
torsdag den 2. februar 2023

Kyndelmisse ~~ Candlemass

I dag er det kyndelmisse - Maria fremstilling i templet. I dag er halvdelen af vinteren gået. Gamle vejrregler siger, at hvis det er sol på Kyndelmisse, bliver det en lang vinter. Det har været flot i dag, så jeg håber, vi får en ordentlig spandfuld sne inden vinteren siger farvel i denne omgang. Se hvor smukt det var lige inden solnedgang.

Today is Candlemass, presentation of the Virgin, also known as groundhog day. We have no groundhogs as far as I know - I'm not quite sure, as I'm not sure I know what a groundhog is. But if I had had one in my garden, it would surely had been scared by its own shadow. This means a cold second half of the winter. I hope this is true, as the winter so far has been wet more than white.

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Månen var stået op, man kan godt se, den ikke er helt fuld længere
The moon was out as well, someone ate a bite off it.

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Men indtil videre er det her al den "sne", vi har. Vintergækker hedder noget med sne på rigtig mange sprog.
This is all the snow I found in the garden.

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Rabarberne er på vej op. Hvis der kommer frost, må jeg nok dække dem over. Skvalderkålen er der også, den skal nok klare sig.
The rhubarbs are already saying hello. If we have snow I'll have to give them some branches to hide under. The ground elder is here as well. It will survive, no worries.

Og her er der søreme vild kørvel. Dne skal da i farvegryden snart.
And Wild chervil. This plant will end up in my dyepot soon.

På indkøb nåede jeg inden om garnforretningen, og jeg fandt en mørkere blå i stedet for den hvide. Her er en vikleprøve.
And in the local yarn shop I found a new colour. Here's a teaser.

12 kommentarer:

  1. Many animals stand in for the groundhog in other traditions, including the badger and hedgehog. The point is as you said, if it's sunny, the rest of winter is supposed to be cold. If it's cold and rainy or snowy, the rest of winter should be mild.

    The two blue shades look like they will work well together.

    1. Now I looked up groundhogs - I probably should have done so earlier - in Danish they are "murmeldyr", almost like the German "Murmeltiere". They do not live here at all. And we have almost no hedgehogs or badgers and those, we have are very shy, so I'll have to make do with imagining some fabulus animal ;)
      I hope the new blue will work out.

  2. That is a brilliant shot of the moon. Your new yarn looks very promising. We (in full summer) have had a cold snap. There is talk that the nearby hills may get a little snow tonight.

    1. Today, Friday, I woke up to snow on the ground and freezing sleet turning into heavy rain, But the sun should come out later.
      Snow covered hills sounds like a sight, but maybe not appropriate for summer.

  3. Lucky you to have rhubarb. My daughter had a lovely big stand of it and I used to live there so used it every winter, but after I moved I decided I'd like to take some with me, I dug up a few pieces and they never did very well and soon died, but also my daughter's rhubarb died, so I shouldn't have disturbed it :(
    I love that new yarn colour and think it will work very well.

    1. Rhubarbs need water, lots of water, when you disturb them - that is almost the only way to kill them off ;) I hope you find some new ones, and am sad you live so far away - you could have had some of mine.
      Thank you.

  4. Beautiful moon and snowdrops - childhood-memories on the latter.
    Nice wool-color, too!

    1. Thank you. The snowdrops are al the offspring of two pot of half-dead snowdrops my aunt gave me when we moved here. There was no snowdrops in my garden, which I bemoaned, and she came with two big pots of dreary looking ones and loads of excuses,. But I planted them out and they thrived and multiplied ;)

  5. Dine vintergækker er noget længere fremme end mine :)
    Jeg har kigget lidt på din side med plantefarvning - det ser vildt imponerende ud og du har virkelig mange erfaringer du deler. Jeg har ikke prøvet plantefarvning,men det ser spændende ud.

    1. Jeg fandt altså også den mest udsprungne ;)
      Thk for sdine søde or om min planteferverside. Jeg er principielt delende, og skriver ALT hvad jeg ved på den blog. Hvis du får lyst, burde den virke som en begynderbog ;) Ellers er du velkomme til at skrive.

  6. I'm so envious of the 'snow' in your yard! I've got some I could send you...
    Love the blue. Can't wait to see the finished article!

    1. Thank you. I just went shopping for more dark blue yarn today, Some real snow would be welcone ... I'm afraid it would melt in the mail :(


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