstød:

Sluk det du tænder,
og tænd det du slukker.
Luk det du åbner,
og åbn det du lukker.
Læg tingene tilbage hvorfra de kom,
eller smid det ud hvis tingen den er tom.

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De hellig tre konger så hjertensglad er en herlig melodi, med sjove fødder og interessante rim. Jeg har prøvet at oversætte den til engelsk ... om det er lykkedes, ved jeg ikke, men originalen kan høres i en gammel indspilning nedenfor.

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In church yesterday we sang this tune - I don't really want to call it a hymn, because the melody is a lilting dance. I tried translating/recreating it so that it can be sung to the tune and mostly rhymes and have equivalent meaning. I hope I just somewhat succeeded. Link to an old rendering of the tune below.

De hellig tre konger så hjertensglad
fra hjemmet de droge til Betlehems stad,
de toge sig for den rejse så lang
at finde Jesus i krybben trang.
The holy three kings so happy at heart
from home a journey so long did they start.
They travelled to Betlehem far away
to find a babe, in a manger he lay.
En stjerne dem viste til Jødeland
og hen til den himmelske frelsermand,
og barnet de fandt så dejlig og skær
hos okse og asen i stalden der.
A star shone over their journey each day
led them to the saviour-king in the hay
And a child they did find, lovely and fair
With oxes and ass in the stable there
Og ned så faldt de på deres knæ,
da barnet derinde de fik at se,
og røgelse, myrra og røden guld
de ofred den Herre så frydefuld.
And down they finally fell to their knees,
as they saw the heavenly child, King of Peace,
And frankincense, myrrh and precious gold
they gave to the child as was former foretold.
Så droge de hjemad til deres land
og prisede Gud, deres skabermand.
Lad os og falde den drot til fod,
ham ofre et angerfuldt hjerte og mod!
And then they went homewards each to his realm
and praised their Creator with glee overwhelmed.
Let us also fall to our knees before Him
And give him our heart filled with thanks to the brim!
 Han er den Jakobs-stjerne klar,
en kvist af Israel åbenbar,
en kilde, der springer af nåde stor,
en Herre over alt englekor.
He is the star of Jacob we know,
a sprout of Israel that we see grow,
a fountain that springs with graces for all,
a Lord of angelic choirs - born in a stall.
Thi bør os stedse at være glad
med frydesang udi allen stad,
indtil vi hos ham, vor glæde kom fra,
kan synge det evige halleluja!
For this we ought to be glad and rejoice
with blissful singing and joyous noise,
until we in Him - the source of our joy -
eternally sing our hallelujah!
Tekst: Peder Nielsen Kjøge 1693.
Melodi: Østrigsk julevise
Lilting translation by MotherOwl, Christmas 2024.
Music: Christmas song from Austria

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Up and coming:
January 6: Seed / Epiphany (today)
January 13: Fiction  
January 20: Sheep
January 27: Silver

12 kommentarer:

  1. I’ll never understand why it takes less time to take it all down than it does to put it up? I’m looking forward to reading what you come up with.

    1. But doest it? I think I spent approximately the same time - of course now just in one day where putting up stretched over a month.
      Still thinking ;)

  2. This day is Women's Christmas in Ireland. I miss hosting it but health is too iffy for me. Always my favourite day of the year with my women friends.

    1. I'm sorry that you are no longer able to uphold this tradition.

  3. I look forward, as I always do, to seeing what you create.

    1. I was right to look forward to it. Thank you.

  4. Wow and wow again! What a fun poem, thank you.

    1. Thank you. I like fun when it makes you think as well. This poem, hymn, melody whatever you may cal it, is sung in church on Epiphany - what in Denmark is called day of the three wise men - to tell us that Christmas and its joy should stay in our hearts the whole year through.

  5. I remember today is the day to take down Christmas and pack it away but I was away from home all day on a road trip with my brother to visit our sister, so I'll put away the two Nordic Gnomes tomorrow.

    1. My gnomes are not Christmas things ;) They stay up all year.

  6. Anonymously Esther O'Neill, IWSG, East of the Sun, no signal, still. Happy New Year ?
    Undress the tree ? End of Christmas ? Certainly not !
    Victorian commercial myth, because they wanted to move new stock into the shops - Dec 27th here, M & S filled with summer tops and dresses. . For years now, English Heritage has been urging everyone to keep Christmas properly - till Candlemas. Bad luck to leave the decorations up? See Robert Herrick, Ceremony upon Candlemas Eve - mocking that superstition too.

    1. I get you. Monday this week, local supermarket: Easter eggs!
      For me Epiphany is not end of Christmas, but taking down of the tree for two very practical reasons: I cannot freely move in the living room, and this is when it (fresh as it was for Christmas) start shedding needles all over. But the Nativity stays up until at least Baptism of the Lord, many a year till Cnadlemass.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.