søndag den 31. oktober 2021

Sunday Selections -- Inktober Week 4 -- Life in Colour

Advarsel! Mange billeder!  --  Warning! Loads of photos!

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Søndagsbillederne er denne gang en fornøjelig tur gemmen måneden.
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For Sunday Selections this time, some happy photos from all of October.

     En statue af Sankt Antonius, min yndlingshelgen. Statuen befinder sig i vores gamle sognekirke i København. Vi var der til en glædelig begivenhed.
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  Saint Anthony, my favourite saint. This statue can be found in our old parish in Copenhagen. I re-found him as we were there in a happy occasion.

Den glædelige begivenhed var, at vores ældste barnebarn, den Lille Løve, var til førstekommunion.
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The happy occasion was the first holy communion of our oldest grandkid, The Little Lion.

Der var fest bagefter, og i festlokalerne hang denne vidunderlige kiwi og dens venner.
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 Afterwards we celebrated; this kiwi, and its friends hang in the rooms where we celebrated.

     Nogle dage senere mødtes Storesøster, den Lille Løve, Ædelstenen, Spirillen, Minimax og Uglemor med Uglemormor i Helsingør, hvor Uglemormor stadig bor.  Vi spiste sushi og snakkede.
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  Some days later, BigSis, Little Lion, The Gem, Minimax, Marsupilami, GrannyOwl and I met and ate sushi in Elsinore, where GrannyOwl still lives.

     I Hillerød, hvor vi skifter tog, groede dette lille birketræ stadig, nu i efterårsfarver.
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  In Hillerød, where we change trains, the small, defiantly growing birch tree was changing colour.

     Samme dag købte vi også et nyt strygejern. Vi kalder det Hvæsende drage, fordi det lyder sådan. Det gamle sprang stilfærdigt i luften, det blev meget varmt, jeg slukkede det, og da jeg tændte det igen, skete der ikke noget. Det var også over 20 år gammelt.
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That day we also bought ourselves a new iron. The old one peacefully exploded. It got hotter and hotter, I turned it off, and when i turned it on again after cooling down, nothing happened. Well, it was over 20 years old. The new one has already gotten its nickname: Hissing Dragon after its sounds noises.

Til min fødselsdag fik jeg en buket klokkeblomster. En af stilkene lever stadig og er flot.
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One of my gifts for my birthday were a bouquet of bell shaped flowers, one stem is still surviving.

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     Og nu til tegneriet. Jeg er mere tilfreds med mine tegninger, og derfor kommer de enkeltvis efter dato og stikord. Simple Daily Drawing har fine stikord og en sød gruppe på Facebook. Jeg vil forsøge at fortsætte med deres stikord også efter oktober er slut.
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  And then to the drawing. I am much happier with my drawings this week. The prompts from Simple Daly Drawing, and the supportive people in the group, has done much to push me onwards, And I am going try to carry on with the drawing following their prompts once October has ended. I'm going to show this weeks drawings not in a mosaic, but one by one:

24 SDD • Tall - høj     Inktober • Extinct - uddød (not used - ikke brugt)

25 SDD • International Art - International kunst     Inktober • Splat

26 SDD • The Addams Family      Inktober • Connect - forbinde
     Teksten siger: Jeg har altid betragtet The Addams Family som en udløber af "Fem børn og Det". Denne forbindelse fik mig til at tegne en Psammyade.

27 SDD • Meteor Shower - Meteorsværm (shower betyder også brusebad)     Inktober • Spark - gnist

28 SDD • Boop! - Det at 'dutte' især kæledyr på snuden     Inktober • Crispy - kruset

29 SDD • Witch's Brew - Heksebryg     Inktober • Patch - lap
... also in the wizarding world      ... også i troldmandsverdenen

Bonus Witch's Brew:
Cloud in a Bottle is a Minecraft thing. The Owlets told me: "Mom, it does not look like this!" Sorry, that's how I imagined it.
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Cloud in a Bottle er en ting fra Minecraft. Ugleungerne fortalte mig bagefter at den slet ikke så sådan ud. Men det var det, jeg forestillede mig, da jeg hørte navnet.

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     Til sidst månedens sidste Life in Colour. Jeg tog mit nye kamera, gik på jagt efter orange ting, og fandt ud af at appelsiner - selv om de altså hedder "oranger" på flere sprog - ikke er særligt orange.
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  Finally for the Life in Colour challenge. So I picked up my new camera and went hunting for orange and was surprised that oranges are actually more yellow than orange.

Så kiggede jeg mig omkring, og så en blomst på en plakat
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I looked around and noticed a flower on a poster

Og en gymnastikbold.
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And a stickball.

Men hvad kan dog være mere passende og orange end et græskar?
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But what could be a better finale to ORANGE than a pumpkin?

onsdag den 27. oktober 2021

Words for Wednesday -- October 27

  All of October - and for the last time today - Elephant's Child is supplying us with prompts. What we do to them is up to us, poem, story, shopping list, ignore ... the grand idea is to make us write. 
  Go to Elephant's Child's place to read some good stories. This is a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.

Today's prompts are sayings actually almost cliches:
He had a chip on his shoulder.
Best thing since sliced bread.
With a cherry on top.
She wants to have her cake and eat it too.
Everything but the kitchen sink.
Bringing home the bacon.

I did not use all of them, and I used some other ones to give a sneak peek of what transpires on the journey:

During their conversation in the train compartment, Paul discovered that the chip he had had on his shoulder ever since he began school had disappeared. The scolarship had cleaned the slate, and meeting Anders in the train was the cherry on top. Now they were both on their way to be bringing home the bacon and they wanted to go all the way.  What Paul still did not know is that you cannot have your cake and eat it.

mandag den 25. oktober 2021

Poetry Monday :: Opera

If you want to read some better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more! I think this theme should entice her to participate. Meatloafs can be baked as well -- we often do.
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

An opera is the strangest thing,
Where people never talk - they sing
And if a man is shot to death
He sings an ode with his last breath.

Oh sure I love the opera;
All those magic, mystic names
Mazeppa, Papageno, Vera,
Were among my early flames.

Alluring, tempting, magic,
is opera for me.
Romantic, comic, tragic,
I love them all, you see.

Next Monday's Topic: New Lease

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Coming up:
Puns (November 8)
Clean Out Your Refrigerator (November 15)
Your favourite record (or) best stereo or record player ever (November 22)
Chia Pets (November 29)

søndag den 24. oktober 2021

Sunday Selection - InkTober 3rdWeek

I denne uge starter jeg med Sunday Selections og noget ORANGE til Life in Colour. Sushi, nemlig!

Today I'm going to start with Sunday Selections and something ORANGE for Life in Colour. What about Sushi.
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En af sushierne hedder Orange drage. Min tegning og den ægte vare.

One of the sushi is called: Orange Dragon. My drawing and the real thing.

Mere sushi -- More sushi

Vi havde inviteret venner og familie på sushi - nu var det jo endelig muligt at fejre Uglemors 60 års fødselsdag, det i virkeligheden var i sommers under vores lockdown.
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We had invited guests and family. Finally we were able to celebrate MotherOwl's belated 60 years birthday.

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En af mine gaver var et nyt "liv" - et kamera, ja igen! Jeg slider dem op! Og ud over de herlige sushi her, så var noget af det første det blev fotograferet, mine tegninger til InkTober and Simple Daily Drawing.
       Gamle indlæg om "nye liv" til Uglemor: 4 april 2013 (det brugte) og 1. februar 2016
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  One of my gifts were a new "life" a camera - yes once again. I wear them out ;) And apart ffom wonderful sushi, the first photos were my drawings for the InkTober and Simple Daily Drawing challenges.
  Old posts on a "new life" for MotherOwl: April 2013 (the used one) and February 2016

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     Først månedens stikord. De overstregede var inden, jeg opdagede udfordringen. Dem med hakker ved har jeg tegnet.
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A picture of the prompts. The crossed out ones were the ones from before I found the challenge. The one with a tick next to them are the ones I have drawn.

     Der er 7 dage i en uge, men denne her mosaik har kun plads til 6 billeder, det vil sige, at de dage det ikke lykkes mig at tegne noget, der har med stikordene at gøre, kan jeg roligt springe over. Denne uge havde jeg ikke tegnet noget den 22. Egentlig havde jeg også lyst til at udelade 19. oktober, men på den anden side. sådan ser det også ud ind i mellem.

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  There's seven days to a week, but the way I make the picture make room for only 6 drawings. That gives me the freedom to either not draw one day a week or to not show the one I think is the worst from the past week. This week I did not draw anything on the 22nd, and I did really not want to show anyone my drawing from the 19th. But well, real is real.

onsdag den 20. oktober 2021

Words for Wednesday -- October 20

All of October Elephant's Child is supplying us with prompts every Wednesday. What we do to them is up to us, poem, story, shopping list, ignore ... the grand idea is to make us write. 
  Go to Elephant's Child's place to read some good stories. This is a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.

Today we had a photo and these words:


  Today I'm adding another bit to the story from last Wednesday. We once again meet Paul, the bohemian painter. And Anders, from the Danisch chapters.
  I've been writing on this story on and off for at least 20 years. I hope to get a bit more done with this Autumn/Winter's prompts, when they do not allow me to finish Susan's story.
 The first two parts -- in Danish only -- can be found here and here.

  I have now translated them and placed all four pieces of this story in a sub-page called "Fodspor (Footsteps)" accessible via the eponymous tab
Fodspor on top of this page.
  Once again I took up the additional challenge of using the words in the order they were given. Unfortunately splashed got left out, and I cannot find a way to add it.

     Paul easily found his seat on the train to Germany, smokers and then a middle berth, just as he had requested when he bought the ticket.
    He sat down at the window and lit his pipe. When the big watch outside said two minutes to departure, he was still alone in the compartment. Paul was glad to have the whole place to himself; it had been right to leave on a Tuesday. Just as the departure whistle sounded, the door opened and a young man with short blond hair and a small beard dropped a bag on the seat opposite him and said a brief "Hello!" and immediately went back out into the corridor.

    Anders had been running the last bit of the way to the train. It was a nice surprise that so many of his friends and the old Father Augustine had been there to say goodbye to him, but they had been so late that there had only been time for a short, warm goodbye before he received Father Augustine's blessing, and all the good wishes of the others and ran the rest of the way to the train.
    He stood in the corridor, gazing absent-mindedly at the greying horizon until the train had passed Valby and he had caught his breath again. He was slightly annoyed. He had expected to have the compartment to himself on such a weekday evening, he was tired, and had been hoping for a good night's sleep in a deserted train. Now he was going to have to share the compartment with that long-haired artist type who would probably play guitar all night. Anders went into the compartment, put his bag in the net and with a sigh let himself down on the seat opposite the long-haired man.
    Anders sat for a while, looking around the compartment at the pictures in the small frames on either side of the mirror opposite, and smiled quietly to himself when he saw that one of them depicted the square in Bussenville.
    Paul was actually half asleep, but the return of the other man had brought him so much back to reality that he now sat studying Anders through half-closed eyes. He followed the other's gaze, and when he saw the smile on the other's face, he was suddenly back to his school days in Bussenville.
    "But you're Anders, aren't you?" he exclaimed, "what on earth are you doing here on a Tuesday night?"
    "Yes, my name is Anders," replied the latter, "but who are you?"
    "I'm Paul. Don't you recognize me?" Paul asked, puzzled, as he brushed his hair away from his face with both hands.
    "Yes, now I can see and recognize you, Paul. What a coincidence. Are you on your way home from a long weekend party in the capital, or what?" Anders asked "I remember your partying habits from school, and ..." Anders' diatribe petered out.
    "No, I'm actually on my way to southern Germany. To a little town called Burgdorf.
    "On a holiday?"  Anders asked, surprise making his voice shrill.
    "No, I'm going there to develop my painting skills. I won a scholarship." He told Anders in few words about the painting from the snowy day.
    "I'm also on my way to Burgdorf," Anders said with joy in his voice. "I'm going to enter the novitiate there!"
    "WHAT?" Paul exclaimed, "Have you become a saint..."
    "No, of course not, but I found out that ..."
    "Tickets, please!" a voice sounded from the corridor, and a burly ticket inspector poked his head through the door. He looked at the tickets and found everything as it should be. "I understand that you already know one another," he added. "Should I keep your tickets and passports until tomorrow? That'll save you being woken up at the border and after the larger stations all the way to Munich."
    "Yes please." Anders and Paul replied in unison.

mandag den 18. oktober 2021

Poetry Monday :: Meatloaf Appreciation

If you want to read some better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more! I think this theme should entice her to participate. Meatloafs can be baked as well -- we often do.
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

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I'll have to write more than one strophe
To tell of how we love meatloaf,
With gravy brown and mashed potatoes,
A green salad with red tomatoes

The Owlets they arrive and sniff
When from the oven there's a whiff
Of meatloaf in the frying pan
They'll save their appetite all they can


The bacon and the ground meat
They know a trick or two
And in a meatloaf they'll meet
up with some precious goo

The sweet red currant jelly
Enhanced by what it meets
Will gently fill our belly
Give joy to all who eats.

Then add some mashed potatoes
Their velvet luxury
Will make us feel so very close
A happy family.


Danish Meatloaf AKA Mock Hare.
For the loaf:
    300 g ground beef & 200 g ground pork - or equal parts
   50 g bacon, ground with the meats, or cut into small pieces - use scissors
    2 eggs
    2½ decilitre (lactose-free) milk
    75 g dried bread crumbs
    salt and pepper to taste
    2 tablespoons redcurrant jelly

For the cooking and gravy:
    Water, more milk, more redcurrant jelly, flour.
Chop the meat and bacon (or buy ground meat and cut the bacon into small pieces) and mix with the other ingredients. If it can't take up any more milk or if it cannot keep it's form, let it rest in a  cool place (the fridge) for 15 minutes and then stir in more milk, let rest a bit more if it's still too soft to form into a loaf. Brown on all sides in a frying pan pan and leave to simmer in a pot with water and jelly for about 1 hour, turning it over halfway and basting occasionally with milk. Pour off the cooking water. While keeping the mock hare hot, strain the cooking water and make it into a brown gravy by thickening with wheat flour, and season with red currant jelly, salt and pepper.
Serve with boiled or better mashed potatoes.
Or bake it: 15 minutes at 225 degrees C. Add water and jelly and bake for 30 minutes at 160 C basting with milk now and then, Pour off the water (save it for gravy) and bake another 15 minutes. 

søndag den 17. oktober 2021

Sunday Selections -- InkTober 2nd week

Mens jeg sad og overvejede InkTobers seneste stikord, faldt jeg over InkTober52 (et stikord pr. uge - ikke opdateret siden december 2021), og derfra fandt jeg videre til Simple Daily Drawing (et stikord om dagen året rundt). Og så lovede jeg mig selv at hvis jeg fortsatte med en tegning om dagen, så måtte jeg bruge noget bedre end det gamle kladdehæfte med gennemsigtige sider, jeg har brugt hidindtil. Og i dag, søndag, har jeg søreme fundet min gamle skitseblok frem.  😇
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 While participating in the InkTober challenge, I stumbled over Simple Daily Drawing (a drawing prompt a day all year round) via InkTober52 (a prompt a week - not updated since December 2021). And I promised myself that if I did continue doing this, from Sunday (today) I would use a better drawing pad than the old, repurposed school notebook with far too thin and transparent pages I've been using so far. I have found my old sketch block as a reward for persisting 😇

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     Så, ikke mere snak, ugens tegninger; øh, jeg synes selv, jeg bliver lidt bedre, og jeg har faktisk lyst til at tegne.
     Og nu væver jeg, snakker udenom, kommer med undskyldninger og tøver igen. Kom så!

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Well no more talking. I think that I am improving, and I feel more drawn to drawing, aka it's not always a chore any more.
Oh, still temporizing, procrastinating, playing for time, are we, MotherOwl?

En smule forklaring: den 12.: En Hearthstone fra World of Warcraft (ikke fra kortspillet), den bruges, når man er stuck.
Den 14.: Tick betyder tæge, hak eller tik (som i tik-tak) på engelsk, og jeg kunne ikke beslutte mig.
Den 16.: Stikord Fluffy, blød, men  den trehovedede hund i De vises sten, Harry Potter 1, hedder også Fluffy.

A bit of an explanation: 12th depicts a Hearthstone form World of Warcraft (not the card game). Used when stuck.
14th Tick, I could not decide which tick to go for.
16th: Fluffy is also the name of the three headed dog from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

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Et par fotos fra den forgangne uge skal der altså også være plads til

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I have to find room for those photos from the past week as well.

Dobbelt regnbue i nabolaget.
Double rainbow near home.

"Smok" betyder drage på polsk - mon ikke Smaug har sit navn derfra?
Smok is Polish for Dragon, I wonder if that was what inspired Smaug?

Mere polsk, broderemønstre på en æske med pølser.
More from Poland. Embroidery patterns on a crate of sausages.

Og to Ugle-bogholdere fra vores lokale bibliotek.
And two Owl book holders from our local library.

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Og så til noget ORANGE til Life in Colour. Dråberne dukkede jo op, og en af dem hedder faktisk Orange. Tegningen er farvelagt på computer (med Paint), det er ikke fantastisk, jeg kan meget bedre lide mine gamle, tyske vandfarver ... det kommer måske, vi har jo efterårsferie. JUHUU!
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  And to end on  a lighter note, and with something ORANGE for Life in Colour. The Droplets came alive again, as you can see in the drawings. One of them are called Orange. The drawing is coloured using Microsoft Paint. Not fab, I might find my tried and true German watercolours in the coming week - Autumn holidays YAHOO!

onsdag den 13. oktober 2021

Words for Wednesday -- October 13

All of October Elephant's Child is supplying us with prompts every Wednesday. What we do to them is up to us, poem, story, shopping list, ignore ... the grand idea is to make us write. 
  Go to Elephant's Child's place to read some good stories. This is a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.


Today I'm re-visiting an old main person of mine, Paul, from a story,, I've been writing on and off for at least 20 years. The first two parts -- in Danish only -- can be found here and here. If you try reading them via an online translating tool I would recommend DeepL. It is SO much better than "Giggle Translate".
  Once again I took up the additional challenge of using the words in the order they were given.

The answering machine went on, as he did not pick up the telephone when it was ringing. Paul just stood there listening. It felt like a piece of fiction, he had won a prize for the painting he had submitted. Delightfully surprised he scribbled the number and went outside to calm down a bit before calling the committee. He was still afraid it was a trap, some of his friends pulling his leg. On the other hand this would probably cross the border from pranks to skulduggery. Hesitantly he picked up the phone, and groaned as he looked to the slip of paper in his hand. Drops of water from the umbrella in the corridor, still wet after yesterday's showers, had made the number illegible.
His fertile mind invented ways and means of making the scribble legible: Ironing, lemon juice ... then from a corner of his mind rationality spoke: "Just listen to the answering machine once again!" With a deft move he made the tape rewind to the beginning, and found a new slip of paper and waterfast ink in his selection of writing materials.

mandag den 11. oktober 2021

Poetry Monday :: Throw a Party

If you want to read some better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

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This Mondays topic is Throw a Party.

Hey, a party! Come let's go!
Cakes abounds and hot drinks flow.
Later we'll have dinner too
Steaks and jam, a single brew.
Then it's time for fun and play
Where the loosers have to pay.
Then we sell them back their stuff,
Easy now, don't be too rough.
We're all family and friends
Hoping this day never ends.
Alas as every good thing do
There's an end to this our party too.

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Next Mondays topic is: Meatloaf Appreciation

søndag den 10. oktober 2021

Sunday Selections -- Bad Drawings

Det er søndag, og jeg lovede, eller stillede i udsigt, hvilket jo nok er det samme, at jeg ville vise ugens InkTober-tegninger på søndag.
     Desværre er jeg blevet så dårlig til at tegne på grund af manglende øvelse, at mine tegninger nok kun kan bruges som et skrækeksempel. Hvis du nogensinde bliver bare nogenlunde god til noget, så stop IKKE med at gøre det! Du kan se nogle af mine gamle tegninger ved at klikke på Tegninger i etiketterne (eller klikke på linket).
     Men jeg lovede det. Og løfter skal holdes, selv når det gør lidt ondt ...
     Først listen over stikord og min tyske fyldepen med blæk der kan slettes. Jeg har en ting, der hedder en Tintenkiller - blækdræber - som kan bruges til at rette fejl. Jeg har besluttet ikke at bruge den.
     Jeg tegner en skitse med blyant, tegner linjerne op med blæk og visker blyantsstregerne ud - i hvert fald i teorien.

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It is Sunday. I promised -- or threatened --  to post my InkTober drawings. Sadly I have become so bad at drawing from lack of practise, that my drawings can only serve as a bad example. If you ever get just moderately good at something, please DO NOT stop doing it! You can see some of my old drawings by clicking the label Tegning (or use this link. Etiketter means Labels in Danish).
  But I promised. And promises are to be kept, even when it hurts a bit ...
  First, the list of prompts and my fountain pen, German made, with erasable ink. I have a thing called Tintenkiller - Ink-killer - which can be used to correct errors. I have decided not to use it.
  I sketch in pencil, draw the lines in ink, and erase the pencil - at least in theory.
   Det blev mandag den 4. inden jeg kom i gang ...
    To af dagene, tirsdag og onsdag fik jeg ikke tegnet tegningerne op med blæk. Jeg var kommet for sent i gang, jeg var træt ..
     Det der med at fotografere mine tegninger kunne jeg nok også blive bedre til ...
     Og nu væver jeg, snakker udenom, kommer med undskyldninger, tøver ... Kom så i gang, Uglemor!

OK! I er selv ude om det!

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  I did not begin until Monday the 4th ...
  Two of the days, Tuesday and Wednesday, I was too busy or felt too lousy to do more than sketch ...
  My drawing photography skills are wanting too ...
  And now, I'm temporizing, procrastinating, playing for time ... Get it done already, MotherOwl!

OK! You asked for it. Here we go:
Så kan jeg da kun håbe på at blive bedre resten af oktober ;)

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I can only say that I hope to improve during the rest of October .


Og så til noget helt andet: Noget ORANGE til Life in Colour. Et billede af et nøgle garn, jeg købte bare fordi jeg kunne lide farverne.

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  And to end on  a lighter note, and with something ORANGE for Life in Colour. A photo of a skein of yarn, I bought only because I loved the colours.
The label at the beginning of the yarn says: Strik og smil - Knit and smile.

lørdag den 9. oktober 2021

Mere cirkelstrik -- More Circular Knitting.

 Cirkelstrik, som det Statistrikk laver, kan strikkes på mange måder og til utallige formål. Med inspiration i hendes herlige ponchoer, siddeunderlag og bordskånere, har jeg fundet på vandhaneskørter.
     Her er endnu et, denne gang i mørke farver og strikket på en ny måde, en pind med hver farve. Det giver blandt andet en interessant kant, der ikke nødvendigvis behøver en hæklet afslutning for at være fin.
     Jeg har også brugt "forskudte korte rækker" for at undgå de koncentriske cirkler efter vendingerne. Det ser ud til at virke.
       På billederne er vandhaneskørtet hverken vasket eller strukket, så det ser lettere ujævnt ud.

*  ⃝  *

Inspired by Statistrikk's Circular knitting -- ponchos, transportable pillows (for lack of the right word), and trivets, I made the tap skirts.
  Here's another one in dark colours testing a new idea. One colour for each row. This makes a nice edge, that does not need a crocheted border to look finished.
  I also used the "offset short row" technique to avoid the concentric circles look. It is working, I think.
  Pictures of this idea, not washed or stretched yet.

Strikket på pinde 3 i alm 4/8 bomuldsgarn. Slået op: 25 m, og strikket som her.
Knit on 3 mm. needles with 4/8 cotton yarn. I cast on 25 stitches and proceeded like here.

Nærbillede af kanten -- Close up of the edge.

onsdag den 6. oktober 2021

Words for Wednesday -- October 6

These are the words that Elephant's Child gave us:


And this is what happened to them:

It's unsuitable for ladies!
But we didn't see the crocodiles.
We sat at home playing cards.

We lived our life turned to the wall
Until suddenly a voice appeared.
That gave us both freedom and slippers!

Let's call it free verse with a touch of lexicography.

tirsdag den 5. oktober 2021

October! - InkTober? - Maybe.

 October is many things:
- Oktoberfest-time (not this year).
- Month of the Rosary
- Inktober - draw something in ink each day.
- Blogtober - blog every day for 31 days.
- Øktober - buy more thing in organic quality.
And there's an inordinate number of memorials, obervances and Saints' days in October, poor month.
Always on the third or thereabouts I remember ... Oops, it's October! Time to bake Rosary muffins - and pray the Rosary. Time to draw in ink, time to ... and then I feel overwhelmed and give it all up.
This year I only promise to post eventual (and mosty ugly) drawings from the past week in Sunday Selections. I just hope Jude from Life in Colour will forgive me for not using orange ink.

Here's the list of prompts for InkTober - and yes I inverted the colours. I have visual problems, making it super-hard to read white on black.

mandag den 4. oktober 2021

Poetry Monday :: Golf

If you want to read some better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

-- -- 

This Mondays topic is Golf. This time aroung it's a bit strange, more lines rhyme with no mean or measure. So sorry, it was the best I could do. Here we go:

If you like to golf; now your pardon I beg,
I tried it and found it was boring as heck,
But the golf balls were funny and lovely too
They fit in a small hand. My daughter and I
We rolled them and sent them in each other's way
Then yellow balls, white ones, the prize one, a blue
Took turns all a-rolling as all good balls do.
The fun only ended as brother grew up.
And learned how to throw them, he was a bit rough.
And golf balls are heavy and hurt quite a lot.
The hurting parts meant that this fun had to stop.
Now deep in a drawer a pyramid lays
Of golf balls in layers, and there they will stay,
The yellow ones, white ones, the blue at the top.
Until once again small hands need a good play.

- - - - -

Next Mondays topic: Throw a Party

søndag den 3. oktober 2021

Sunday Selections -- Strange Fruit

Thanks for support, well wishes and sympathy. I'll post a few photos from yesterday because yes, it is still Sunday here 2 hours to go :)

On our neighbour's fence an Akebia is growing. It is old and big, and for many years we have enjoyed the flowers in late spring and early summer.
Here it is - big and green.

But a closer look revealed this:
I thought at first sight that some prankster had hung sweet potatoes on the vine, and so did my neighbour when I asked her what was growing there. But upon closer inspection it was fruits from the Akebia.

It looks a bit strange, should be edible, but nothing special. I',m going to try and grow some of the seeds.

fredag den 1. oktober 2021

Words for Wednesday -- September 29 - No words

Sorry no story this Wednesday - or Friday either. I came this far:
  More than once now  I promised to continue the depressing story of Susan's decay. As it's also my story, I am free to tell it. But I'm afraid it won't be told ... Well, you might be able to guess that Susan did not keep her promises. She did not constrain herself to soft drinks and pool. Or coming home early and going to school next day ... I gave a hint in these paragraphs from Sarah and her children:

"The magic was taken from them, as from all of us." Susan paused. "Did you ever read the Harry Potter books?" Frank and Freya nodded, and Susan continued: "Well, it seems that the magical societies all over followed very much the same pattern. In Denmark - and Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the Faroes; we were one realm with one school - a small group of wizards had the idea that we had suffered for long enough. That it was our turn to reign. Only this reign they dreamt of was what you and I would probably call a reign of terror. We defeated them, but to do so, we had to abandon our own magic. Everybody, us apprentices, the teachers and the by then not so small group of would be-despots were poisoned and had their magic taken from them."
Knud continued: "And all the magicians surviving that day, were left with a longing, a hole inside, a missing part you might call it. Many died over the next few years, and of the surviving, a good part went to sects or turned to drinking or drugs."
"I did too," Susan said, "But then I met Knud. Of course I did not recognize him, but I fell in love with him. And love is often a cure-all.
 But I'd much rather continue with the tales of Unicorn Farm, and Birch Manor, than with the rambling ways of an anti-social, unadapted youngster.
  And now that Cindi has provided us with this wonderful photo, I'm continuing the story of the ruins of Unicorn Farm from here

"Come over here!" Tage yelled. "I found a house!"

And then I ran out of steam and energy. I know what I want to tell, I jhave the pictures and the story inside my head, but I can't write. I don't know what's wrong, I know I need a holiday, and that I won't have one for a long time yet. Dark autumn mornings have set in - and a month before time, blame France, and EU for prolonged DST. It's cold, windy, ... maybe I'm just suffering from anticipatory SAD.