Tykkere garn og større fødder betyder ny "opskrift" "Opskrift" fordi der bare står, hvor mange masker der slås op og hvor mange, der skal tages ud over hvor mange pinde på en aftegning af hans fod, sådan at de to sokker kommer til at ende med at blive ens. Da Uglemor så nåede til enden af det allervarmeste sted, og Spirillen stadig bekæmpede Ragnaros' minions, fandt hun noget Ragnarosfarvet garn frem til overgangene mellem nøglerne.
Det første billede viser hvor langt Uglemor nåede inden Ragnaros blev besejret.
Marsupilami needed new sock. He had grown, and his old socks had mysteriously found their way into a hot wash. MotherOwl dug out her warmest, softest wool. Alas none of the balls contained enough for a pair of socks. Stripes would be the solution. But while MotherOwl cast on 5 or 6 times Marsupilami had joined a raid in World of Warcraft to defeat Ragnaros.
Bigger feet and thicker yarn made her need a new "pattern" "Pattern" because MotherOwl's sock patterns are a sheet of paper with a drawing of the foot with notes on how many stitches to cast on, and how much to increase over how many rounds for toes so that the second sock will turn out same size as the first.
As MotherOwl reached the end of the first colour, Marsupilami was still fighting Ragnaros' minions. MotherOwl found some Ragnaros coloured Yarn, and decided to use it between every change in colours.
This is how far MotherOwl had knit, as Ragnaros was finally defeated.
Her er lige et billede af Ragnaros. - - - - - Just to show what Ragnaros looks like.
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Kilde - Source |
Næste dag skulle Uglemor til øjenlægen, først med sig selv og senere med Piraten. Det gav masser af ventetid til at strikke i.
Og der var ikke noget i vejen med vores øjne :)
Next day MotherOwl and the Pirate went to the ophthalmologist. That made for lots of waiting time = knitting time.
And nothing was wrong with our eyes :)
Tirsdag strikkede Uglemor i imellem fødselsdagskage-fabrikation og reparation af diverse tøj og andre gøremål. Der mangler at blive hæfter ender og så en vask, men nu er Ragnarossokkerne færdige.
Tuesday, MotherOwl knitted in between the making of birthday cakes. repairing, and other chores. And finished the Raganros socks. Now they only need darning in and a wash.
Og sådan nåede Uglemor at deltage i Ginnys strikkeklub igen uden at have vævet den mindste lille smule på det blå.
And this way MotherOwl participated in Ginny's Yarn Along without having touched the blue weaving.
Genialt stribegarn.
SletMotherOwl/Uglemor strigger fanken så bra! <3 Raggyboi rip. Gnomeregan & chill/black swan kl 12 dont be late ;) <3
SvarSletReally nice yarn and chill/cool colors, hope to see more maybe Black wing lair lol? :P