
fredag den 17. februar 2023

Tivolisering af nyhederne ~~ News or what?

Underholdning ~ Entertainment

Kan det siges tydeligere?
TV AVISEN > Sæson 2023 ... Sæson. Sig mig, tror de det "Halløj på badehotellet" eller sådan noget, vi ser?
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The news are more and more just entertainment. Looking for something else I found that the news are now presenting The News > Season 2023 ... Fawlty Towers or what are we having here?

Person-vinkling ~ Human Interest
  Meget ofte kommer der først en neutral nyhed, som den fra kl. 8.03. Senere på dagen kommer den så én gang til i personaliseret tilsnit. her 15.40 (for 20 min.siden) fortæller Nanna os det samme, som vi allerede har hørt.
     Bemærk også at vi kun får hendes fornavn. Jeg ved altså ikke, hvem Nanna er, og det tvivler jeg på at der er ret mange læsere af DR.DK der gør. Den nyhed - og de mange lignende - gider jeg så ikke at læse.
     Jeg vil ikke høre hendes hjerteskærende historier, det er jo ikke Facebook, det her, men landets Public service nyhedstjeneste.
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Very often we first have the factual news - the one from 8.03 this morning. Later in the day we have the same news item, only this time with a human interest bias. Here at 15.40 (20 minutes ago) Nanna tells us the same thing we have already heard.
     Note also that we are only given her first name. I do not know who Nanna is, and I doubt that many readers of DR.DK do. I don't want to read that news - and the many similar ones.
     I don't want to hear her heartbreaking stories, this is not Facebook, but the country's public service news service.

Sport ~ Sports
I dag er en tosset dag at vise det her, for nyhederne strømmer selvfølgelig over med stormen Otto. Men hvor er der meget sport på DR.DK Se toppen: Sport - udland - personaliseret nyhed. Det passer meget godt. Og det helt morsomme er, at man hvis man klikker videre, har en mulighed for kun at vælge sport, men ikke muligheden for at vælge sporten fra. Hvis man vælger Indland følge de indenlandske sportsnyheder med.
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Today is not at good day to show this, because our news is flooding with our storm Otto. But my is there much sport on DR.DK In the top bar: Sports - Abroad - Human interest. It is a fair sample.

And the really funny thing is that if you click through, you have an option to select sports only, but not the option to select no sports. If you choose Domestic, the domestic sports news are served together with the rest.

Alle nyheder fra fredagens DR.DK.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I agree, it's getting harder and harder to find news reported as it used to be - concisely, correctly, and with dignity.

    1. Dignity ... that was the word I looked for. Thanks.

  2. I only watch one news program per day at 6pm and get annoyed because it is supposed to be a half hour news, then the other half hour is sports and weather forecast, but they include sports stories in the news half hour as well. I don't like sports at all.

    1. I'm the same. I stopped watching or listening to live news some time ago. I read them on their homepage, but they're also "invaded" by sports and human interest-stories. How they can make the weather fore´cast last for so long is something I never will be able to understand.

  3. Walter Cronkite (a very trusted newsman here many years ago) would be rolling in his grave if he saw the way news is reported today. He was a liberal and yet was considered "The Most Trusted Man in America" by what was then a very conservative nation because he believed in simply reporting what happened, with no embellishments.

    1. If people, as hed did, keep to reporting, the political differences do not mean much. I would have liked to listen to him.

    2. I remember Walter Cronkite and agree with Mimi. In Canada we had Lloyd Robertson, the equivalent of Mr. Cronkite. I was sorry to see him retire.


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