
tirsdag den 19. maj 2020

Grydefarvning - 2 - Pot Dyeing

Lang, billedrig post, delt i to.

     Og næste forsøg: et meget langt fed uldgarn, flere glas med planter fra haven og min vidunderlige gryde.
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Long, picture heavy post, split in two.

  Next experiment. A very long skein, more glasses with plants from the garden and my wonderful pot.  
In the pot: Sorrel leaves, clockvise: privet berries, cow parsley with flowers, purple columbine, cow parsley without flowers, red hazel leaves.

     Efter en time flyttede jeg lidt på bundterne for at undgå hvide bånd i overgangene. Så fik det en ½ time mere, og nu ser det sådan her ud:
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   After an hour I pulled the white pieces of yarn between the glasses down into the adjacent galss to avoid white, undyed bands in the skein. Then it boiled for another half hour.

     Og i dag trak jeg så garnet op.Sådan her ser det ud. Ingen nister, men fine overgange mellem de forskellige farver.
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  And today I pulled the skein from the wonderful pot. It looks like this. 

Så er det tørt, men som alt plantefarvet garn er det megasvært at age billeder af det. 
 Now it has dried, but plant dyes are hard to get right.
Rækkefølge fra venstre - MotherOwl presents:
  1. akelejer (mere grønligt) - Columbine (more greenish blue)
  2. vild kørvel med blomster (citrongult) - Cow parsley with flowers (lemon yellow)
  3. restebad af ligusterbær (gråt med en svag blå tone) - Exhaust bath from privet berries (grey with a touch of blue)
  4. syreblade (mere orange - babybæ-farvet) - Sorrel leaves (colour like a baby's diaper)
  5. vild kørvel uden blomster ( lysere citrongult - ikke hvidligt) - Cow parsley without flowers (light lemon yellow , not whitish)
  6. røde hasselblade - Leaves from rde hazel.

6 kommentarer:

  1. What nice colours! How long was the skein?

    1. Thank you. The skein was 3-4 metres long, and now it's in a tangle. I foresee 3-4 hours of untangling in my future :(

  2. Such gorgeous evocative colours. Those colours paint pictures of places I have known and loved, and places I would love to know and love...

    1. Thank you. I'll still have to find out what to make from this skein - something to ponder while untangling it.

    2. My first very long skein also got tangled. Don't ask how much time I spent to untangle. Now I always "tie in 8's" at about 30-40 cm distance and am spared the tedious and strenuous work.


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