søndag den 3. oktober 2021

Sunday Selections -- Strange Fruit

Thanks for support, well wishes and sympathy. I'll post a few photos from yesterday because yes, it is still Sunday here 2 hours to go :)

On our neighbour's fence an Akebia is growing. It is old and big, and for many years we have enjoyed the flowers in late spring and early summer.
Here it is - big and green.

But a closer look revealed this:
I thought at first sight that some prankster had hung sweet potatoes on the vine, and so did my neighbour when I asked her what was growing there. But upon closer inspection it was fruits from the Akebia.

It looks a bit strange, should be edible, but nothing special. I',m going to try and grow some of the seeds.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Oh my. It DOES look like sweet potatoes.
    I hope you can grow it - it is a totally new plant to me.
    I do hope you are starting to feel better.

  2. It looks fascinating, and i wonder if it is edible and what it tastes like.

  3. The seeds remind me of passionfruit and I wonder if the Akebia is from the same plant family. I shall google and find out more.

  4. Akebia Quinata, also called Chocolate vine, is a spring flowering climber which can be grown in sun or shade, the fruits are called Wild Bananas in China and are edible, but with not much taste.

  5. Looks interesting, but after River´s comment... hm. Not worth it?


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