
onsdag den 20. maj 2020

WfW - Unicorn Farm Vignette

This Wednesday's words: 
1. Physical                          7. Bearing
2. Partial                             8. Accomplish
3. Performance                   9. Deficient
4. Melee                            10. Hullabaloo
5. Odyssey                        11. Concrete
6. Amplify                        12. Cultural

were given to us by Lee at Kitchen Connection.

  The teachers at The Unicorn Farm were partial to physical exercises, but they did not judge the apprentices after what they could accomplish, participation was king. Susan thought this was a good way of seeing things. She was not adverse to PE or deficient in any way, But if she did not find the exercise meaningful, her thoughts went their own ways, like so many small entities on each their separate Odyssey. Now today they were having mock melee attacks in pairs armed with Bo staffs, and Susan was wide w´awake and present. This was not running or worse soccer.
  Jon, the tall black Norwegian, who had a couple of years' worth of cultural studies (another name for magic) and martial arts in Japan behind him, was their teacher. Jon counted Ichi - ni - san - hajime! In the ensuing hullabaloo Susan beat Heidi over the shin bone with her staff and Heidi on her side parried one of Susan's attacks so violently that she almost broke the staff and lacerated Susan's hand.
  Jon used magic to amplify his voice: "Stop!" he yelled, forgetting his Japanese, intend only on stopping the battle before anyone got hurt. "Look at me!" he said "You have to use the correct strokes. Finnbogi come to me." Jon showed them all a concrete example of how Bo staves were used, and now the apprentices were all counting the strokes, rhythmically, countering their opponent's strokes and making a pattern of staves and bodies. Only now and then one of them lost their bearings and clashed against staff or arm. but soon all followed Jon's counting.

4 kommentarer:

  1. You have brought the class to life. I noticed the first of Lee's words as you used it, and then they blended so well into the story that I forgot to look.
    Well done. And a big hooray for teachers like Jon.

    1. Thank you, that's big praise indeed. Jon is modelled after a real teacher of mine, they existed even back then.

  2. As a not PE lover, i would have enjoyed this kind of class, i think.


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