søndag den 15. september 2024

Sunday Selection

On the apple tree Pirate loved, we had very dew apples. First I saw only one then later on we found three more. Tw were rotten, Pirate ate the last one. Then this morning I looked out from our bedroom window and saw a red apple on that tree. I went there, fully expecting either yet another rotten apple or it to be places some hard to reach place. But no - I stretched out my hand and picked the apple for Pirate to eat. It had eluded us all for several days of looking for apples.
And I'm suresome ORIENT RED - the Colour of the Month - is t be found in the photo of the elusive apple.

5 kommentarer:

  1. That is a gorgeous looking apple. I am glad that it finally showed itself to you. I really like your new header photo too.

  2. I'm glad you found that apple. I once found two small plums the birds missed because they were under the leaves.

  3. Gorgeous apple and a lovely shot of it too! I have splashes of that colour in my living room and kitchen.

  4. It is beautiful, and yes, just the right color. I hope it was as good as it looks.

    1. It was - according to the Pirate.
      This comment was marked as spam. I let my frustrations loose on them and wrote: "Only one of Mimi's comments marked as spam today - You're improving. Try with none next time around!"


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