
mandag den 6. maj 2024

Ⓐ - Ⓩ ~ Overwiev & Gone Visiting

This year's A-Z Challenge featured mini biographies of all the apprentices on The Unicorn Farm - The Nordic school for magic - back in the 1970es.

In this post I'll first bring an
overview of the 26 posts, describing 31 apprentices. Then comes my Gone Visiting part, where I first tell of the blogs I have been visiting, and then present at least some of those I have found during May.

I have signed up for the Roadtrip, but I won't promise to visit all blogs on that list - or to refrain from visiting or re-visiting some not on the list.

 Ⓐ - Ⓩ

Overview over my A-Z chapters
A for Aamu
B for Bjørn
C for Cassandra
D for David
E for Elvin and Sif
F for Fiona & Veronika
G for Grani
H for Helge
I for Ingrid
J for Jan
K for Kirstin
L for Lukas, Bo, Britta & Harald Also starring Kalle & Anna, with Helge squeezed in as well
M for Monica
N for Nicklas & Sanne
O for Olav
P for Paula & Josta
Q for Questions - cheater-post
R for Rósa
S for Selma
T for Terje
U for My from Uldervik
V for Sarah from Vestegnen
W for Hilde Westvold
X for X marks the spot - Jouka and Nata
Y for Finnbogi Yngvason
Z for Zoo and Josh

Gone Visiting
1. Blogs I have been visiting with joy during the A ~Z challenge

Postcards from the Bookstore
Light-hearted blogging on this and that.
The Curry Apple Orchard   An exiting story of the orphans Step, and Tear!
Backsies is what There is Not  Cleaning the attic and all the rest after her parents - memories, thoughts, fun!
Ramblin' with AM Gardens and ramblings.
Arbitrary Dustbunnies - Plants, very interesting and I learned a lot, Unfortunately she stopped at K
jmd CREATIVE  - Interesting, but no commenting without Disqus, so no.
Black & White  Anne E.G Nydam on woodcuts and magical plants - Botany in the realm of imagination.
The Other Side - about the game of my youth -AD&D
Messymimi's Meanderings Mimi on this and that in a busy and thankful life.

2. To be expanded
Blogs I visited and liked during the Road Trip or intend to visit

So much to chose from Ramblings. Informative and amusing.
The Great Raven - Literary villains

8 kommentarer:

  1. It sounds like despite some problems you got a lot out of the A-Z. As I did from your posts.

  2. I did enjoy your stories of the apprentices. I visited a couple of other blogs, but already follow so many, I have no time to add more.

    1. I do understand, sometimes blogs just top, I'm often sorry, but sometimes I think also space to follow a new one.

  3. I'm glad you got to visit many blogs during A-Z, but sorry about the Disqus, I hated that too when I came across it many years ago.

    1. Not so smart, more so when the guidelines say that you should be able to comment without signing up.

  4. I'm not doing the roadtrip. There weren't many blogs I was interested in as their themes just didn't interest me.

    I enjoyed reading up on the apprentices although when they suddenly became a bit longer, I had to set aside time to read them.

    Thank you on all your visits and comments. Have a lovely day.

  5. Congratulations on reaching Z, and telling us all about so many apprentices! What a wonderful magical world.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.