tirsdag den 5. oktober 2021

October! - InkTober? - Maybe.

 October is many things:
- Oktoberfest-time (not this year).
- Month of the Rosary
- Inktober - draw something in ink each day.
- Blogtober - blog every day for 31 days.
- Øktober - buy more thing in organic quality.
And there's an inordinate number of memorials, obervances and Saints' days in October, poor month.
Always on the third or thereabouts I remember ... Oops, it's October! Time to bake Rosary muffins - and pray the Rosary. Time to draw in ink, time to ... and then I feel overwhelmed and give it all up.
This year I only promise to post eventual (and mosty ugly) drawings from the past week in Sunday Selections. I just hope Jude from Life in Colour will forgive me for not using orange ink.

Here's the list of prompts for InkTober - and yes I inverted the colours. I have visual problems, making it super-hard to read white on black.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Such a busy month. I look forward to seeing your drawings. That is another skill I simply don't have.

    1. I'm NOT good at it, but it's fun. It's a bit of a challenge to post my drawiongs.

  2. Not going to be drawing here, either, but i am looking forward to yours.

  3. I somehow expected you would produce some natural ink and give the recipe+preparation procedure :)

    1. I actually have done this earlier, I have used plant extracts and shaggy mane mushrooms, its smelly ;) but works fine.


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