mandag den 8. august 2016

Heksebryg -- Witch's Brew

     Sidst i juli satte Uglemor og Piraten en heksegryde over. Vi kogte rejnfanblade, syrefrø, æblebark og gamle svampe. Alt sammen i et forsøg på at farve orange uldgarn. 
     Senere plukkede Piraten en masse blomstrende rejnfan, og Uglemor høstede tagrørsblomster. Vi plukkede også oregano i haven, vild gulerod på grøftekanterne og alle Ugleungerne plukkede valnøddeblade fra vores gamle træ. 

- o Yarn Along o -

Late in July MotherOwl and the Pirate boiled up a Witch's brew, consisting of leaves of tansy, seeds of sorrels, bark of apples, dried webcaps. We were trying to dye our yarn orange. Later the Pirate picked flowering tansy and MotherOwl harvested reed flowers. We also picked oregano in the garden, Queen Anne's lace along the roads and all the Owlets cut off heaps of walnut leaves from our old walnut tree.

Rejnfanblade, syrefrø, æblebark og gamle svampe
Leaves of tansy, seeds of sorrels, bark of apples, dried webcaps

Pirate's Tansy - Reed flowers  - Hollyhocks - Tansy - Witch's brew

Syrefrø -- Sorrel seeds

    Uglemor og Ugleungerne havde igen læst "Skyggens lærling". Derfor fik Uglemor den idé at vi skulle farve noget "rangerfarvet" garn. Først blev det vundet i et langt bundt mellem to stole og farvet i fire gule-gulbrune nuancer med vild gulerod, rejnfan, syrefrø, oregano. Så blev det vundet til et endnu længere fed, fik bundet en masse knuder på sig og blev overfarvet med både tagrør og valnød.
     Uglemor synes, at resultatet er mere giraf-farvet end rangerfarvet, så hun prøvede igen med kun merian og tagrør overfarvet med genbrug af valnøddebadet. 

- o 0 o -

MotherOwl and the 3 small Owlets have been re-reading Ranger's apprentice, and we wanted to make some ranger-coloured yarn. A ball of yarn was made into a long hank and dyed four yellow and yellow-brown nuances with QAL, tansy, sorrel seeds, and oregano. Later it was made into an even longer hank, tied into knots and overdyed with walnut and reed flowers.
The resulting yarn is giraffe coloured rather than ranger coloured. MotherOwl tried with a thinner yarn dyed it with oregano and reed flowers and overdyed with walnut, reusing the dye bath for a more subdued colouring.

Vild gulerod og Regnfan, parat til meriangryden
Dyed with QAL and tansy, ready to be dyed with oregano.

Merian-farvegryden. -- Oregano dye bath

Se hvor fint låget passer trods snorene.
Look, the lid is tight even with strings holding up the yarn.

Hemmeligheden er de fine slidser i kanten af låget.
The secret is those fine slits along the rim of the lid.

Masser af knuder og overfarvet med tagrørsblomster og valnød.
Lots of knots and overdyed with reed flowers and walnut leaves.

Giraf-farvet garn
Giraffe coloured yarn

Girafgarn og rangergarn
Giraffe yarn and ranger yarn

Girafgarn i et fint nøgle.
Giraffe yarn in a nice cake

Rangergarn i et nøgle. Det er lidt mørkere i virkeligheden.
Ranger yarn in a cake. It's darker in real life.

Løvfaldsluffer af girafgarnet.Det har en vis selvstribende effekt.
Mittens of the falling leaves. Knit from the giraffe yarn.It looks a bit like self patterning yarn.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Meget efterårs- og camouflagepræget garn. Det ser slet ikke tosset ud når det strikkes!

    1. Tak, man må jo prøve at leve op til Ugleungernes forventning om at mor altid kan alting ;)

  2. I loved reading this post - so innovative and interesting.
    And the knitted piece is just beautiful, oh so natural...
    How long was the skein?
    I myself have also practiced similar dyeing of long skeins. I used St. John's wort - its four colours on one skein. I made three or four skeins and they sold very well. I was glad a grandma bought two of the skeins to knit socks for her grandchildren.

    1. Thank you. this skein was approximately 6 metres long. The longest, I ever did vas 50 - I had to wait for a dry day to do this outside.
      St. John's wort is one of my favourites,too, but I hva had bad luck with the fastness of the last couple of dye baths. I suspect the wet summers ant the soil here not doing anything good for this. I think arid and hot yields better dye.
      Selling to happy people makes it all worthwhile.


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