mandag den 14. august 2023

Poetry Monday :: Roses :: NOT my Words

Somewhere in the "Rules" for Poetry Monday, hosted by  Diane at On the Border I read that you could also cite somebody else's poetry. I'll use this option today, as Roses inevitably make this pop into my brain.

I heard it in "Singing in the Rain" long ago and wrote of it in one of my earlier chapters on Susan and the Unicorn Farm. (Link). I even know the exact date of this scene: November 12, 1977.

Moses supposes his toeses are roses,
but Moses supposes erroneously.
For Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses
as Moses supposes his toeses to be.

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Next Monday: Sea Monsters

10 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling. I suspect the toeses don't smell as good as the roses either.

    1. Not unless Moses is a baby ;) everything baby smells good. But then he could not suppose that his toeses were roses, so no. No rose smelling toeses here.

  2. I like this very much - such a fun and clever little poem!

    1. Yes it's fun - and blocks all other thoughts on roses:D

  3. Thank you, I needed the laugh!

    1. You're welcome. This is as it should be. We have a laugh for one another when needed. I often leave your bog with my lips a bit higher around the corners :)


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