Senere blev udhuset sat i stand, og alle de underlige ting kom over i garagen. Vores garage er meget stor, der er plads til to store lastbiler i den, og vores bil holder ikke i den ;) Nu har jeg så taget fat på den grønmalede reol. Den er herlig!
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When we moved into the Owlery the old stable was filled up with stuff. It had been used as a home for doves and a place to put all the old stuff. One hot summer's day at least 14 years ago MotherOwl dressed in her oldest clothes and pulled down the doves' home and cleaned out all the things from the rest of the attic. Most of the things were thrown away immediately, but I found the doors to our living room, a piece of furniture made from orange crates (with two rat skeletons in it), an old pram and some shelves with small drawers. It was painted green, and all the edges were hidden by old gardening hose attached with big spikes - but why? I removed all the old hose and most of the spikes and used this as storage for my projects, as the old stable was my working space for a while. When the old stable was renovated all the strange things were moved to our giant garage. The former inhabitant was a lorry driver, with 2 vans of his own. Now I took on the job of renovating this old piece of furniture. And it really is hard work. All the surfaces has had at least 3 coats of paint, the drawers 5. I think the drawers are re purposed, as they have another colour underneath, and they have had another handle - look at the cowered hole in the middle.
Reolen er fra begyndelsen af samlet helt uden søm, alting er samlet enten med svalehaler eller med udfræsede riller og noter hvor begge dele bliverer bredere mod bagkanten. Træet er faktisk fyr eller gran, men det er så hårdt, at jeg troede det var bøg eller noget lignende. Herligt håndværk og herligt træ, der stadigdufter af harpiks, når jeg sliber på det.
Det er et hestearbejde at få malingen af. Inderst er der på selve reolen rød bejdse og derover to lag forskellig grøn maling med diverse olierester, fetdfingre, jernspåner osv i - manden var vognmand og mekaniker.
Skufferne kommer nok fra et andet sted, for de er først malet gule, to forskellige nuanccer, og derudover et lag hvidt, og så de samme to grønne som reolen. Der har - som du kan se på billederne - også været et andet håndtag, for der er et hul med en prop i midten. Nu er der messing-arkivskilte (Mega-anløbne) med messingskruer, der stadig er til at skrue ud, langt de fleste i hvert fald.
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The shelves and drawers were originally made without use of nails or screws. All parts are either dovetailed or held together by tapered holes and pieces of the shelves jutting out, also tapering to fit the cut away pieces (I have not got enough words for carpentry in English - help). In the beginning I thought it was made out of beechwood, but when I sawed away a rotting piece, I smelled the resin and found out that it was naturally grown firwood, not our contemporary force grown with coarse grain.
Det vil nok tage et par uger, før jeg er helt færdig med at sætte den reol i stand. Måske bliver appelsinkassereolen så næste projekt?
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I'm sure this project will take a while. Maybe I'll renovate the orange crate thing afterwards ...
This looks like a fabulous find. It will be so interesting to see how it turns out. The carpentry looks really solid - so unlike modern cabinet-making and so full of character.
SvarSletYou have so many talents, Uglemor! Every post is different - I learn something every time I visit here!
God bless:-)
SvarSletWhat a wonderful find. Well worth renovating! I can't wait to see the end result. And the 'orange crate thing'too!