torsdag den 4. maj 2023

A ~ Z Reflektioner ~ Reflections

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Reflections
    Hver dag i april klokken 12 (undtagen søndag) kom dagens A-Z indlæg.
     Temaet for i år var
Resilience som teamet har valgt, og jeg valgte undertemaet Blomster, træer og forfædre.
     Jeg fik altså kun skrevet om

A - Z

  Every day at noon (except Sundays) a new A-Z post went live.
  The theme for this year was
Resilience as given by the team, with my subtitle Flowers, Trees and Ancestors. I only wrote of Ancestors.

Her vil jeg så reflektere lidt over 2023s A-Z Challenge.
  • Jeg har skrevet flere blogindlæg end noget andet år. Hele 24 er det blevet til
  • Måske af den grund har jeg ikke fået besøgt mange andre A-Z bloggere - det må jeg gøre i maj. Jeg fik kun besøgt dem jeg kendte i forvejen (Lissa, Messymimi og Black and White), og en ny som jeg kunne lide, Whatever I Think of, der tog mig på et nostalgisk trip med ting fra min ungdom. Ellers var jeg uheldig med dem, jeg besøgte. De fleste var forfattere der var ude på at promovere deres bøger, og lige meget hvor fikst det bliver gjort, kan romancer eller krimier altså ikke holde min interesse fangen.
  • Det var skønt at A-Z udfordringen i år faktisk drejede sig om at blogge og læse hinandens blogs, ikke hysterisk om besøgstal og likes. Det gør mig mere tilbøjelig til at lege med næste år.
  • Der var en direkte liste. Jeg har først opdaget den nu, og det er jeg ked af, for det var smart. 
  • En ting, jeg manglede ved mange af de blogs, jeg besøgte i år, var et blog-akiv. Sådan at jeg kunne læse nogle indlæg, eller gå tilbage i tiden uden at skulle gnaske mig baglæns igennem hvert evig eneste indlæg på bloggen.


In this post, I will reflect a little on 2023's A-Z Challenge.
  • I have written more blog posts than any other year. A total of 24.
  • Maybe that's why I haven't visited many other A-Z bloggers - I'll have to do that in May. I only visited those I knew before the challenge (Lissa, Messymimi, and Black and White) and one new, Whatever I think of, giving a nostalgia trip through items from my youth. I tried a couple more, but they did not stick. It was mostly writers promoting their books. And no matter how cleverly it is done neither romances nor whodunnits fascinates me (my fault, not the authors').
  • It was great that the A-Z challenge this year was actually about blogging and reading each other's blogs, not hysterically about visitor numbers and likes. It makes me more inclined to join in next year.
  • There was a live list. I only realised now, I wish I had seen it earlier.
  • One thing I miss on many blogs is an Archives so that I can browse a single post here and there, or go back to a set point in the blog - maybe even all the way to the beginning and read without having to read my way backwards through every post the blog-owner ever wrote.
A - Z

Og med 24 ud af 26 mulige indlæg synes jeg selv at jeg er en vinder.
And I feel with 24 out of 26 completed posts that I am a winner
#AtoZChallenge 2023 Winner 

12 kommentarer:

  1. I'm glad it was less about visitor numbers this year, but I still didn't click around and read others. I'm a slow reader and just don't have that much time.

    1. That's my problem too, I read more slowly English than Danish still ;)

  2. Well done Charlotte, I admire your commitment and wide range of topics and thoughts.

  3. Z words not much useful in English either.

    I also haven't visited that many bloggers participating in the challenge. It's just kind of hard to visit and leave comments especially when there are so many posts.

    I don't bother with people promoting their books but they have a right to do so.

    Some blogs are easier to navigate than most but yes, I think an archive is necessary.

    I think since you haven't quit, you did win the challenge. Some people quit after the letter A so... Congrats on finishing the challenge.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I was temped to quit, but I doid not ;) Thanks!

  4. Congratulations on finishing!

    1. Thank you and the same to you. I'll be over later today, I think your blog flew under the radar seen from here.


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Jeg prøver at svare på alle kommentarer - og lover at hive alle kommentarer ud af spam-fængslet så hurtigt som muligt.

I am always grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.
I furthermore promise to pull your comments from spam-limbo as fast at possible.