
mandag den 31. januar 2022

Poetry Monday :: Typos (Thank you, Autocorrect)

If you want to read some better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more!

  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

Today's topic is: Typos (Thank you, Autocorrect), but as I do not own a Smartphone, and thus have no brushes wih autocorrect, and as the funny tyopes, I find here and there are all in Danish - and would be lost in translation - I decided to do something else.

So today I'm mimicking the way of Diane on the Border and give you the tale of old Mike, the smuggler. He lived near the German border just after the end of WWII.

That Mike was a nice guy, noone disagreed,  
That Mike was a smuggler, was a fact, yes indeed.
Each day as he crossed the border on bike,  
On his way to work, our kind, dear old Mike,
The officers searched him each day, oh they pried.
Not a thing did they find, how often they tried.
And as he went home he was searched once again.
He bantered and smiled, then walked on in the rain.

For years this went on, then our Mike took a fall
The priest came and did what a priest has to do,
And then to his deathbed we gathered all.
We said our godbyes, shed a tear, maybe two.
Then one of us pulled up his courage to ask:
We know that you smuggled, now tell us, dear Mike
What was it, do tell, ere you lie in your cask.
"You never did guess? Every week a new bike."

-- -- --

Next Monday: Kites

søndag den 30. januar 2022

Rund fødselsdag - 10 years!

Karen i Skivholme skriver på sin blog, at man kun fejrer de runde fødselsdage stort. Det er nu ikke helt sandt, men jeg plejer mestendels at glemme at fejre min blogs fødselsdag, og det er jo knap så interessant at skrive om at i forgårs, for en uge eller længere siden, fyldte bloggen min 5, 6 eller 8 år.
I dag fylder bloggen så hele 10 år. Og jeg er nået til indlæg nummer 1.765 - det er ikke noget særlig tal, men det er det, jeg nåede på 10 år. Det er faktisk næsten et indlæg hver anden dag. Det er da helt godt gået. 

Bloggens 10 år
De fleste gange, det har været den 30. januar, har jeg faktisk skrevet på bloggen, bare ikke om bloggens fødselsdag, men om alt muligt andet.

- Sidste år var jeg midt i en længere historie om Susan i Sverige.
- I 2020 handlede indlægget om en anden ting, der også fylder 10 i år: European Reading Challenge, som jeg ikke har haft det store held med at deltage i. Det års ikke-fødselsdagsindlæg er en anmeldelse af en bog til denne udfordring. Og så blev det ikke til mere det år. Jeg var måske lidt træt efter at have skrevet hele den lange historie om Mary, Allan og verdens undergang.
- I 2019 huskede jeg bloggens 7 års fødselsdag. Det er den eneste blogfødselsdag, jeg faktisk har fejret, og den faldt oven i købet sammen med mit indlæg nummer 1.000. Indlæg nummer 999 er fra tidligere samme dag, et Word for Wednesday-indlæg, nok en gang om Susan.
- I 2018 skrev jeg ikke den dag.
- I 2017 var jeg midt i en Madudfordring, i protest mod den megen halvfabrikata i madlavningen, og fortalte om at lave okonomiyaki. Det spiser vi stadig med stor appetit ind i mellem. Også i 2017 var der et lidt syret indlæg om de Negative superhelte.
- i 2016 fortalte jeg om Haveuglen til Ugens Ugle. Det var det 4. af kun 10 i en serie, jeg havde tænkt skulle køre hele året.
- i 2015 og 2014 skrev jeg ikke på bloggen den dag.
- I 2013 strikkede jeg sokker til Piraten, og havde lært at starte fra tæerne.
- I 2012 startede bloggen bare med et indlæg om at bage sit eget brød. Det er ikke fordi jeg har haft en anden blog før eller noget andet. Jeg startede bare midt i det hele, som en moderne roman 🙂.

Der er ikke det store nye i noget af det her, jeg strikker, skriver, bager og dyrker haven endnu. Hvis der mangler noget i dette ridt gennem ti år med bloggen, så er det et digt! Men heldigvis er det mandag i morgen - Poetry Monday, så bloggens første indlæg i dens 11. år bliver et digt!

10 år andre steder ...
Rejsen gennem de gamle blogindlæg har også gjort mig lidt vemodig Der er så mange bloggere, der ikke længere skriver på deres blog (de fleste lever og poster på Instagram eller Facebook), eller som har lavet deres blog til et udstillingsvindue for deres forretning, hvad end de nu sælger.
     Nu vi er i den triste ende, så er det også 10 år siden at det sidste nummer af Urban udkom, og dermed 10 år siden den sidste avisstribe med Nemi på dansk.
     Der er et par bloggere, der også har skrevet i en ti års tid og som har påbegyndt deres blogliv på denne tid af året. Jeg kunne have sagt ingen nævnt, ingen glemt, men jeg har nu lyst til at nævne et par stykker:

Jeg har jo allerede fortalt at Karen i Skivholme holdt ti års blogfødselsdag, og hvis du er vild med muntre, eftertænksomme eller flotte (have)historier, så behøver du ikke at lede længere. Karen leverer varen.
     Pias blog Colour Cottage  fylder også 10 år i år - i juni.  Det er spændende læsning, hvis man som jeg er bidt af uld, planter, farver ... Pia har det.
     Om en uges tid har Elephant's Child skrevet i 11 år. Hun synes ikke at fejre den slags overhovedet, men hvis der lige mangler en kænguru eller en flot blomst i dit liv, ja så må du bare derhen.
     I det hele taget er der heldigvis mange gode og interessante blogs i verden. Mine bloglister rummer et lille udsnit, læs bare løs! Og så håber jeg da at blive ved med at blogge om stort og småt i Ugleboet og i den store verden mange år endnu!

 -- 🎂 -- 🎊 --

Karen i Skivholme  writes on her blog that she only celebrates the round birthdays in a big way. That's not entirely true for me, but I usually forget to celebrate my blog's birthday, and it's hardly interesting to write that the day before yesterday, a week or more ago, my blog turned 5, 6 or 8 years.
Today, the blog turns 10 years. And this is blog post number 1,765 - not a very special number, but that's what I reached in 10 years. That's actually almost a post every two days. That's pretty good.

The blog's 10 years
Most of past January 30's, I've actually written on the blog, just not about the blog's birthday, but almost everything else.

- Last year I was in the middle of a longer story about Susan in Sweden.

- In 2020, the post was about another thing that turns 10 this year: The European Reading Challenge, which I haven't had much luck participating in. That year's non-birthday post is a review of a book for the challenge. And that's all for that year. I was perhaps a little tired after writing the whole long story of Mary, Allan and the End of the World.

- In 2019, I remembered the blog's 7th birthday. It's the only blog birthday I've actually celebrated, and it even coincided with my post number 1,000. Post number 999 is from earlier that day, a Word for Wednesday post, once again a story about Susan.

- In 2018, I didn't post that day.

- In 2017, I was in the middle of a Food Challenge protesting against the increasing amount of convenience food used in cooking, and talking about making okonomiyaki. We still eat it with great appetite now and then. Also in 2017, there was a slightly crazy post about the Negative Superheroes.

- In 2016, I talked about the GardenOwl for Owl of the Week. It was the 4th of only 10 in a series I intended to run all year.

- In 2015 and 2014, I didn't post on the blog that day.

- In 2013, I was knitting socks for the Pirate, and had learned to start from the toes.

- In 2012, the blog just started with a post about baking your own bread. It's not like I had another blog before or anything. I just started in the middle of everything, like a modern novel 🙂 .

There's not much new in any of this, I'm still knitting, writing, gardening and baking. If anything is missing from this ride through ten years of blogging, it's a poem! But luckily tomorrow is Monday - Poetry Monday, so the blog's first post in its 11th year will be a poem!

10 years elsewhere ...
The journey through the old blog posts has also made me a little sad. There are so many bloggers who no longer write on their blog (most live and post on Instagram or Facebook), or who have turned their blog into a showcase for their business, whatever it is they sell.

While we're on the sad end, it's also been 10 years since the last issue of Urban came out, and thus 10 years since the last newspaper strip featuring Nemi in Danish.

There are a few bloggers who have also been writing for a decade and who have started their blogging lives at this time of year. I could have said none mentioned, none forgotten, but I now feel like mentioning a few:

I've already told you that Karen i Skivholme celebrated her tenth blogiversary, and if you like cheerful, thoughtful or beautiful (garden) stories, then look no further. Karen delivers.

Pia's blog Colour Cottage  also turns 10 this year - in June.  It's a fascinating read if you're into wool, plants, colour, like me ... Pia's got it.

In a week's time, Elephant's Child will have been writing for 11 years. She doesn't seem to celebrate that sort of thing at all, but if you're missing a kangaroo or a pretty flower in your life, well, you'll just have to go there.

On the whole, there are still many good and interesting blogs around in the blogging world. My blog lists contain a small selection, so please read on! And I hope to keep blogging about the big and small things in the Owlery and the  world at large for years to come!

fredag den 28. januar 2022

En bjørn -- A Bear

I was convinced, that I had told the story of me and the bear in connexion with My Bucket List (Part 2 - Have done), but it seems I have not.

Den blå moske i Istanbul
The Blue mosque, Istanbul

It happened  in Istanbul, long time ago, I was there with a group of people in a bus. We had parked the bus at a park-site behind Sultan Ahmed Mosque (the blue Mosque). It was late December, and my job was to get water together with Lene, another girl from the bus. We had two or three big water jars, each able to hold 25 litres. It was a tough job filling the jars under the water spouts of the well, and it got harder, the fuller they got. It was cold, and getting your hands wet from the cold water was unpleasant to put it mildly.
  My container was more than half full, when someone squeezed in next to me. It was a very big person in a thick, furry coat. I gently elbowed him, carefully so as not to lose the grip on my jar. He just pushed up to me, and I got irritated and pushed harder, all the time keeping a steady grip on the increasingly heavy jar. He pushed once again, very roughly. I turned my head, ready to scold the impertinent fellow, and looked into the fur of a big, brown bear! I let the jar alone to its fate and ran. Lene dropped her jar as well and ran with me.
  A man yelled at us in Turkish, not angrily, but calming and calling. We stopped and looked back. The man, a small rotund figure in gaudy clothes, had the bear in a chain. It stood totally absorbed in its drinking. And as we carefully made out way back, the man apologized and told us - in Turkish, English and sign language, that the bear was a dancing bear and not dangerous, only thirsty. We retrieved the jars, and filled them at another spout further away from the bear. And after the bear had drunk its fill, it danced for us and the other people, who had gathered at the well. We patted it gingerly as a farewell gesture.

-- 🐻 --

Jeg var overbevist om, at jeg havde fortalt historien om mig og bjørnen, da jeg fortalte om alt det jeg havde nået (Bucket List del 2), men det har jeg åbenbart ikke.

Det skete i Istanbul for længe siden. Jeg var der med en gruppe mennesker i en bus. Vi havde parkeret bussen på en parkeringsplads bag Sultan Ahmed-moskeen (den blå moské). Det var sidst i december, og min opgave var at hente vand sammen med Lene, en anden pige fra bussen. Vi havde to eller tre store vanddunke, som hver kunne rumme 25 liter. Det var et hårdt arbejde at fylde dunkene under hanerne i bassinet, og det blev sværere, jo fuldere de blev. Det var koldt, og det var mildest talt ubehageligt at få våde hænder af det kolde vand.
     Min dunk var mere end halvt fyldt, da en anden masede sig ind ved siden af mig. Det var en meget stor person i en tyk vinterjakke. Jeg gav ham et forsigtigt puf med en albue i siden, forsigtigt for ikke at miste grebet om min beholder. Han skubbede bare til mig igen, og jeg blev irriteret og skubbede hårdere, mens jeg hele tiden holdt godt fast i den stadig tungere vanddunk. Han skubbede endnu en gang, meget hårdt. Jeg drejede hovedet for at skælde ud og kiggede lige ind i pelsen på en stor, brun bjørn! Jeg lod dunk være dunk og løb. Lene slap også sin dunk og løb sammen med mig.
     En mand råbte til os på tyrkisk, ikke vredt, men beroligende og kaldende. Vi stoppede op og kiggede tilbage. Manden, en lille rund fyr i spraglet tøj, havde bjørnen i en kæde. Den stod helt optaget af at drikke. Og mens vi forsigtigt gik tilbage, undskyldte manden og fortalte os - på tyrkisk, engelsk og tegnsprog - at bjørnen var en dansende bjørn og ikke spor farlig, bare tørstig. Vi hentede vores dunke og fyldte dem ved en af de andre haner lidt længere væk fra bjørnen. Efter at bjørnen havde drukket, dansede den for os, og dem, der ellers havde forsamlet sig ved brønden, og vi klappede den forsigtigt til afsked.

onsdag den 26. januar 2022

Lissa's Blog-Birthday-Party

Lissa is hosting a Blog-Birthday-Party. One of the activities is an Alphabet this-or-that. I never heard of this before, It was quite fun. Some of the answers will be obvious for anybody, who has read my blog for more than a month :) but I hope that some of them will be a surprise.

A. Attached or Single? - Attached.
B. Blue or Black?  -  Blue of course
C. Cats or Dogs?  --  neither, I want to travel.
D. Down 10 flights of stairs or Up to 2 flights?  --  Down 10! Any time.
E. Email or Snail mail??  --  Both, thank you very much e-mail for fast and practical and snail-mail for long, cozy letters.
F. Fairytales or Nonfiction?  --  Fairytales and Science Fiction!
G. Gain a pound or Gain some money?  -- Money, I miss some, and not an extra pound or two (but don't we all).
H. Hop on one foot or Jumping jacks?  --  Hop on one foot, my balance is better than my shape.
I. Ice cream or Ice cones (aka snow cone)?  -- Ice cream, mint, preferably!
J. Juice or Water?  -- Water.
K. Kiss a frog or Hug a bear? -- I never yet kissed a frog, so I'll try this. I once elbowed a bear, does this count?
L. Lose your heart or Lose your mind? -- I have already lost my heart ;)
M. Music or Silence?  --  Silence!!! I have 6 children.
N. Nuts or Chips?  -- Fresh walnuts from the tree, else chips.
O. Oatmeal or Cereal?  --  Cereals, crunchy ones.
P. Pizza or Spaghetti?  --  Pizza, only not the gorgonzola variety.
Q. Queen for a day or Quiet for a day? --  Queen, preferably of a fantasy kingdom.
R. Rain or Sun?  -- SUN!
S. Steak or Salad?  --  Steak.
T. Talk to a stranger for a minute or talk to your enemy for an hour?  -- Talk to a stranger, although I find just a minute a short, maybe even too short timespan.  
U. Unicorns or Unicycles?  --  Unicorns, did you really need to ask?
V. Vanilla or Chocolate?  -- Vanilla.
W. Walk or Run? --  Walk, unless it's for very short distances, like when trying to catch a bus.
X. Xray vision or Power to fly?  -- Fly, fly, FLY!!
Y. Yoga or the Gym?  --  The Gym, preferably the home gym.
Z. Zipper or Velcro?  -- I don't care, as long as they work.

Words for Wednesday -- 26 January -- Elfjes

 The prompts for this Wednesday are, as all January, given to us by Hilary Melton-Butcher. The prompts and a lot of other information about this challenge can be read over at Elephant's Child's blog.

The general idea is to make us write and read what others wrote, and cheer along the other participants.

  This is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to follow their links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.  

The prompts for Wednesday 25th of January:

Wellington Boot


It seems like I did not get enough poetry with my "wannabe Haiku" this Monday. But today I stay with elfjes, as they are fun, easy, and not as serious or "grown uppish" as the haiku- Yet still requiring some work to fit within the rules and give an adequate expression to your thoughts.

I did not use all the words. Race and Fissure are being left out.

I have copy-pasted  Elizabeth Leaper's explanation in a blog post here: Elfjes  as unfortunately I have seen so many blogs suddenly disappear, and her blog has not been updated for 7 years now.

The illumination.
And the threshing
of words form chaff.

Wellington boots
Mosses and sedge
The well-known smell of

winds blowing.
They are trying
to pass the windbreak.

tirsdag den 25. januar 2022

Strøm - Electricity - Tirsdagstæsk.

En af søndagens nyheder ifølge TV2:
Hver anden dansker gør ingen indsats for at spare på strømmen
Hver anden dansker har ikke gjort nogen yderligere indsats for at holde strømforbruget nede i hjemmet på trods af stigende priser på strøm. Det viser en rundspørge. som Kantar Gallup har foretaget for Gjensidige. Rundspørgen baserer sig på svar fra 1543 danskere i perioden november og december.

Jeg er faktisk én af de 1.543 danskere. Og ifølge mig er nøgleordet i denne nyhed yderligere. Jeg har allerede erstattet alle mulige pærer med sparepærer, vasker koldt, bruger tørresnoren, slukke lyset og alt muligt andet efter mig, osv. ... Nu må det være industrien, detailhandelen osv. der står for tur. Sluk lyset (næsten) i butikkern om natten, sluk for reklameTV'et når butikken er lukket, sluk for rulle-reklamerne ved supermarkeder og på stationer efter lukketid ...

-- 💡 --

One of today's news according to a Danish news service:
Every second Dane makes no effort to save electricity
One in two Danes has made no further effort to keep power consumption down at home, despite rising electricity prices. A survey shows. conducted by Kantar Gallup for Gjensidige. The survey is based on responses from 1543 Danes in November and December.

I am actually one of the 1,543 Danes in this survey. And according to me, the key word in this news is further. I have already replaced all possible light bulbs with energy saving ones, I do cold laundry, use the clothesline, turn off the lights and anything else when leaving the room, etc. ... Now the turn must come to the industry, shops, supermarkets, transportation services, etc. Turn off the lights (almost) in the shops at night, turn off the advertising TV when the shop is closed, turn off the scrolling advertisements at supermarkets and stations after closing time ...

mandag den 24. januar 2022

Poetry Monday :: Opposite Day

If you want to read some better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more!

  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

- - - - -

Omvendtdagen fejres i morgen, den 25. januar, men nogle eksperter siger, at vi bør fejre den hver den 25. Det er Uglemor helt med på! Omvendt er sundt! Det er sundt at gøre ting omvendt, med den anden hånd eller fod eller mens man står på hovedet. Ligesom uglerne herunder, som også har fået vendt farverne om.

-- Ⓞ --
The Opposite Day is observed on January 25. Other experts believe that it is to be celebrated every month of the year on the 25th day. I go for every 25th as I always forget to celebrate, and this is bad, as opposite is good for you! Doing things the other way around, with the other hand or foot, or while standing on your head is good for you! Just like those owls, who also had their colours inverted. 

Men på denne omvendtdag har Uglemor ondt i nakke og skuldermuskler og har ikke lyst til at sidde og skrive lange, omvendte digte, hvilket ellers var planen; så hun nøjes med et lille wannabe-Haiku.
     Også denne dag
     er omvendt hvis vi vil det.
     Lad os stoppe nu.

-- Ⓞ --
But on this opposite day MotherOwl's neck and shoulder muscles are tense and causing dizziness and bad vision. Not the right thing for making long, intricate verses, which she planned in the wee, sleepless hours of the morning.
A short wannabe-Haiku is all for today.
     Today we can be
     opposite if we want to.
     Let us stop right now!

- - - - -

Next Mondays topic: Typos or funny Autocorrect mistakes.

søndag den 23. januar 2022

Sunday Selections #2 -- Lissa's Scavenger Hunt

Lissa is hosting a Blog-Birthday Party. One of the activities is a scavenger hunt. I took up the challenge and found all the items on my - quite messy - desk. The objects were moved to my mousepad to have their photo taken.
Lissa holder virtuel fødselsdag på sin Blog. En af hendes selskabslege er en skattejagt. Jeg besluttede mig for at lege med, og for at finde alting her på mit rodede skrivebord. De blev flyttet hen på musemåtten for at blive fotograferet.
This card can be found at Lissa's place. I ticked off the items.
Listen kan findes over hos Lissa, dog uden hakker, som jeg tilføjede efterhånden som jeg fandt tingene.

1. Something with numbers. A die12 from a role-playing game
1. Noget, der har tal på. En 12siders terning fra rollespil.

2. Something sparkly. The yellow pencil is a sparkly one. This picture also covers
11. Something long and narrow. The white pencil. And
12. Something orange.
2. Noget, der blinker eller lyser. Den gule farveblyant er en med glimmer. Dette billede dækker også
11. Noget, der er langt og smalt. En hvid blyant. Og
12. Noget, der er orange. En orange farveblyant.

3. Something heartshaped. This was the hardest, but flotsam from the Owlets' activities tend to end up on my desk. Among these this from the Donald Duck weekly.
3. Noget, der er hjerteformet. Den var den sværeste at finde. Heldigvis ender Ugleungernes efterladenskaber ofte på mit skrivebord. Her er det en bingoplade fra Anders And.

4. Something having a variety of colours. This scrambled Rubik's cube fits the bill. Not so the several more puzzled ones that lay together with it.
4. Noget, der er mangefarvet. En kludret Rubiksterning har mange farver, i modsætning til de samlede, som den stod sammen med.

5. Something with eyes. A stamp of the queen of Denmark, who is celebrating her 50 anniversary as a reigning monarch in these days.
  It's an old stamp (date of issue May 9, 2001), the postage would have to be doubled to send a letter today.
5. Noget, der har øjne. Dette gamle frimærke (fra 9. maj 2001) af dronningen passer godt. Og hun fejrer jo også sit regeringsjubilæum i disse dage. Portoen for et brev er lige præcis det dobbelte i dag.

6. Something triangular. This one is made of triangles.
6. Noget, der er trekantet. Denne her er lavet af trekanter.

7. Something made from ceramics or looking like it was. A cup from a tea party set, that once upon a time was used for much play tea. The elf on the cup is called Cirkeline. She's pure magic.
7. Noget, der er lavet af keramik, eller ser sådan ud. Denne dukkethekop med Cirkeline har været med til mange theselskaber da Ugleungerne var mindre. Nu passer den på ekstra lego-dele. 

8. Something showing the letters NY. More Owlet-flotsam, this time collecting cards once given when you bought for certain amounts at the local supermarket. We never got them all.
11. Noget, der indeholder bogstaverne N og Y. Flere af Ugleungernes efterladenskaber. Samlekort fra et supermarked, vi fik aldrig ret mange af dem.

9. Something having an animal shape. A dragon-stamp, and it's blue!
9. Noget, der er formet som et dyr. Et drage-stempel, og det er blåt!

10. Something smaller than my fist. A thimble and a red button. Orphans of a long forgotten project - left in a small crate with some pins, moustache-shaped foam cut-outs (from a New Year some years ago) and a blue plastic lizard.
10. Noget, der er mindre end min knyttede hånd: En rød knap og et fingerbøl fra et længst glemt projekt. De lå i en æske sammen med nogle nipsenåle, overskæg-formede mosgummi-dimser fra en bordbombe og et blåt plastik-firben (nok samme sted fra). Jeg har for længst glemt, hvad jeg havde forestillet mig at lave med den samling.

For 11. and 12 scroll up to 2.

11. & 12. Se under 2.

Sunday Selection -- From the Beach

Photos from summers long past. Mostly to show River how my crabs look.

And a new one. The prompt for yesterdays Simple Daily Drawing was Australian. Does this look Australian to you?

onsdag den 19. januar 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Fodspor

So sorry everybody, this is a repost of the old one. Every time I opened and closed blog editor, this post was given a new name. I copied the comments into the bottom of this post.

  The prompts for this Wednesday are, as all January, given to us by Hilary Melton-Butcher. The prompts and a lot of other information about this challenge can be read over at Elephant's Child's blog.

The general idea is to make us write and read what others wrote, and cheer along the other participants.

  This is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to follow their links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.  

  Surprisingly I continue my story from here.
You can read all of the story (as much as there is) via the tab Fodspor on top of this page.
Some time has passed, but not more than a few weeks.  Once again I took up the additional challenge of using the words in the order they were given.

     The prompts are:


Paul the painter felt that he was just another brick in the wall in the academy. So many had already been studying here, painted, gone home and never left a mark. It was folly to think it would be any different for him. He shut the carapace on his feelings of loneliness and futility and pulled the covers snugly around him, the hessian tapestry of the wall in the room was dusty, itchy and smelly.
But the teaching on painting of snowdrops wax excellent, he could learn so much from the grizzly teacher - tomorrow was another day.

Anders the monk-to-be looked at the front page of the book on Latin language, he was reading in disgust. The illustrator clearly had not read the book. The house was not supposed to be violet. To make things worse, the man on the cover was grey bearded, and looked like he suffered from seven different ailments. Not to speak of the twigs ... Eureka! Anders thought to himself. I'll go and ask Paul to make dust jackets for my books next time I am allowed into town. He's a dinkum painter. Anders smiled at the word; one of his co-novices was an Australian, speaking a funny English and an atrocious German. Well, they all had to speak Latin soon. Better keep on studying.

And slow me just discovered that there is a good-natured competition going on at Elephant's Child's blog, using all  two times six word in a sentence or two. I had to give it a try.

First set:
Snowdrops and carapaces is pure folly in a Hessian garden according to the grizzly brick layer.

Second set:
Eureka, said the illustrator, the violet twigs will offset the name of these ailments; Dinkum?

messymimi 20. January 2022 kl. 01.36
It sounds like a beautiful friendship and partnership is about to form.

River 20. January 2022 kl. 03.03
This is really nice, Paul gets to be an illustrator of book covers :)

Elephant's Child 20. January 2022 kl. 04.50
This is lovely. Anders supporting Paul is a truly lovely touch.

Charlotte(MotherOwl) 21. January 2022 kl. 09.29
Thank you all. I have, and have had for several years (decades even) the outline of this story in my head. It yearns to be written.

lissa 21. January 2022 kl. 17.34
Dinkum is a great word - you used this and the other words well.
Have a lovely day.

mandag den 17. januar 2022

Poetry Monday :: Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions

This Poetry Monday has Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions as its theme. 
Also normally participating are: Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge
Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.
Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more!
SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

  This Monday took me by surprise ... how come, there's a Monday in every week, I know.
  I have no New Year's Resolutions to ditch, as I make none. So I'll just repeat this poem from 2019: 

 Why New Year's Resolutions never get made by me.
At New Year everything starts over
New calendar, new month, new numbers,
It's time for a serious makeover
It's time to drop all that encumbers.
Decide to diet, decide to train,
Decide  to run - also in rain.
Decide to clean,
And not be mean
And to say Yes,
Learn to play chess.
Eat you greens,
Enjoy the beans,
Forsake all meats,
And every sweet,
Here, have a beet!
At New Year everything is new,
 It's now we start as it should be!
The only sorry thing, you see.
I cannot buy a fine, new me!

The next Monday's topic: Opposite Day.

søndag den 16. januar 2022

Sunday Selection :: Decay on a Saturday

Sunday Selection this time around is a Saturday Selection. All of the photos were taken yesterday.
We woke up to frost 2 below zero (Celsius).

Our laundry was beautifully frozen.

The sun was shining, and I washed the windows - and met this invasive ladybird.

  The beautiful monster is not very beautiful any more. The Pirate suggested that I use the withered flowers for dye - I'm going to try.
  And with some care it should bloom again in a year. I can try. The how-to goes like this: Feed and water until it withers, then forget abut it in a cool room until new green growth is seen. Remove old leaves, water and place in your living room and enjoy. I think I can do this.

When shopping I always raid the place where they place all the marked down things with a best before end date of Today. I found some goldenberries. One apple had survived the frost and together with home grown walnuts and a stalk of celery from the fridge it was turned into a golden Waldorf salad (we had no grapes). It was untraditional in as far as as the apple and celery both were grated. It was very tasty.

fredag den 14. januar 2022

European Reading Challenge 2022

  Two years ago I stumbled over an exciting reading challenge: The European tour
  The first year life happened, and I did not read a single of these books, nor did I write a review of anything at all.
  Last year I read one book, then ... Blogger acted up, Corona happened ... well,  I just forgot.

So here I go again.

   The rules for participation are simple. Commit to the challenge, link up, read one or more books by authors from, or happening in different European countries. Only one book per author and country.
   If you want to compete for a prize at least five books must be read and reviewed. The prize winner is the one with the most books read and reviewed between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022.

List of countries:
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Vatican City.

I think I can do this and go for the glorious FIVE STAR (DELUXE ENTOURAGE): Read at least five books by different European authors or books set in different European countries.

Tentative list - subject to changes, supplements, augmentations and re-postings without notice: 

United Kingdom: Screwtape Letters by British C. S. Lewis, I think it happens in England as well, or maybe Brideshead Revisited. (Evelyn Waugh)
Sweden: Pippi Longstocking - love her!
Poland: Dolina Issy or another book by Czesław Miłosz - I still! have to brush off my Polish.
Italy - Don Camillo.
Norway: Sigrid Undset's Olav Audunssøn i Hestviken - but in Danish not Norwegian.
Germany: Das Glasperlenspiel by Hermann Hesse.
Denmark (Is this cheating as I am Danish?): Any book I happen to read and like during these 12 months.

onsdag den 12. januar 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Á Íslandi 8

Yes, I made it! There's still 1¾ hours left of Wednesday. And I used ONE word of the 12, Hilary Melton-Butcher has given us. You can read a lot more about this great challenge over at Elephant's Child's blog.
  The general idea is to make us write and read what others wrote, and cheer along the other participants. This is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to follow their links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.  
  I continue my story from last week, where I never succeeded in using all the words. Let's see what happens this time around.

Oh, and the prompts:
'Chrome Yellow'. 

"How do we do that," Susan asked. "You're the specialist in portals. I never tried a major portal before."
"Oh, yes, I think you did, but not alone. Think back on your last stay here. How did you return home?" Finnbogi asked.
"Not by any portal, Gilvi teleported us back home to my place," Susan answered.
"He did? Fantastic. I would not be able to teleport me and you all the way to Elsinore, not now, not ever I suspect," Finnbogi said.
"But that does not answer my question. How do we go to Tromsø?" Susan asked.
"You have made a portal there?" FInnbogi asked, and  Susan nodded. "Then it's easy. Step into this portal while speaking the name of the place, where the portal is. I can do it first, if you're afraid. Count to 50 after I have gone through That'll give me time to move over, and even to return, if the portal should not be safe."
Finnbogi went through the portal, loudly saying "Tromsø!"
Susan counted to 50, and did the same. She was more dizzy than usual, and when she opened her eyes, it was dark around her. She called softly and Finnbogi answered her: "We forgot about the time, it's still spring, we're far North, and also travelling eastwards going to Norway did not help. It's near midnight. and pitch dark, move away from the portal, please"
Susan quickly walked some steps toward Finnbogi's voice. Slowly the darkness grew less impenetrable, and she could see the trees around them. Rósa came through, and Susan guided her away from the portal. Knud was last, and came loaded with their picnic baskets.
"Now what? We forgot the time, being inside a mountain, and late evening turned to night with us going east," Finnbogi said.
"Could we go back and sleep?" Rósa asked.
"Couldn't we stay here?" Susan asked, "I'm not sure I want to brave those portals back. Maybe they're still set as a trap upon our return."
"No, they are not," Finnbogi said. "But I too have had more than enough of portals and teleportation for some time."
"I have to agree," Knud said. "We could either find a hotel or why not just stay here?"
"Here?" Rósa said.
"Yes why not," Knud said. We're in this small forest outside Tromsø, almost nobody ever come here, and Susan and I brought tents and camping things in our backpacks." As to prove his words, Susan opened her back pack and pulled out a small chrome yellow bag.
"Is that a tent?" Rósa said. "They sure have grown smaller since last I went camping."
"You forget I'm a witch," Susan teased Rósa, "but yes, tents have sure gotten way smaller since we were young!"
They slept in the tent, which was not as gaudy as the bag, but a soothing blue inside and a camouflage green on the outside. Rósa cast a do-not disturb spell on it before they slept.
Next morning, very early, they woke to a beautiful sunrise. be continued

mandag den 10. januar 2022

Poetry Monday :: Peculiar People

If you want to read some better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more!

  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

- - - - -

  This Monday's topic is Peculiar People. Peculiar people? We're all peculiar people. It is one of the things that can make my head spin, that every person you ever meet, see or hear about, is the main person of their own life, have a unique story, and will be missed by a lot of people when they are not there any more.
  Everybody that is, including the junkie on the corner, the old woman in the queue in front of you fumbling for change, the boring teacher, the doctor, the politician, the mailman, the janitor, the bus driver, your neighbours ... This old  song called
The Clothesline was written in 1955 by Sigfred Pedersen  and the tune composed the same year by Knud Vad Thomsen. It was sung by the darling young man at that time Hans Kurt. Listen here

The Clothesline

Oh, the clothesline, oh, the clothesline,
it is backyard-poetry,
Fills my mind with mirthful visions
And it sparks my fatasy.
It's life turned inside outwards,
Neighbour-banter, gossipry.
When I sing my clotheslines homage
Jensen's door slams audibly.

Oh, the clothesline, oh, the clothesline,
It has shown me all the way,
That my neighbour, tubby Jensen,
Is not colourless and grey;
Which I could be led to thinking,
when I listen to his words,
Jensen's soul, and madam's ditto.
wafting from the simple cords.

Funny, shameful, tiny details
Hanging in the sun to dry.
Now the clothesline unabashed
Shows my prying neighbour eyes.
Dainty colours, pink and purple,
Shining in the sunlight rays.
And amid the colours dangle
Madam's stripey, dotted stays.

Watch! A pair of crimson bloomers
Filled out by the playful storm,
Emulating ample curving;
What a colour! What a form!
Look at Jensen's inner clothing.
Ha! He wears a woollen sock!
He is sleeping in a night cap.
Now we know it on the block!

Oh, the clothesline, oh, the clothesline,
It is backyard-poetry,
Look, The milkman stops up gazing,
Dizzy then, he staggers by,
Hear the clothes gently flapping,
In the teasing winds that play.
Spring is wearing nylon stockings!
It's Jensen's washing day!

- - - - - -

Next Mondays topic: Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions

Photo from Unsplash

søndag den 9. januar 2022

Sunday Selections -- Beautiful Monster

 December 11th last year - not that long ago 😉 I was given a beautiful monster. Let's follow its development. Last photo was taken yesterday - a total of 4 weeks between the first and the last photo.

I am very grateful for this beautiful monster, and I hope to make it survive for more monster show later.

- - - - - 😠 - - - - - -

And a bit of agonizing: Phew New Blogger makes for tough times putting in photos, for this post alone 104 clicks with my mouse -  not counting the times I mis-clicked or hit insert video instead of insert photo. I'm not that great at icons recognition.

lørdag den 8. januar 2022

Nye temperaturer -- New Temperatures

  Forleden skrev jeg om mine temperatur-symboler for 2021, som jeg ikke var helt tilfreds med. Nu er vi så en uge inde i 2022, og jeg er allerede meget mere tilfreds med mine nye valg.

--- 🌤 ---

Some days ago I wrote about my temperature tracking  of 2021, and my displeasure with it. Now, a week into 2022, I already feel happier with the small changes, I made.

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Her er først mit nye termometer.
First of all the new thermometer.

Der er brugt de samme farver - minus gul - og der er stadig 4 grader mellem hvert farveskift over frysepunktet, sådan at der skiftes farve ved 0 grader Celsius i stedet for ved +1, som var et dårligt sted. 
   De første syv dage har kun bekræftet mig i at det var en god idé.

--- 🌤 ---

  I still use the same colours, only not yellow. And I still pick a new colour for every 4 degrees above freezing. But now the colour changes at the freezing point (0 degrees Celsius), and this makes a big difference..
  The first seven days have confirmed, that it works much better.

--- 🌨 ---

     Jeg har modificeret mønsteret. Min gamle idé gav et for varierende - lad os bare kalde det flimrende - billede, og de centrale mønstre trådte ikke særligt tydeligt frem. Nu prøver jeg på en anden måde. Måske finder jeg på en 3. måde senere.
       De første 7 dage har heldigvis været meget afvekslende rent vejrmæssigt. Vi har haft tåge, regn, sne, frost, slud, klart vejr, vindstille og blæsevejr. Dagene har føltes meget forskellige. Og det afspejles heldigvis i de nye farver.

--- 🌤 ---

  I've also modified the pattern, The first edition gave a very varied - let's just call it flickering - picture, and the central patterns are not very prominent. I try in another way - maybe I'll re-do it later again.
  The first seven days of January have been very diverse seen from a purely meteorological point of view. We've had rain, snow, sleet, fog, sunshine, clear skies, cloudy, quiet and windy. It has been quite a different experience when leaving the house, and the new colours show this better.

     Sidste år ville de første tre dage have været grønne (som den 2.), den 4. lilla og de sidste tre dage lyseblå. Det her viser meget bedre, at vejret den 2. var lunt, og den 6. koldt med frost på vinduerne og høj, klar himmel. 
     Indsat gennemsnitstemperaturer for Gribskov kommune, som jeg bruger til at farvelægge efter.

--- 🌤 ---

  Last year the first three days would have green (like the 2nd), the 4th would have been purple, and the last three days light blue. The new colours show much better that the 2nd was almost warm, and that we on the 6th woke up to frost on the windows and a clear, blue sky.
  I put in the mean temperatures for our municipality, which I use for colouring.

torsdag den 6. januar 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Á Íslandi 7

As I wrote yesterday, Carrot and Gorgonzola scare me, Boater, Vista and Lyric are just hard to incorporate, in short I only feel really attracted by Dandelion. But as I have sworn to use the prompts in the order they are given, here goes using only the next two, Vista and Carrot.

Susan and Knud opened all the doors on the left side of the corridor, while Rósa and Finnbogi tackled those on the right side. Most of the rooms held portals, but  most of the portals were extinct, grey and not a bit shimmering. A few of the doors led via narrow corridors to a cell like the one Susan had sat in. She could not now remember which one it was. 

There were two still working major portals. They were not larger, but their colour was deeper, purple rather than blue.  The normal, live portals led to small towns in Sweden and Norway, one led to Mývatn, and one strangely to the Unicorn Farm.  The last one - and the only non-Nordic one to be still alive - led to Schiltach "That's Ella's town!" Susan said

"Is it, really?" Rósa said. "I remember Ella from the Christmas party. I always thought it was strange that a non-magician was even invited. And maybe I was a bit jealous of her. You and her and those Japanese having experienced something during your stay there, We all knew, but none dared to ask."

"And Gilvi swore me and the others to secrecy after I told them what happened, and gave them that old magic book. What was it now .. someone's Grimoire, I think they called it.  It was dangerous. The recipe for Mondrian came from it."

"Not Griffon's Bestiary?" Finnbogi asked.

"Yes, that was what they called it. He and Thora and Taavi and Tähti all were crazy about that book. Even I understood that it was something special"

"Something special," Finnbogi said, almost snorting "I dare bet! It is a legend, like a black unicorn, like the pot of leprechaun's gold. We all hear about it, covet it, and you ... you just gave it to those four?"

"Those four being the best wizards ever living. You would have done the same," Rósa said sternly.

"I  ... yes I suppose so," Finnbogi said, "It was only ... I have heard so much of this book I would like to see it, to hold it. I don't suppose you know what happened to it?"

"No, Susan said honestly. "Gilvi suggested it should be burned, annihilated in some ceremonial way. But if he ever did it if he found the time for it, I don't know."

"The vistas this opens are scary," Rósa said, sounding like a frightened little girl. "Do you remember the verse about Mondrian?" Rósa said and began:

"Mondrian is brewed in moonlight,
brewed in hope and love and fear."

And together, she and Susan, supported by Knud recited the rest of the lines:

"Are you bitten,
moonstruck, smitten,
Mondrian will set you clear.
In your greed you'll be forsaken,
Mondrian in excess taken
make you lose what you hold dear."

"In reality," Susan said, as much to say something, to lighten the tense mood, "it should be said in German, which was the language of the grimoire, but I can't remember more than the beginning line: "Mondrian, gebraut im Mondlicht, Hoffnung, Liebe Furcht und Not  ... and something ... der Tod!"

Finnbogi looked shocked: "I see now why you gave the book to Gilvi. Those childhood fantasies about being the mightiest wizard ever, have to remain just that, fantasies, dreams." He looked as if he woke up from sleep. "Now I know how Torben felt when Tristan talked to him about power, glory and mastery."

"I lost all of my family to those 'childhood fantasies'," Rósa said.

"Childhood dreams are often unhealthy for grown-ups," Knud remarked. "We all know what Tristan and company did, as we were part of the Summerparty crew. Or, no, you were not, Finnbogi. How come?"

"Yes," Susan added. "You knew all about the Conspiracy at the broom race after all. You knew what David stood for, and I remember you hurrying the Opposition's flyers along when they became suspicious. I remember you saying 'no' to David's openings - more than once."

"I tried to remain neutral," Finnbogi said, his voice and head being equally low. "I just hoped that if we played possum it would pass.Thora and Gilvi, Thora mostly, tried to enrol me in the anti-David group, as I thought of it. David tried to win me over to his way of thinking, but I knew you and Veronika and Fiona. I could not seriously say that only those with magician parents were destined to do great things. I thought it was child's play. Only slowly that last week, or rather really only that last day did I see the seriousness in it, almost too late. I hope that I redeemed myself for my reluctance by grasping Birgitta's hand as she tried to slip away when we formed that final circle."

"Well done!" Susan and Rósa said in unison, and Knud nodded.

"But you're one of the red ones," Knud persisted. "You should be able to sense people's disposition."

"I was, and I am - that's why I warned you from speaking in Rósa's office. I'm not going to repeat my mistakes. As I said I did not think David meant what he said, or let me put that in another way. Because obviously he meant it of course, but I did not believe that it was more than big talking, mere words. Only that last week ... I heard of Rósa's family, I heard of the magician's family disappearing and their house burning down." Susan realized that he spoke about Heidi and her family.  "I heard a lot, but I still believed - wanted to believe - in coincidences and accidents." He fell silent, turning over a carrot in his hands, as if it held the answer. Suddenly his head shot up: "And I'm about to repeat that same mistake over again!"

"What do you mean?" Knud asked.

"That lady. You showed me her photo. Now I know why I thought I ought to know her. She was at the museum a few days ago. I felt her presence. And again I thought that she would not do anything untoward. She felt the same way as David and Tristan did back then. And she has been here earlier. Your suspicions are correct, Susan. I'm fairly sure she stole that wand."

"Now what?" Knud said.
"Now we go to Tromsø, you said a portal was made there?" Finnbogi answered. "We've got to speak with Hilde concerning that daughter in law of hers."

onsdag den 5. januar 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Á Íslandi 6

As I wrote earlier today:  The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. It is a moveable thing, and the prompts are given by a new blogger each month.
 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to follow their links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.  

Hilary Melton-Butcher is providing today's prompts, appearing at Elephant's Child's.


I used the first half for a continuation of Susan and Knud in Iceland. I took up the additional challenge of using the words in the order they were given. I fear the second lot as it contains Carrots and Gorgonzola - yuck. But let's see what happens.

That is a tangled tale," Finnbogi said. "And we have to untangle it, but right now we're going to get to those portals to get anywhere. We're now as close to the underground caves as a car can take us. We could walk there, but it would take a day or two. Do you see the cream coloured stones on the ground?" Susan, Knud and Rósa looked down, saw the stone and nodded. "They are wayfinder stones. If you look underneath, you'll see the vegvísir rune from the museum on them. Pick up one of them." Susan did as she was told, and like when she was little she felt hot on one side. "It's like playing Hide and seek on Unicorn Farm" Susan exclaimed. "The stone pulls me that way," she said pointing to where the low mountains lay on the horizon.
Vegvísir rune
  "And that's where we're going." Finnbogi said. "Susan I take you first, close your eyes, think of nothing and hold my hands."
  Susan did as she was told, and the long-forgotten, but still well known dizziness enveloped her. As she steadied and opened her eyes, she saw the gloomy cubicles she clearly remembered from her visit those many years ago. "Yes," she said. "This is where we went."
  "I thought as much after your description," Finnbogi said. "Now I go back for Knud" And with a deft movement of his wand he was off.
  Susan waited, tense in the room where she and Helge had eaten together with Gilvi and Thora after their adventures in Sweden. The wait felt long, but in reality it was only a few minutes before Finnbogi reappeared with Knud. While Finnbogi was away, Susan pulled a cake and some thermos from her backpack. When Knud saw what she was doing, he shook his head steadied himself with a hand on the back of a chair: "Phew, I hope this gets better with practise as you once said it would," he said shakenly and proceeded by pulling cups and plates from his backpack.
Rósa and Finnbogi appeared, Finnbogi looking grey and Rósa less shaken than either Knud or Susan.
  "You're true visionaries!" Finnbogi said appraisingly. "You know what a man needs after a hard mornings work."
  They ate the cake to the very last crumb and drank all the tea. The Finnbogi declared that he was once again ready to continue.
  "Let's go exploring, and let's keep together, at least two and two. There are a fair amount of portals in the different rooms. Only the portal in the room with the volcano symbol on the door is out of bounds. It led to a sister place in Eyafjallajökull, but it was flooded by lava some years ago. If you'd try to go there, you'd be squashed to death. I - or maybe we - will have to deactivate that one."

... to be continued

Words for Wednesday -- What, Where and Why?

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. It is a moveable thing, and the prompts are given by a new blogger each month.
 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to follow their links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

January 2022:  Hilary Melton-Butcher is providing the prompts but they will be at Elephant's Child's.
February 2022C.Lee McKenzie is providing the prompts on her blog.
March 2022:   
 River is providing the prompts on her blog.
April 2022:  
Messymimi is providing the prompts on her blog
May 2022:  
Wisewebwoman will be providing the prompts on her blog.
June 2022:  
Charlotte (MotherOwl) is providing the prompts on her blog (Here).
July 2022:  Hilary Melton-Butcher is providing the prompts but they will be at
Elephant's Child's.
August 2021
Elephant's Child's is providing the prompts on her blog.
September 2022:  
David M. Gascoigne will be providing the prompts but they will be at Elephant's Child's
October 2022:  
River is providing the prompts on her blog again.
November 2022:  
Messymimi is providing the prompts on her blog again.
December 2022:
Elephant's Child's is providing the prompts on her blog again.
   In my left sidebar a gadget should be updated with the new whereabouts of Word for Wednesday.

   Given that the prompts are provided from both East and West of Greenwich and from the Northern and Southern hemispheres the prompts can appear from as early as Tuesday your time to as late as Thursday your time. 

Because it's fun! Try it out.