
tirsdag den 19. maj 2020

Grydefarvning - 1 - Pot Dyeing

     Ind i mellem må man bare prøve underlige ting. Her er den seneste omgang plantefarvning med mange glas i den vidunderlige gryde.

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  Sometimes you just have to test your crazy ideas. Here plant dyeing in many glasses in the wonderful pot. 

     Feddet til venstre er farvet blå med ligusterbær, der var meget indtørrede, men farvede fint; grønt med blade fra rød hassel og gult med syreblade - vist nok havesyre og kruset skræppe, men det er altså svært at se forskel på dem lige nu. Det til højre er ligeledes ligusterbær, syreblade og rød hassel. De to interessante pletter er tulipanblade og lilla akelejer.
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 The skein to the left is dyed with red hazel leaves = green, sorrel leaves = yellow and berries from privet = blue. The one to the right is dyed with the same three plant materials plus tulip petals and flowers from purple columbine.

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    Vi går lige lidt tættere på -- Let's take a closer look
Her er de lilla akelejer; farven er åbenbart trukket op i garnet og har afsta sig som blå nister, det ser meget fancy ud. Tulipanerne har lavet samme nummer. Gad vide om det var fordi garnet ikke var ordentligt vådt inden jeg startede?
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 The piece from the glass with columbine flowers. The dye did some funky thing here, crawling up through the strands of yarn and making small blue spots. I wonder if it's because the yarn was not wet thoroughly.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I have made an experiment dyeing strands of yarn that were suspended in the dyebath and partly above it. The latter part was only moist or even dry. the dye travelled upwards to a certain point where it produced sort of a spot of more intense colour - just like in chromatography. You can read more about it here:

    1. What on earth did the author mean by "the laughing part"? There were some strands of wool "hanging" ...

  2. Very interesting. Only the link is broken: is the rigth one. I think I want to do more chromatography - funny my youngest son's homework was on chromatograpy this Thursday ;)

  3. Fascinating. And lovely.
    I would love to see something made from this yarn (perfect imperfections and all).

  4. Unfortunately I only used a metre or two of each strand so there is not much I can make from them :-)

  5. Whatever odd thing happened, it certainly makes for an unusual and pretty end product.


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