fredag den 10. juli 2020

Springvand 😁 Fountain

    Ude ved HelsingeHallerne, hvor Uglemor gĂ„r til fysioterapi, ligger der en rĂŠkke sten. De ligger bare og forhindrer bilerne i at kĂžre ind pĂ„ grĂŠsset. Men hvis man gĂ„r tĂŠttere pĂ„, er der noget underligt ved nogle af stenene.
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   At the sports centre, where MotherOwl goes once a week for PE, a row of stones keep the cars on their side of the lawn. But if you take a closer look, some of the stones look strange.

Der er huller i toppen af nogle af dem, og hvis man kigger endnu nĂŠrmere, stĂ„r der, halvt skjult af mos og lav noget pĂ„ de sten med fordybninger i toppen:  Valby - Tibirke - Maarum - Vejby - Anisse - RamlĂžse og den sidste, her manglende sten. Helsinge.
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  There's a hole in the top of them, and if you remove moss, lichen and such, letters can be seen. They spell out: Valby - Tibirke - Maarum - Vejby - Anisse - RamlĂžse and a last, missing stone says Helsinge.

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     Tilbage i tiden, i 1998 og fĂžr, var stenenen del af et springvand inde midt i Helsinge. BĂžrnene legede og plaskede i det, forĂŠldrene sad pĂ„ kanten og sludrede og kĂžlede hĂŠnderne.
     Og pĂ„ sidste skoledag var der altid et eller andet geni, der puttede opvaskemiddel i, sĂ„ springvandet "sprang" med bobler i stedet for med vand.
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  Way back when, in 1998 and before, the stones were part of a fountain in Helsinge. The children played there, parents sat on the edge to relax or cool down, and on graduation day someone invariably poured dish washer in it, so that bubbles ensued - all over.

     De seneste par gange, Uglemor har vĂŠret forbi, er der blevet bygget lige ved siden af hallerne.  FĂžrst var der er sekskantet hul, sĂ„ blev det fyldt med armeringsjern, - stadig sekskantet - og i dag var der sĂ„ to flinke fyre fra F. Madsen Entreprise, der fortalte, at de skam var ved at lave et springvand, hvor de 7 sten inde fra Helsinge skulle op og stĂ„ og vĂŠre springvand igen. Stenene ville ogsĂ„ blive renset for mos og lav.
     Uglemor glĂŠder sig til at se sognestenene komme til deres ret igen.

The last couple of times there strange digging have been going on. First a big hexagonal hole, then next time it was filled up with rebars - still hexagonal in shape. And today two nice smiling workers told MotherOwl that yes, they were working on a new fountain, and yes the 7 stones from the 7 parts of the old Helsinge municipality would be brushed off and put back to their original function as Fountain stones.
  MotherOwl is looking forward to this.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I love that the fountain is going to be restored.
    The dishwashing liquid is something that fountains the world over see.
    And a minor typo 'the children palyed there,' should be played.

    1. I think it is nice to know that dish soap and fountains go well the world over.
      Thanks for correction.

  2. That is wonderful about the fountain being rebuilt and using the original stones! I hadn't heard about dish soap in fountains before. You can tell I am a small town person - we have no fountains here.

    May I ask who is the little girl in the picture?

  3. Oh, Jenny, this is my "big" town, where I go shopping with all of 8 225 inhabitants. I think your place might be underprovided with fountains.
    The little girl in the picture? It is not me ;) It is my daughter, and you can see a wheel of the stroller, where her (then only) brother sleeps.

    1. Now I feel sorry for myself that we do not have a fountain :)

      Your daughter looks very cute and happy there. How nice to have a picture of the old fountain to compare with the upcoming one.

  4. There are not enough fountains in the world. I am so glad yours is being restored~


  5. What a wonderful thing to do, i love traditions.


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