søndag den 6. september 2020

WfW - Christmas at Unicorn Farm - part 2

River at Drifting through Life is supplying us with Words in September. From Wednesday 2nd. I stil l had some unused words:

patch - setback - dropout - espalier - trace

It seems I'm unable to write for very long, as my brain runs dry. Now I used two more words, and there's still more story left to tell. Let's hope for a continuation. Even though this peaceful day is not what I envisioned. Stories - even half autobiographical ones - have a life of their own.

When they reached the parking site they experienced a setback to their plans. A family in an old blue car was just arriving and the girls reached the patch of wild roses hiding their broomsticks. "Now what," Rósa asked Susan. Now we wait," Susan answered. "We'll say we're waiting for my dad to pick us up. If they ask. They won't stay for long, at least I think so. It's cold, they're not going to swim or something as if it was summer." Susan and Rósa sat down one the big boulders and placed the bags between their feet. As expected, the lady came over to them. She was wearing a baby on one arm, and a small girl held her other hand. The man stood at the water's edge with an older boy. From the smell he had been sick.
"Hello, and merry Christmas!" the lady said.
"Hello and Merry Christmas to you as well," Susan answered, while Rósa smiled at the baby, and began talking to the small girl.
"What are you doing here?" the lady asked, just as expected.
"Waiting for dad to pick us up," Susan answered. "We wanted some fresh air after what felt like hours in the car, and we volunteered to go shopping, while he and mum unpacked the car. He'll come for us soon."
"Fresh air, yes I can sympathize, and Brian there even more I suppose," the lady said with a smile to them and an anxious look to the pair at the water. "Are you also on holiday here."
"Yes," Susan answered, "I suspect we're not that many celebrating Christians on this island."
"We're having a small party one of the days," the lady answered, "it's kind of become a tradition." The man and the boy returned from the water.
"Are you OK. now Brian?" the lady asked.
"He'll be OK," the man said. "Let's drive on, then I can go shopping while he relaxes in the hammock and you take care of the two small scoundrels. Then when I return, we can unpack. If you can get the heat going, and put a kettle over for coffee, I would be a happy man," the man added smiling.
"I'll certainly try," the lady said, "Those two were smart," the lady said with a nod towards Susan and Rósa.  "They went shopping and got some fresh air, while mom and dad unpacked the car."
"Smart girls," Brian said. "I'll remember."
The small family said their good byes and drove off. The little girl kneeling on the back seat and waving until they could no longer see the car.
Then Susan and Rósa hurriedly got on their brooms and flew off direction Unicorn Farm.

... to be continued

3 kommentarer:

  1. I so enjoy these stories. This snippet came to me in the quiet of an early morning, with dawn more than an hour away.
    I loved it - and wished that my family had seen the value of stopping and fresh air. Motion sickness is a big issue for me. Cars, planes, boats - and when we traveled by motor bike I was always afraid I would throw up in my helmet and drown.
    I hope that Susan and Rosa enjoy their flight. I wish I could join them.

    1. I could have been Brian as well ;) The trip from Elsinore to Sweden (app. 20 minutes) by boat was a trial in anything but calm weather. My family learned the hard way the vlue of frequent stop. I have even been almost sick once while driving myself - one myth busted!
      Travelling by motor bike, you're brave. I never did that ... that is only as a passenger in an old, old one in the side car, and I don't remember wearing a helmet ... those were the days ... I think I described it somewhere in Susan's story.
      Flying would be wonderful, even better than biking.

  2. That's a nice little episode, very realistic.


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