I går havde både Uglemor og Ugleungerne vældigt travlt i haven. Vi skulle så, reparere drivhuset, blive færdige med bistadet, og sidst , men ikke mindst rydde alting væk, for vejrmeldingen lovede regn.
Medens jeg sidder her og skriver, ruller tordenen i det fjerne, og regnen falder lige så stille. Vi nåede faktisk det hele. Medens Ugleungerne var i skole, malede Uglemor bistadet 2. gang, og reparerede de sidste detaljer, der mangler kun et flyvebræt - biernes landingsbane. Inden formiddagskaffen i haven, kravlede Uglemor rundt på domen og satte plasten fast hvor forårets blæst havde revet den løs, og lugede en hel del. Efter kaffen lugede Uglemor lidt mere og hentede Ugleungerne. Vi var en tur ude i det lokale byggemarked, hvor vi købte ne pakke søm - Ugleungerne har brugt de gamle op på at lave trækonstruktioner med gamle brædder ;) - nogle flere hæfteklammer til pistolen og noget net til under bunden af bistadet, så musene ikke kan finde ind.
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Yesterday MotherOwl and the Owlets were busy in the garden. The forecast promised rain during the nigth. We had to sow, repair the greenhouse, finish the bee hive and last, but not least put away all materials and all the tools. While I sit here writing, the rain is pouring and distant thunder is rolling But we made it yesterday.
While the Owlets were at school, MotherOwl ppainted the hive and almost weeded the greenhouse. After picking up the Owlets and visiting our DIY centre, the Owlets sowed. Pirate sowed corn, Marsupilami kale, Minimax sugar beets and carrots. MotherOwl planted out dyers' knotweed - hoping to dye blue later on.
Så gik vi ind og fik en velfortjent aftensmad.
Nu har det regnet 16 mm!
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When Trolli came home he was given a hard work, bending iron until it broke for use as extenders for beehive legs. As MotherOwl started to fasten them, the drill went out of battery, and I continued with the hand drill. After putting all mats and tools away, the drill was good enough to fasten all the screws and Trolli and MotherOwl carried the bee hive to it's place. It's still missing the landing place for bees, but it will work now, and I'm longing for inhabitants.
Then the Owlets made their homework, while MotherOwl weeded the last of the greenhouse and spread a load of horsedung in there, our neighbour has horses and don't mind us taking a load now and then - or ten ;)
Then we had a well deserved dinner.
And now it has rained 16 mm
Altså, en ting er at din fordøjelse er blevet bedre, men hvor pokker kommer kondien fra så hurtigt? ;)
SvarSletAr jeg har jo hele tiden skulle passe et hus, og vi har to etager, så grundkondien har altid været der. Men jeg trænger altså stadig til at øve mig på at cykle til byen (6 km gennem skoven) og hjem igen uden at falde omkuld, men det kommer til sommer. I dag har jeg fladet ud, for godt nok er FODMAP-diæten en mirakelkur, men den hjælper hverken på hovedpine eller høfeber :)
SvarSletAll that rain will be good for your garden. I don't know anything about bee-keeping. Will you need to wear one of those protective suits and hats with the netting when approaching the hive? I like the thought of all that delicious honey!
As we always say: All that rain is good for the radishes, which is a spring crop here, and always grow bitter in summer from lack of water.
SletAnd yes I'm wearing all the protective garment I can find, when tending my bees, although i mean to get a peaceful lot, as they're quite close to our house. I love honey, but my real reason for having bees is pollination. Strawberries, pears, apples, plums and so on make so much more fruit when pollinated by bees. It's time consuming to go over all those flowers with a small brush - as I did when our plum trees were small, now they're over 5 metres tall with an abundance of flowers, the same is true for apples and pears. Some of your neighbours must have bees. At least I hope so. Or else I'll have to imagine you on the top of a ladder pollinating trees with a brush ;) .