Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings
and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the
prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is
taking a break for health reasons.
This Monday's prompt is Muse.
My muse has gone missing
Oh where is she now
I miss her and wish her
right back at my side
My muse has gone missing,
she wanders and roams
I miss her and wish that
she stayed here at home
But muses are fickle
and will not be bound
I miss her and wish her
good luck on her jaunt.
- - - - -
Next Monday: Canada Day or if this does not fit, you have Free Choice
mandag den 24. juni 2024
søndag den 23. juni 2024
Sunday Selestions :: Søndagsbilleder
Maltreatment of Plants ~ Plantemishandling
I do not know what these nice sansevieria have done to be treated this way - or why. I only know that this is a clear-cut case of plant maltreatment.
And according to the label (STOLT = PROUD) the perpetrators are even proud of their misdeed.
Jeg ved ikke, hvad de her Svigermors skarpe tunger havde gjort for at skulle dyppes i maling, men det er helt klart plantemishandling.
Og så lader det til at gerningsmændene oven i købet er stolte af deres værk.
And according to the label (STOLT = PROUD) the perpetrators are even proud of their misdeed.
Jeg ved ikke, hvad de her Svigermors skarpe tunger havde gjort for at skulle dyppes i maling, men det er helt klart plantemishandling.
Og så lader det til at gerningsmændene oven i købet er stolte af deres værk.
Og nu til noget helt andet ~ And now for something completely different
Blomstrende lindetræ. Hvis man står under sådan ét kan man høre hundredvis af insekter der suger til sig af den rigelige nektar. Linden tree in full bloom. If you stand near such a tree, you can hear hundreds of insects drinking up the nectar.
Og i begge de her billeder finder vi månedens farve:
And in both photos, we find the colour of the month.
fredag den 21. juni 2024
Words for Wednesday :: June 19 :: Gylfi & Thora 9
The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people. This merry month of May they are by David M. Gascoigne.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
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Words for Wednesday June 19:
But I still had the last batch of words left over from last Wednesday, and they fit my story. As usual I used them in the order they were given, and continued my tale from where I left off.
The words were:
Back in Hella Thora decided to check out the families living around there for wizards and witches. Gylfi backed her up and suggested she used the ruse with borrowing a cup of flour from the houses.
In a house surrounded by buttercups Thora talked for a long time with Hildur, the housewife and mother of eight children in all ages from toddler to young adults. Thora was almost blown away by the magic in the air, even the baby in its pen seemed to exude magic like a strong light. During her visit she took great care not to talk of anything to do with magic. But she noticed the harness used to train the small ones broomstick flying and the wands hidden in a vase of paper flowers. With her new knowledge of wands, she could feel that the wands were quite old, and not very efficient any more. She was more determined than ever for them to open that school of magic. The husband, Starri, returned home just as Thora was taking her leave, and she caught a whiff of magic from him as well.
Gylfi and Thora discussed late into the night how and where to find a place for a school. Thora did not think Iceland would be a great place for it.
"We would be overrun," she said, "people here are still keeping to the old ways, albeit erratically and faultily. My visits to neighbours - and yours as well show us that that magic in Iceland had not died out. We need to build a school in a place where only the students can go, where we teachers can live, and where we can have a shelter for magic animals, some place near the sea would be nice - and not too cold either. I'm sure something will show up."
Gylfi went to the window and grasped the mullion firmly, shaking it gently he spoke: "I had imagined that this place would be our school of magic, but I see the wisdom in your words. When the Finnish twins return, we should travel through Sweden, Norway and Denmark to see if we can find a fitting place. You're right about the climate as well, It's too cold here, same as Greenland and the Faroes."
On this downcast note they called it a day and Thora left for her small cabin. Brúnleita awaited her hooted sharply and offered her a juicy rat. "No thanks, my dear," Thora said gently, ruffling the feathers between her small horns. "I have already eaten tonight." Brúnleta hooted once, softly, swallowed the rat in one gulp and flew of to the tall tree where she normally slept.
mandag den 17. juni 2024
Sunday Selections ~
How I spent my Birthday ~ Thankful edition
Søndagsbilleder ~ Haveglæder på min fødselsdag
My birthday this year was sunny and nice. I longed for work in the garden, some fresh strawberries maybe or other garden delicacies after weeding a bit.
-- 🪲 --
But ... first I realized that my old nemesis - the wax scales - had once again returned with a vengeance on my bay laurel bush.
I am thankful that I quickly found out that when you have a major infestation like this one, the wax scales also live on the topside of the leaves ...
... and on the stems. My pink toothbrush from earlier seasons had disappeared, but I found a new, old toothbrush, this time a blue one.
Inside the dome more pests had been living the sweet life. Some of the poppies were totally wrapped in webs from some smallish mites - they were thrown to the hens to eat or not - they did.
They look strange, don't they? Almost like wrapped in cling wrap.
I was given a common spindle in exchange for some walnut husks last autumn. It survived first the transplanting, then the winter, then the wet spring. But ... someone has been eating it, and wrapping it in webs too. I read up on it, found that it was Spindle ermine, a common moth, and that it would not kill the plant, only cause a setback.
Here are the sad remains. A closer look revealed that the stem - or is it a trunk? - was almost broken. An Owlet admitted to the deed, an accident, and "isn't this just a weed, MotherOwl?".
"No it is SO not a weed, dear Owlet," MotherOwl answered and grabbed the Gaffer tape, remembering the old adage 'If you can't fix it with gaffer tape, you did not use enough!"
Fixed spindle tree.
And on a closer inspection, it did indeed survive the attack of the Spindle ermines.
Farm engineering works in the Owlery too I hope.
Then I continued the the strawberries, I found ONE ripe strawberry, the blackbirds had eaten the rest, just as they - and the doves - are eating all my redcurrants - Stupid birds!
But the elder was full of flowers, so I made us half a bucketful of elder cordial
Like this!
And I picked rhubarbs, around a kilo and froze in two bags for rhubarb pies in the months to come, where we celebrate a lot of birthdays.
Huge thankful for the gifts of the garden - and for one of my birthday presents; a "bouquet" of steel posts to hold up the nets that keeps the blackbirds away.
My birthday this year was sunny and nice. I longed for work in the garden, some fresh strawberries maybe or other garden delicacies after weeding a bit.
-- 🪲 --
But ... first I realized that my old nemesis - the wax scales - had once again returned with a vengeance on my bay laurel bush.
I am thankful that I quickly found out that when you have a major infestation like this one, the wax scales also live on the topside of the leaves ...
... and on the stems. My pink toothbrush from earlier seasons had disappeared, but I found a new, old toothbrush, this time a blue one.
-- 🪲 --
Inside the dome more pests had been living the sweet life. Some of the poppies were totally wrapped in webs from some smallish mites - they were thrown to the hens to eat or not - they did.
They look strange, don't they? Almost like wrapped in cling wrap.
-- 🪲 --
I was given a common spindle in exchange for some walnut husks last autumn. It survived first the transplanting, then the winter, then the wet spring. But ... someone has been eating it, and wrapping it in webs too. I read up on it, found that it was Spindle ermine, a common moth, and that it would not kill the plant, only cause a setback.
Here are the sad remains. A closer look revealed that the stem - or is it a trunk? - was almost broken. An Owlet admitted to the deed, an accident, and "isn't this just a weed, MotherOwl?".
"No it is SO not a weed, dear Owlet," MotherOwl answered and grabbed the Gaffer tape, remembering the old adage 'If you can't fix it with gaffer tape, you did not use enough!"
Fixed spindle tree.
And on a closer inspection, it did indeed survive the attack of the Spindle ermines.
-- 🪲 --
Farm engineering works in the Owlery too I hope.
Then I continued the the strawberries, I found ONE ripe strawberry, the blackbirds had eaten the rest, just as they - and the doves - are eating all my redcurrants - Stupid birds!
But the elder was full of flowers, so I made us half a bucketful of elder cordial
Like this!
And I picked rhubarbs, around a kilo and froze in two bags for rhubarb pies in the months to come, where we celebrate a lot of birthdays.
Huge thankful for the gifts of the garden - and for one of my birthday presents; a "bouquet" of steel posts to hold up the nets that keeps the blackbirds away.
Poetry Monday :: Bread
Mandagsdigt :: Brød
Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.
This Monday's prompt is Bread. This word fits me. I like bread, I like to bake a bread, So an ode to bread it is.
Flour, salt and water
A little yeast
And then I potter
along as I knead
Patience and raising
A little time
Soon I'll be praising
The Lord for the bread.
Hmm ... this turned in an unexpected direction. Later today I will post my Sunday Selections. I was too busy yesterday.
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Next Monday: Muse
Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.
This Monday's prompt is Bread. This word fits me. I like bread, I like to bake a bread, So an ode to bread it is.
Flour, salt and water
A little yeast
And then I potter
along as I knead
Patience and raising
A little time
Soon I'll be praising
The Lord for the bread.
Hmm ... this turned in an unexpected direction. Later today I will post my Sunday Selections. I was too busy yesterday.
- - - - -
Next Monday: Muse
onsdag den 12. juni 2024
Words for Wednesday, June 12 ~ Gylfi and Thora 8
The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for June are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher and they will be at Elephant's Child's blog.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
The prompts for June are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher and they will be at Elephant's Child's blog.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
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Words for Wednesday June June 12 (today):
This seems to be turning into one of my longish tales.
I used the first half in the order they were given. But first some corrections. There are no lizards in Iceland, so Gylfi could not have followed one into the cave, and the Cathedral of Our Lady in Turku does not have a crypt as far as I have ben able to find out, so a deserted, cluttered chapel is where the portal leads.
If anybody from Turku is reading this ... I am thinking mostly of you Karen at Myyratohtori ... then please, could you tell me if there is a crypt or not?
They ate a few more cookies and then braved the last of the portals leading to the church proper.
They met a man lurking in the dark of the chapel behind the small, hidden door, but luckily he was drunk, and accepted with no further questioning that they were just tourists visiting the cathedral and looking for the special amber-hued burial window in the chapels.
Outside the cathedral they sat themselves down at benches under some birch trees a luscious green in the warmer sunshine of Turku.
"Now, how do we get to Helsinki?" Taavi asked, " and are you two going with us, or what?"
"I can answer the first one," Tähti said. "By bus, I think there's a bus an hour going from Turku to Helsinki, passing by the cathedral square every hour at the hour."
"And no, I do not think we're going to stay here," Gylfi said. "The horses should not be left for days in that cave, and I noticed that our drainpipe was leaking when we left. I suggest that you go home, arrange your stuff for a prolonged absence, and then return when you're ready. It should be quite easy. Come back here, go into the chapel and pass through the portal to the portal room under the mountain. Watch out for that drunkard, though. He might not pass it off if he see people disappearing there regularly." Gylfi smiled.
"The list," Thora said. "they'll have to know which portal to come through once they're back under the mountain."
Gylfi pulled a small notebook from his pocket. Looking at his watch he hurriedly copied the signs for Eyafjallajökull and his phone number on an empty page, which he then pulled out and gave to Tähti. "Just remember what I taught you about the spelling and pronunciation of Icelandic words, then you'll have no trouble phoning me if you do not want to walk all the way back to Hella - or if you're afraid to brave the portals alone, I'll come and fetch you ... and bring a batch of Thora's cookies."
"That last option sounds tempting," Taavi said. "I think we go for that."
Tähti looked at the paper and read Gylfi's address and phone number aloud, the spell at once transforming her words into Finnish for her and Taavi. "No good, she said. When I try to call you, I'll have to cancel that spell, and hope that my atrocious Icelandic will suffice."
"It will," Gylfi assured her, "the lady putting you through is a nice one. Do you have any idea how long before you return?"
Täthi and Taavi looked at one another. "Quite soon, Taavi answered, "there's no reason to dally, and every reason to come back to Iceland. Two weeks at the most. By the way, if you need a cup of coffee before going home this bill should do it." He gave Gylfi a Finnish bank note.
"Thanks, I did not think of that," he admitted, and added: "We look forward to seeing you again." Thora nodded. "Maybe we can even prepare one of the small huts in the area for you 'till then," Gylfi mused. Then the four magicians shook hands, and Tähti and Taavi hurried to the bus stop while Thora and Gylfi slowly drifted back to the church. They entered the cathedral again.
"Let's play tourists for a short while!"
They paid for entrance to the small museum, and were even allowed up in the tower. After a cup of surprisingly good coffee they went back into the chapel and assured that no-one were around before they opened the secret door. Soon they were back in Iceland.
mandag den 10. juni 2024
Words for Wednesday ~ Gylfi & Thora 7
Keeping up this "speed" I'll never ever use all the Words before a new batch is given to us in 1½ days.
I used one word, Lizard, for this part of the story.
Of course they were wary following Gylfi after this. The door looked like a dark hole to an even darker room, As they crossed the threshold one by one the world spun around them in a dizzying, sickening way leaving them retching and gasping for breath.
"Wow," Tähti said, "your portals are tough. She sat down hard on one of the chairs and held her head until it stopped buzzing. Then she looked around. Sleek, grey stone walls made out walls, floor and ceiling in the long broad corridor stretching ahead of them. Slowly she turned her head and looked behind her, a grey stone wall was covered in a shimmering, vaguely blue substance, like sparkling smoke.
"Is that the portal?" she asked, pointing to the oblong cloudy thing.
"Yes. This is what we came through, Gylfi said, carefully nodding. "The dizziness will get better with each use, I hardly feel anything any longer. Are you ready to go on?"
The three wizards stood up, shook their heads carefully, felt their heads and legs, and realised that they felt much better already.
"Yes, we're ready," Thora said. "Lead on."
Gylfi led them through smoothly hewn corridors of that same grey stone. Everywhere were doors and a irregular intervals corridors branched off. Some of the doors had strange blue symbols over them, some still lit, others faded almost away.
"What is this place once again, and who made this?" Thora asked.
"As far as I have been able to find out from reading old, and I mean really old, moulding texts, this is the main portal room of all the magic world from back when wizard or witch was an honourable occupation. I don't know who made this. They fell into oblivion in the early middle ages. I surmise, that the black death, that almost halved the populations also decimated the knowledge. I further guess that the portals actually helped spread the pest, and that wizards and witches in many cases carried the disease with them through the portals - only to die from it themselves as well. What ever the reasons, after 1500 those portals were only known to a few wizards here and there throughout Europe until the persecutions in the 16th century killed them off as well. My rediscovery was pure luck. I was riding here one summer on a trip to circle the ice caps, I followed a very beautiful lizard into the natural cave. I then fell in the darkness, waking up again near midnight, and stumbling around, looking for the horse - who had of course left me and returned home - and the stuff that had spilled from my backpack, I literally stumbled through the portal. I returned, and studied over the years, and now I suggest that we go to Helsinki. Follow me."
The other three looked at one another at a loss for words, and just followed Gylfi to a door with a glowing blue symbol over it.
"This here symbol means Finland." Gylfi said, certainty in his voice.
"How so?" Taavi asked.
"It's an ancient language, or maybe just symbols. I have made my own small booklet with a list of the doors' symbols. I suggest that you copy it for yourself later on." He opened his backpack. "And now, before we jump through this portal, a snack is a good thing. At least I have found that eating helps with the sickening feeling and with not getting exhausted. Thora's cookies are very good for this."
"That's where all my cookies went!" Thora exclaimed, "I never understood what happened to them!"
They all ate a couple or three of Thora's cookies and then Gylfi opened the door to the room, where yet another blue, shimmering oblong portal waited fro them. He then bade Tähti go through the portal as the first one.
"I go first?" Tähti said, at the same time eager and afraid to go on.
"Yes. Ladies first," Gylfi said, bowing in a very old fashioned way before her.
"If you do not like what you find, you can just return," he said in a teasing tone.
"I'll do it," Tähti said, and walked through the portal head held high and walking with dainty steps.
"Now, who's next?" Taavi asked.
"Thora, you go now," Gylfi said, then Taavi, and lastly me bringing up the rear."
They did as suggested and soon all four wizard stood shaking and breathing heavily in another stony room.
"Where do you think we are?" Gylfi asked Taavi and Tähti.
"Not in Helsinki!" Tähti said with determination in her voice. "It feels wrong."
"You're right, we're not in Helsinki. But we're close."
"Hey," Tähti said, "now you're telling the truth. What you said before were half truths, not far enough off for me to notice, but now, now you're telling us an unlikely truth. I see our glow!" Gylfi looked at her, astonishment etched on his face. But Tähti shook her head: "Later. If we are in Finland, and I see your truth there, but still not in Helsinki, I am certain that we are in Turku. We could be in the crypt below the cathedral of our Lady."
"You hit the bullseye!" Gylfi said smiling.
I used one word, Lizard, for this part of the story.
Of course they were wary following Gylfi after this. The door looked like a dark hole to an even darker room, As they crossed the threshold one by one the world spun around them in a dizzying, sickening way leaving them retching and gasping for breath.
"Wow," Tähti said, "your portals are tough. She sat down hard on one of the chairs and held her head until it stopped buzzing. Then she looked around. Sleek, grey stone walls made out walls, floor and ceiling in the long broad corridor stretching ahead of them. Slowly she turned her head and looked behind her, a grey stone wall was covered in a shimmering, vaguely blue substance, like sparkling smoke.
"Is that the portal?" she asked, pointing to the oblong cloudy thing.
"Yes. This is what we came through, Gylfi said, carefully nodding. "The dizziness will get better with each use, I hardly feel anything any longer. Are you ready to go on?"
The three wizards stood up, shook their heads carefully, felt their heads and legs, and realised that they felt much better already.
"Yes, we're ready," Thora said. "Lead on."
Gylfi led them through smoothly hewn corridors of that same grey stone. Everywhere were doors and a irregular intervals corridors branched off. Some of the doors had strange blue symbols over them, some still lit, others faded almost away.
"What is this place once again, and who made this?" Thora asked.
"As far as I have been able to find out from reading old, and I mean really old, moulding texts, this is the main portal room of all the magic world from back when wizard or witch was an honourable occupation. I don't know who made this. They fell into oblivion in the early middle ages. I surmise, that the black death, that almost halved the populations also decimated the knowledge. I further guess that the portals actually helped spread the pest, and that wizards and witches in many cases carried the disease with them through the portals - only to die from it themselves as well. What ever the reasons, after 1500 those portals were only known to a few wizards here and there throughout Europe until the persecutions in the 16th century killed them off as well. My rediscovery was pure luck. I was riding here one summer on a trip to circle the ice caps, I followed a very beautiful lizard into the natural cave. I then fell in the darkness, waking up again near midnight, and stumbling around, looking for the horse - who had of course left me and returned home - and the stuff that had spilled from my backpack, I literally stumbled through the portal. I returned, and studied over the years, and now I suggest that we go to Helsinki. Follow me."
The other three looked at one another at a loss for words, and just followed Gylfi to a door with a glowing blue symbol over it.
"This here symbol means Finland." Gylfi said, certainty in his voice.
"How so?" Taavi asked.
"It's an ancient language, or maybe just symbols. I have made my own small booklet with a list of the doors' symbols. I suggest that you copy it for yourself later on." He opened his backpack. "And now, before we jump through this portal, a snack is a good thing. At least I have found that eating helps with the sickening feeling and with not getting exhausted. Thora's cookies are very good for this."
"That's where all my cookies went!" Thora exclaimed, "I never understood what happened to them!"
They all ate a couple or three of Thora's cookies and then Gylfi opened the door to the room, where yet another blue, shimmering oblong portal waited fro them. He then bade Tähti go through the portal as the first one.
"I go first?" Tähti said, at the same time eager and afraid to go on.
"Yes. Ladies first," Gylfi said, bowing in a very old fashioned way before her.
"If you do not like what you find, you can just return," he said in a teasing tone.
"I'll do it," Tähti said, and walked through the portal head held high and walking with dainty steps.
"Now, who's next?" Taavi asked.
"Thora, you go now," Gylfi said, then Taavi, and lastly me bringing up the rear."
They did as suggested and soon all four wizard stood shaking and breathing heavily in another stony room.
"Where do you think we are?" Gylfi asked Taavi and Tähti.
"Not in Helsinki!" Tähti said with determination in her voice. "It feels wrong."
"You're right, we're not in Helsinki. But we're close."
"Hey," Tähti said, "now you're telling the truth. What you said before were half truths, not far enough off for me to notice, but now, now you're telling us an unlikely truth. I see our glow!" Gylfi looked at her, astonishment etched on his face. But Tähti shook her head: "Later. If we are in Finland, and I see your truth there, but still not in Helsinki, I am certain that we are in Turku. We could be in the crypt below the cathedral of our Lady."
"You hit the bullseye!" Gylfi said smiling.
..... to be continued
Poetry Monday :: Wild
Mandagsdigt :: Vild
Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.
This Monday's prompt is WILD. This word fits my garden, yesterday was Day of Wild Gardens in Denmark. So ... a photo and a poem is in place here.
Our garden is wild
to put it mild
We have weeds and bugs
and snails and slugs
There's too many weeds
there's too much that feeds
On bushes and trees
and on my seeds
There's nettles that sting,
tiny vicious thing
There's thistles too
white, purple and blue
Mosquitoes galore
and wasps that soar
There's foxes that fright
my chicks in the night
But boy, oh boy
we have much to enjoy
There's tits and hens
and wagtails and wrens.
There's chirps and tweets
and peas and beets.
There's also a dome
the tomatoes' home
And beds for all
plants big or small
They smell and sting,
they do their thing
There's morning red skies
and dragonflies
There's bushes, trees
and bumblebees
There's toads and frogs,
that jumps and hops
There's beetles of red
and spiders in web
The happy and glad
overshade all the bad.
Had I not been away
most of all yesterday
This sign on you'd have seen
inviting you in:
And I'm sure you'd have seen
lots of
Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.
This Monday's prompt is WILD. This word fits my garden, yesterday was Day of Wild Gardens in Denmark. So ... a photo and a poem is in place here.
Our garden is wild
to put it mild
We have weeds and bugs
and snails and slugs
There's too many weeds
there's too much that feeds
On bushes and trees
and on my seeds
There's nettles that sting,
tiny vicious thing
There's thistles too
white, purple and blue
Mosquitoes galore
and wasps that soar
There's foxes that fright
my chicks in the night
But boy, oh boy
we have much to enjoy
There's tits and hens
and wagtails and wrens.
There's chirps and tweets
and peas and beets.
There's also a dome
the tomatoes' home
And beds for all
plants big or small
They smell and sting,
they do their thing
There's morning red skies
and dragonflies
There's bushes, trees
and bumblebees
There's toads and frogs,
that jumps and hops
There's beetles of red
and spiders in web
The happy and glad
overshade all the bad.
Had I not been away
most of all yesterday
This sign on you'd have seen
inviting you in:
![]() |
Come on in! - the garden is open - Wild Gardens' Day |
And I'm sure you'd have seen
lots of
lørdag den 8. juni 2024
Words for Wednesday ~ Gylfi & Thora 6
June 5 saw me writing this. Words for Wednesday June 5:
I know what to write, but my teeth still hurt and these Words do not fit, anyway writing will happen ... soon.
These words are still some bastards, but writing did indeed happen. I used: Girth & Pummelling for this. It continues where I left off last time:
"If we want to found a school of magic," Thora said, "We'll have to find more good wizards to teach there. Do you have any idea of where to begin?"
"You said in the car, that you could feel my magic," Tähti said, looking at Gylfi. "How did you do this, I mean can we learn to do this?"
" I don't know, I thought we all could do this. Close your eyes." Gylfi placed two books on the table in front of Tähti, of roughly equal girth and weight. He placed one of her hands on each book: "Now feel those books, can you feel which one is magic?"
"The left one is magic," Tähti said after only a slight hesitation. "That's easy."
"Exactly. That's how it is!" Gylfi said, "but we have to learn."
"Can I try as well?" Taavi asked. And he was able to feel the same difference as his sister. They then practised with their new wands, the old wands, branches, rods and timber. Very soon they were right every time.
They ate lunch, and how they ate. "We'll have to go shopping soon," Gylfi said, "We eat much more than I reckoned we would."
"We do?" Taavi asked. "I remember our grandparents complained that we ate so much at their place. Our parents always said that it was the rural air that did it. Maybe it was the magic?"
"I still remember grandma's cooking as very good," Tähti said smiling. "But then we'll need some good cooks at our school ... that'll have to wait until later. What about our books? Could we get them somehow?"
"Whoa," Gylfi said. "hold on a minute. I have a shadow of an idea. This also have to wait at least some days. We'll have to practise and grow in magic first. I'd suggest we try wandsinging next."
They went out into the park. Thora placed her hand on a tree and sang the wandsinging song. Nothing happened. Then Gylfi tried and then Taavi with the same negative results.
"You try again, Tähti," he said.
Tähti sung and still nothing happened. "It seems that we will have to work on this," she said.
The next weeks were quiet, but busy, the four read books or went for walks in the great park and surrounding countryside in the semi-dark days and dined well and planned long into the dark hours. The quiet was now and again interrupted when someone found an exiting spell, a difficult potion or a new or easier way of doing something. The poor table in Gylfi's living room took many a pummelling from strange substances and once even from a rain of small stones.
"We really have to go home to Finland," Taavi said one morning. "There's some things I want to check in my books, Id like to bring them here - and on he more prosaic side we need more clothes, and to take care of our homes. We can't just stay here forever."
"No really, you can," Gylfi said. "But I acknowledge that you have to check up on your flats in Finland." He slanted his head and smiled at Thora who smiled back. "But for today I have planned an outing to the caves of Hella. Because today it is the spring equinox."
The caves of Hella were impressing, but for our four wizards they were also a disappointment. By now they were experts in the discernment of magic, and they found only weak traces of magic here and there, the wisps and echoes of old spells and a bit more in one of the chambers, Maybe once, long ago some wizards had cast some spells at one of the walls there, maybe an old wand was buried there. All the writings were not in the least magic. And they were not able to read anything at all from the inscriptions on the walls and columns.
The next day Gylfi told the three other wizards that he had a big discovery to show them. He would not tell anything but that they were going to Eyafjallajökull and probably stay there for a couple of days. He bade them dress in comfy, warm clothes and sensible shoes - "And please remember your wands. Thora, can I ask you for once to pack a generous lunch. I have some last minute preparations to see to?"
Half an hour later they all piled into the old car and Thora drove them to the nearest bigger town, where they stopped for some shopping, and coffee and cake. Gylfi took over and steered the car down a narrow, bumbling road. At the end of this, mercifully short ride they stopped at a small farm. A woman dressed in skirts and with long braids came out to greet them. "He came over after you phoned him," she said. "I have the horses ready for you!"
"Horses?" Taavi said, "What now, Gylfi?"
"Well it's impossible to go there by car, and and I can't see us walking over there, so ... riding is the best alternative. Trust me."
They distributed the bags and bedrolls and Gylfi took the lead. They soon came to a glistening ice cap, and Gylfi followed the rim until he found an almost invisible track. "I was here years ago," he said, "but I am sure this is the right place. Come on!" The track twisted and turned and suddenly a black hole into the ice opened in front of them. Led by Gylfi they entered and stood in a natural cave. They pulled the horses into the cave and tied them to rings set in the stone. Gylfi spoke again: "This is one of the old Portal places of Iceland. From here we can go to a big place under the mountain, or to a similar place under Drangajökull. We will have to go to the big place."
"Portals!" Taavi asked in an awed voice.
"Yes," Gylfi answered, "Portals. They worked in the middle ages, up until the great witch hunts, and then they were forgotten and fell into disrepair. I discovered this place by pure accident, and I have carefully tried and tested all the portals - one nearly killed me, it is sealed by now."
He opened a door in a far corner. "Only wizards can pass through this door. It is a mini-portal in its own right, and not a nice experience, but fear not, follow me."
I know what to write, but my teeth still hurt and these Words do not fit, anyway writing will happen ... soon.
These words are still some bastards, but writing did indeed happen. I used: Girth & Pummelling for this. It continues where I left off last time:
"If we want to found a school of magic," Thora said, "We'll have to find more good wizards to teach there. Do you have any idea of where to begin?"
"You said in the car, that you could feel my magic," Tähti said, looking at Gylfi. "How did you do this, I mean can we learn to do this?"
" I don't know, I thought we all could do this. Close your eyes." Gylfi placed two books on the table in front of Tähti, of roughly equal girth and weight. He placed one of her hands on each book: "Now feel those books, can you feel which one is magic?"
"The left one is magic," Tähti said after only a slight hesitation. "That's easy."
"Exactly. That's how it is!" Gylfi said, "but we have to learn."
"Can I try as well?" Taavi asked. And he was able to feel the same difference as his sister. They then practised with their new wands, the old wands, branches, rods and timber. Very soon they were right every time.
They ate lunch, and how they ate. "We'll have to go shopping soon," Gylfi said, "We eat much more than I reckoned we would."
"We do?" Taavi asked. "I remember our grandparents complained that we ate so much at their place. Our parents always said that it was the rural air that did it. Maybe it was the magic?"
"I still remember grandma's cooking as very good," Tähti said smiling. "But then we'll need some good cooks at our school ... that'll have to wait until later. What about our books? Could we get them somehow?"
"Whoa," Gylfi said. "hold on a minute. I have a shadow of an idea. This also have to wait at least some days. We'll have to practise and grow in magic first. I'd suggest we try wandsinging next."
They went out into the park. Thora placed her hand on a tree and sang the wandsinging song. Nothing happened. Then Gylfi tried and then Taavi with the same negative results.
"You try again, Tähti," he said.
Tähti sung and still nothing happened. "It seems that we will have to work on this," she said.
The next weeks were quiet, but busy, the four read books or went for walks in the great park and surrounding countryside in the semi-dark days and dined well and planned long into the dark hours. The quiet was now and again interrupted when someone found an exiting spell, a difficult potion or a new or easier way of doing something. The poor table in Gylfi's living room took many a pummelling from strange substances and once even from a rain of small stones.
"We really have to go home to Finland," Taavi said one morning. "There's some things I want to check in my books, Id like to bring them here - and on he more prosaic side we need more clothes, and to take care of our homes. We can't just stay here forever."
"No really, you can," Gylfi said. "But I acknowledge that you have to check up on your flats in Finland." He slanted his head and smiled at Thora who smiled back. "But for today I have planned an outing to the caves of Hella. Because today it is the spring equinox."
The caves of Hella were impressing, but for our four wizards they were also a disappointment. By now they were experts in the discernment of magic, and they found only weak traces of magic here and there, the wisps and echoes of old spells and a bit more in one of the chambers, Maybe once, long ago some wizards had cast some spells at one of the walls there, maybe an old wand was buried there. All the writings were not in the least magic. And they were not able to read anything at all from the inscriptions on the walls and columns.
The next day Gylfi told the three other wizards that he had a big discovery to show them. He would not tell anything but that they were going to Eyafjallajökull and probably stay there for a couple of days. He bade them dress in comfy, warm clothes and sensible shoes - "And please remember your wands. Thora, can I ask you for once to pack a generous lunch. I have some last minute preparations to see to?"
Half an hour later they all piled into the old car and Thora drove them to the nearest bigger town, where they stopped for some shopping, and coffee and cake. Gylfi took over and steered the car down a narrow, bumbling road. At the end of this, mercifully short ride they stopped at a small farm. A woman dressed in skirts and with long braids came out to greet them. "He came over after you phoned him," she said. "I have the horses ready for you!"
"Horses?" Taavi said, "What now, Gylfi?"
"Well it's impossible to go there by car, and and I can't see us walking over there, so ... riding is the best alternative. Trust me."
They distributed the bags and bedrolls and Gylfi took the lead. They soon came to a glistening ice cap, and Gylfi followed the rim until he found an almost invisible track. "I was here years ago," he said, "but I am sure this is the right place. Come on!" The track twisted and turned and suddenly a black hole into the ice opened in front of them. Led by Gylfi they entered and stood in a natural cave. They pulled the horses into the cave and tied them to rings set in the stone. Gylfi spoke again: "This is one of the old Portal places of Iceland. From here we can go to a big place under the mountain, or to a similar place under Drangajökull. We will have to go to the big place."
"Portals!" Taavi asked in an awed voice.
"Yes," Gylfi answered, "Portals. They worked in the middle ages, up until the great witch hunts, and then they were forgotten and fell into disrepair. I discovered this place by pure accident, and I have carefully tried and tested all the portals - one nearly killed me, it is sealed by now."
He opened a door in a far corner. "Only wizards can pass through this door. It is a mini-portal in its own right, and not a nice experience, but fear not, follow me."
..... to be continued
onsdag den 5. juni 2024
Words for Wednesday ~ Only the Words ... & IWSG June 5
The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for June are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher and they will be at Elephant's Child's blog.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
The prompts for June are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher and they will be at Elephant's Child's blog.
The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.
It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.
So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.
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Words for Wednesday June 5:
I know what to write, but my teeth still hurt and these Words do not fit, anyway writing will happen ... soon.
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Today is also the first Wednesday of the month. Time for the monthly Question from the Insecure Writers' Support Group

My answer - I think the porpose of this group perfectly describes what I would like:
Purpose: To share and encourage.
Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!
tirsdag den 4. juni 2024
Poetry Monday :: Eggs :: No Poetry
Poetry Monday is a challenge, normally hosted by Diane @ On the
Border. But starting this January she's taking a break due to health
issues, and Mimi @ Messymimi's Meanderings and I have conspired
to keep the chair warm for her. We will each set the topics for one month, I began with January,
Mimi supplied for February, and so on until Diane returns.
For Monday June 3rd the prompt was Eggs.
But yesterday no poeming happened. I thought quite a lot about Eggs as I biked to the dentist, but after having one tooth extracted and another given a root canal treatment, poetry was not high on my priority list.
Here's a picture of today's Eggs while waiting
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Next Monday's prompt is Wild
For Monday June 3rd the prompt was Eggs.
But yesterday no poeming happened. I thought quite a lot about Eggs as I biked to the dentist, but after having one tooth extracted and another given a root canal treatment, poetry was not high on my priority list.
Here's a picture of today's Eggs while waiting
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Next Monday's prompt is Wild
søndag den 2. juni 2024
Sunday Selection :: Søndagsbilleder
Once again from bus travels and my garden
Nok engang fra busrejser og fra min have
Nok engang fra busrejser og fra min have
And featuring Colour of the Month ~ June :: Og med Månedens farve ~ juni
First the ivy that has figured here before: Den her efeu har vi set før
But over it ... dun-dun-dun ... ready to fall:Men ovenover .... lige ved at falde ned.
Meanwhile in The Owlery ~ Hjemme i Ugleboet
Storkenæb ~ Cranesbill
Flotte pletter ~ Pretty spots
Verdens bedste pebermynte ~ The very best mint
Japansk Indigo ~ Dyer's knotweed
Hvidløg fra topløg ~ Garlic from bulbils
Yuzu, der bare elsker at stå inde i domen ~ Yuzu loving it inside my dome
Nyplantet egetræ ~ Sapling oak, just transplanted
And the ladies enjoying all our weeds. Nothing green here - except for the weeds and some of the eggs. We do have 6 hens, but one is broody and is always staying inside the nesting box -- As we have no rooster, she will never have any luck, and I steal the eggs.
Od de damer der spiser al vores ukrudt. Der er ikke meget grønt her -- ud over ukrudtet og nogle af æggene. Vi har altså 6 høner, men den ene er skruk og ligger hele tiden inde i redekassen - vi har ikke nogen hane, så der kommer ikke noget ud af det, og så stjæler jeg altså æggene fra hende.
lørdag den 1. juni 2024
Words for Wednesday, May 29 ~ Part 2 ~ Gylfi & Thora 5
Well even though the weeds are growing and the sun is shining, I could not pull myself off the keyboard before this was done. I hope you like it. Now I'm off to weed and enjoy the nice weather.
The second batch of Words were:
And as usual I used them in the order, they were given.
That earned him much praise from Tähti, and as Thora and Gylfi heard just what this spell was, from them as well.
In a sense it was a key to magic. It was a spell to know which brand of magic a person was endowed with, or more to the point to make a utensil that could tell this.
"I thought it over this morning," Tähti said, "I think we have to open a school for magic ... shush, hear me out, she said as the other three began to talk. "After I'm done, you're welcome to pester me with questions, objections and so on. Agree?"
They nodded, and Tähti continued: "Magic was in the olden days an integral part of daily life in Finland, and I reckon in Iceland as well. But it was a rogue magic, people learned from grandparents, masters, whomever knew a bit, and often they were badly taught, and even worse in the application of magic. To the detriment of the magic society as a whole. Think of witch hunts, burning at the stakes, trials by water and so on and so forth. If we need to revive the magic - and I think we have a moral obligation to do so - we should do so in a ... let's call it scientific way. Shoot!" She stopped and sat back in her chair.
Taavi began: "I think you're right. We have to revive the magic. More and more the wizarding people are coming to realize what they are, we saw this in our travels. And the scientific approach sounds just right for our days."
"Yes," Thora said slowly, "this tally with what we have seen. But why limit our school to Iceland and Finland?`I'm sure the situation is roughly the same in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway as well as on the Faroe isles."
"But first we have to teach ourselves," Gilvi said. "only yesterday I did not know of wandsinging, and we still do not know if it can even be taught, or if it is something only you can do. So much to do, so little time!"
"Yes indeed," Tähti said, "We have books, yours here and ours in Finland, we have our wands, we have to study diligently, but time ... we need more time."
"How old are you?" Gylfi asked bluntly.
Thora said "You know how old I am, 51 at my next birthday, soon."
"We're both 62, having had our birthday this year," Taavi said.
"And how old am I?" Gylfi asked.
"You're 70-something," Thora replied. You retired only a few years ago."
"That sounds about right," Taavi and Tähti said in unison, a twin habit they had done their best to unlearn, but it surfaced now and then when they became passionate about something.
"I am 104 years old," Gylfi said, his face immobile as a mask. "I was old already at the time of the Great War, WWI as it was later to be called. I wanted to join, but my then wife, a non-wizard, did not want me to. And as I was busy at the newly founded University in Reykjavík, I was fine with this." He looked at Thora, "Yes, I was one of the original teachers at the university, I worked there from 1911 until I retired now 14 years ago."
"How did you manage this?" Thora asked.
"Faking my dates? It was easier in the days of old, than it is now. And then ... back then, in 1911, when the university was founded, the owner of an old mansion donated his library to the university. I was, am still for that matter, able to read all the old handwriting and old Icelandic and a smattering of odd, old languages, having studied these subjects at other universities in my youth. Hence I was given the job of sorting the books and adding them to the catalogue. But I did not hand in all the books, some of the books on magic in my house ... I found them in a chest in that old library. And one of the books contained potions, recipes for potions. I only ever tried one of them. A potion of youth. The ingredients are simple, but the brewing is really complicated. It does not restore your youth, or make you even one day younger, but it makes you age slower. I have drunk sparingly of this potion ever since, and I expect to celebrate my 300th birthday if nothing kills me before then. This potion will give us all the time needed to learn, study and find a place for the school."
"Go get it," Thora said. "We have a busy time ahead!"
The second batch of Words were:
And as usual I used them in the order, they were given.
That earned him much praise from Tähti, and as Thora and Gylfi heard just what this spell was, from them as well.
In a sense it was a key to magic. It was a spell to know which brand of magic a person was endowed with, or more to the point to make a utensil that could tell this.
"I thought it over this morning," Tähti said, "I think we have to open a school for magic ... shush, hear me out, she said as the other three began to talk. "After I'm done, you're welcome to pester me with questions, objections and so on. Agree?"
They nodded, and Tähti continued: "Magic was in the olden days an integral part of daily life in Finland, and I reckon in Iceland as well. But it was a rogue magic, people learned from grandparents, masters, whomever knew a bit, and often they were badly taught, and even worse in the application of magic. To the detriment of the magic society as a whole. Think of witch hunts, burning at the stakes, trials by water and so on and so forth. If we need to revive the magic - and I think we have a moral obligation to do so - we should do so in a ... let's call it scientific way. Shoot!" She stopped and sat back in her chair.
Taavi began: "I think you're right. We have to revive the magic. More and more the wizarding people are coming to realize what they are, we saw this in our travels. And the scientific approach sounds just right for our days."
"Yes," Thora said slowly, "this tally with what we have seen. But why limit our school to Iceland and Finland?`I'm sure the situation is roughly the same in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway as well as on the Faroe isles."
"But first we have to teach ourselves," Gilvi said. "only yesterday I did not know of wandsinging, and we still do not know if it can even be taught, or if it is something only you can do. So much to do, so little time!"
"Yes indeed," Tähti said, "We have books, yours here and ours in Finland, we have our wands, we have to study diligently, but time ... we need more time."
"How old are you?" Gylfi asked bluntly.
Thora said "You know how old I am, 51 at my next birthday, soon."
"We're both 62, having had our birthday this year," Taavi said.
"And how old am I?" Gylfi asked.
"You're 70-something," Thora replied. You retired only a few years ago."
"That sounds about right," Taavi and Tähti said in unison, a twin habit they had done their best to unlearn, but it surfaced now and then when they became passionate about something.
"I am 104 years old," Gylfi said, his face immobile as a mask. "I was old already at the time of the Great War, WWI as it was later to be called. I wanted to join, but my then wife, a non-wizard, did not want me to. And as I was busy at the newly founded University in Reykjavík, I was fine with this." He looked at Thora, "Yes, I was one of the original teachers at the university, I worked there from 1911 until I retired now 14 years ago."
"How did you manage this?" Thora asked.
"Faking my dates? It was easier in the days of old, than it is now. And then ... back then, in 1911, when the university was founded, the owner of an old mansion donated his library to the university. I was, am still for that matter, able to read all the old handwriting and old Icelandic and a smattering of odd, old languages, having studied these subjects at other universities in my youth. Hence I was given the job of sorting the books and adding them to the catalogue. But I did not hand in all the books, some of the books on magic in my house ... I found them in a chest in that old library. And one of the books contained potions, recipes for potions. I only ever tried one of them. A potion of youth. The ingredients are simple, but the brewing is really complicated. It does not restore your youth, or make you even one day younger, but it makes you age slower. I have drunk sparingly of this potion ever since, and I expect to celebrate my 300th birthday if nothing kills me before then. This potion will give us all the time needed to learn, study and find a place for the school."
"Go get it," Thora said. "We have a busy time ahead!"
... to be continued.
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