Mandag ... det er mandag, og det betyder
Mandagsdigt. Men jeg er
stadig en gammel, gnaven ugle.
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Poetry Monday - it's
Poetry Monday. And I'm
still a grumpy old Owl.
Selvportræt! Jeg er gnaven, fordi de kortsigtede, visionsløse, pengegriske, magtsyge idioter i Coops ledelse lukker Irma. Jeg tror virkelig ikke, de aner, hvad de har gang i.
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This is me! Grumpy because the only really good, mostly organic and not expensive supermarket in Denmark is being closed by short-sighted, visionless, un-understanding, power and money-seeking people. It's also one of the oldest and the brand is widely known - even as far away as Japan:
Sometimes money is not everything - 💙 - Penge er ikke alt
For at lette denne blog, har jeg smidt alt hvad der vedrører økologi, indkøb, intolerancer, madideologi osv. hen på en ny blog, der hedder Uglegylp. De gamle indlæg af den slags er blevet kopieret derover, rettet lidt til, og nu kun på dansk.
So as not to overburden my readers I have made a new blog, Uglegylp - Owl Pellets, where I rant about shopping, intolerances, organic stuff, supermarkets and all that jazz. So far only in Danish, but the old posts are copies of the ones from this blog.
Temaet i dag er Random acts of Kindness -- et begreb på engelsk, hvor man enten kun fredag i denne uge eller hele ugen er venlig mod tilfældige mennesker i ens omgivelser. De håber så det smitter - lidt lige som smil ... vi kommer bare ikke uden om Irma for øjeblikket, vel?
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The big problem is that my brain is filed up with this closing
down. It can be hard to explain, but it feels more like I was told that a friend is terminally ill, and whatever I do, this friend pops up.
Explaining Random acts of kindness in Danish made me compare these acts to smiles, spreading, infecting. And up pops this old sticker. It says
Smile it's infecting - and
comes from that supermarket long ago.
A free form verse must do. Sorry.
Random acts of kindnessShould be
Randomshown to people,
accidentally there
the busdriver,
a passenger
a man on the street
a co-customer
ActsGiving a hand,
giving a coin
giving your time
or just a smile
KindnessStop being grumpy
or letting your bad temper spill over.
Just smile and be kind!
The world is a bad enough place
as it is.