
onsdag den 25. september 2024

Semi-break ~ En slags pause

     Kære allesammen, det næste stykke tid vil I nok ikke høre eller se så meget til mig her på bloggen. Livet sker, og nogen gange sker der for meget på én gang.
     Jeg forsvinder ikke helt, men jeg kommer højst sandsynligt ikke til at skrive så meget eller komme med så mange kommentarer hos jer allesammen, som jeg plejer.
     Øh, sådan har det jo allerede været et par uger, tænker du nok, med forsinkede eller bare ikke eksisterende blogindlæg; men jeg tror det bliver værre, før det bliver bedre.
     Jeg vender tilbage!

 👪 - 💙 - 💚 - 🧡 - 🤎 - 🩷 - 🩶 - 🩵 - 💛 - ❤

Dear co-bloggers and friends. For the next weeks I will probably not be very present here. Life happens, and sometimes too much happens at once.

I won't disappear totally, but I will quite possibly not be blogging or commenting as much as normally. Well I have already not been, you probably think - posts have been delayed or just not appearing - it's going to be worse before it gets better, I suspect.

But as Terminator says: "I'll be back!"

søndag den 22. september 2024

Colour24 & Sunday Selections

My harvest from the greenhouse. The eggplants are very small, on the other hand those are my very first egplants ever.

I see some ORIENT RED - the Colour of the Month - in those tomatoes and the bell pepper.

Hobbit day & Week :: Hobbitdag og -uge

Hamlette @ The Edge of the Precipice is hosting a Hobbit Week blog party for the 12th time. I am happy to participate and she makes it easy on us by saying: "If you don't have any ideas of things to post, you can always simply fill out the tag, which you'll find below."

The only real rules are: 
  • your post must be related to Tolkien and his creations somehow, 
  • your post should contain a link back to this post so people can find the party and join the fun, and 
  • your post needs to be respectful and family-friendly (this is a celebration, so please don't contribute any rants or whiny posts). 

~ ::  ~  ∴  ~ :: ~

This year's tag is inspired by some of the most famous locations in Middle-Earth. Here it is:

1. The Shire:  What place in Middle-earth do you think you would feel the most like home for you?

As I like a quiet life of good food and a sprinkle of adventures now and then, the Shire would be the place for me.

2. Bree:  If you could create a Middle-earth-themed restaurant, what would you serve there?
I would take my inspiration from Beorn's meals, and from the World of Warcraft cookbook, serving hearty, wholesome food made from local flora and fauna (or Olvar and Kelvar as the Elves would put it.)
The menu would include Beer Basted Boar Ribs, Braised Riverbeast, good bread, honey, loads of mushrooms and veggies. Funnily this had me thinking of the meals described in Paksenarrion The Jolly Potboy in Brewersbridge

3. Rivendell:  Where in Middle-earth would you like to hang out with your friends for a week or so?
I would like to travel from the Shire to Bree and over the Misty Mountains to Beorn's home - but not into Mirkwood. This would probably take way more than a week.

4. Moria:  Have you ever delved into the history of Middle-earth (or the history of Tolkien's creative process)?  If so, did you learn anything cool you'd like to share?
I have delved deep into the history of Middle-earth, its people, languages and animals. I learned that they are people, same as we are.

5. Lothlorien:  Would you like to sleep in a tree?
Oh, yes, I would, so far I've slept under trees, and between trees, but never in one.

6. Edoras:  Do you like horses?
I do like horses, and always planned to learn how to ride one, once the Owlets had left the nest. They have not yet.

7. Minas Tirith:  Have you ever dressed as a Tolkien character, whether for a convention or Halloween or anything else?  (Bonus fake internet points if you share a photo!)

No, strangely enough, I never did. I have dressed the Owlets as Hobbits, Elven warriors and even an orc, but myself, never.

8. Erebor:  Do you have any Middle-earth merchandise you particularly treasure?
I have a golden ring, looking much like the One Ring, and I even own a real chainmail ;) I wonder if it fits me still.

9. Mordor:  Have you ever read anything by Tolkien that wasn't about Middle-earth?
Oh yes, I've read Leaf by Niggle, Farmer Giles of Ham, Tree and Leaf (Leaf by Niggle is also in here), Smith of Wooton Major, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Ancrene Wisse. I've used his Middle English Vocabulary, and even read Ave Maria and Pater Noster in Quenya.  

10. The Grey Havens:  How long has it been since you last ventured into Middle-earth via book or film?
   Book? a week. One of the Owlets is reading Lord of the Rings, and I borrowed the book in the train and read a bit, as he had finished a chapter and needed a break. I read small bits frequently.
   Film? 2015, when I saw The Hobbit 3 in the cinema. The films does not fascinate me, I of course find the sceneries of The Lord of the Rings  magnificent, as well as the nature and horses and Ents, and the characters (most of them*) ... But the way the plot has been almost re-made, bent and twisted, does not sit well with me. As I said back then: The movies contain too much Peter Jackson and too little Hobbit for my taste. And I miss the songs, the banter, the languages and the  seriousness and gaiety that for me is a major part of Tolkien's world.

 - - - - - - - - - - -
*) I was always sorely disappointed with Galadriel as portrayed by Cate Blanchett. And with the "clowny" dwarves of The Hobbit too.

lørdag den 21. september 2024

Hobbit Day ~ Hobbitdag

Today we drank lots of tea and ate lots of cakes. Entirely fitting, as on his date 87 years ago, The Hobbit was first published. Tomorrow will be Hobbit Day, the shared birthday of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. Another reason for tea and cakes. And as tomorrow is Sunday, it is also the start of the Hobbit week - to be celebrated!

Today, among other, we had the famous Plum Torte from New York Times - is IS as good as they say!

-- 🥧 --

     I dag drak vi masser af the og spise mange kager. Det er helt passende, fordi i dag er det 87 år siden at Hobbitten udkom for første gang. I morgen se det Hobbitdag - Frodo og Bilbo Sækkers fælles fødselsdag - den skal da fejres med endnu flere kager! Og eftersom i morgen er søndag, er det også den første dag i Hobbitugen. Den må vi fejre!
     I dag fik vi blandt andet den berømte Blommetærte fra New York Times - den er faktisk super!

torsdag den 19. september 2024

Words for Wednesday :: September 18

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for September are provided by River @ Drifting through Life.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

This week's prompts are:
Charm bracelet
Fried chicken

A small piece from Susan's mundane life this time around.

These words were very hard to use, as Susan never ever owned a charm bracelet. She was never one for rings, bracelets, necklaces or any other adornment of the body.

On the other hand she loved fried chicken, and often on Saturdays mom and her went to the market and bought a chicken, which she helped mom clean and de-feather. Then  dad put into the oven on the wind up rotating spit, making the most delicious fried chicken imaginable. He basted the chicken with his secret spices and oil, mixed with the drippings in an old, chipped teacup, and religiously applied at regular intervals. Meanwhile the mynah bird called Beo, sat in his cage and squawked. Despite the whole family's incessant whistling of a certain earworm of a tune, the Mynah never learned. And they had to cover table as well as floor and walls with plastic, as Beo was a very messy bird.

He was in fact the opposite of adorable, and in the end he was given back to the pet shop to start on a new life away from Susan and her family.

tirsdag den 17. september 2024

Poetry Monday :: Intention

Next Monday for Intention I have every intention of doing better ;) that is what I wrote a little over a week ago ... 

So good intentions are not enough.
I really should do better
And write a poem - do some stuff
But not a line has left my pen,
no, not a single letter.

I racked my brain, I thought and fought
But not a word was written
The result was a giant naught
for not a word has left my pen
no poems had been fit in.

However much I huff and puff
No poems are forthcoming
And every word is fail and fluff
For not a word has left my pen
To show you my shortcoming

--  --  -- --  --  -- 

Next Monday: Teaching

søndag den 15. september 2024

Sunday Selection

On the apple tree Pirate loved, we had very few apples. First I saw only one, then later on we found three more. Tw were rotten, Pirate ate the last one.
Then this morning, as I looked out from our bedroom window I saw a red apple on that tree. I went there, fully expecting either yet another rotten apple or it to be in some hard to reach place. But no - I stretched out my hand and picked the apple for Pirate to eat. It had eluded us all for several days of looking for apples.
And I'm suresome ORIENT RED - the Colour of the Month - is to be found in the photo of the elusive apple.

mandag den 9. september 2024

Efterårsregn ~ Autumn Rain ~ Deszcz jesienny

Vejret i dag fik mig til at tænke på endnu et digt fra min studietid, Deszcz jesienny af Leopold Staff     Det er et meget billedskabende vers, hvor man i rytmen og ordene hører regnen slå mod ruderne.
     Og det er kun enmeget lille bid af et meget langt digt.
      Først på polsk - prøv at læse det bare for lydene - og så på engelsk og dansk. Jeg regner ikke mig selv for at være på niveau med Leopold Staff eller nogle af de andre poeter fra Młoda Polska, jeg gør mit bedste, men det er bare så meget bedre på polsk.

~ 💧 ~

The weather today made me think of another poem from my student days, Deszcz jesienny by Leopold Staff. It's a very evocative verse where you through the rhythm and the words hear the rain hitting the windows.

And it's only a small part of a very long poem.

First in Polish - try to read it just for the sounds - and then in English and Danish. I don't consider myself to be on the level of Leopold Staff or any of the other Młoda Polska poets, I do my best, but it's just so much better in Polish.

~ 💧 ~

O szyby deszcz dzwoni, deszcz dzwoni jesienny
I pluszcze jednaki, miarowy, niezmienny,
Dżdżu krople padają i tłuką w me okno...
Jęk szklany... płacz szklany... a szyby w mgle mokną
I światła szarego blask sączy się senny...
O szyby deszcz dzwoni, deszcz dzwoni jesienny...

~ 💧 ~

Rain rings against the windows, the autumn rain rings,
And splashes forever, unending, unchanging,
Raindrops fall and splash on my window ...
Glass moaning ... glass crying ...the windows wet with mist
And the grey light seeping drowsily through ...
Rain rings against the windows, the autumn rain rings ...

~ 💧 ~

Regnen rinder ad ruden, efterårsregnen rinder,
og plasker bestandigt, uforandret, uophørligt,
Dråber dunker mod ruden og smadres og løber ...
Glasset stønner ... glasset græder ... vinduerne er våde af tåge
Og det grå lys siver døsigt igennem ...
Regnen rinder ad ruden, efterårsregnen rinder ...

~ 💧 ~

A photo of the Autumn rain   ~ 💧 ~  Et foto af efterårsregnen ~ 💧 ~ Zdjęcie deszczu jesiennego

Poetry Monday :: Family

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Today's topic is
Family. But no, I'm not going to write a poem about Family in the normal meaning of the word, what about a work-family instead?

This poem needs a long preamble and some explanation ... bear with me.

  --  --  --  --

Saturday I went shopping as almost every day. In Helsinge we have a Polish bakery, and many years ago MotherOwl studied Polish at the University of Copenhagen.

I do not speak Polish any more, much to my frustration, because, bugger it, I still understand almost every word the baker and his customers say whenever they speak Polish. 

... well, back to the story and the poem. Saturday, as I entered the bakery, I smiled broadly, and pulled out my phone - I had forgotten my camera at home, double bugger, as the camera in my pone is lousy beyond measure.
Lousy photo - gets no better

... Anyway, as I shot a picture of the bags that had made me laugh, the baker said: "They contain bread crumbs."

I answered: "Yes, I know."

As the poor baker looked totally confused, I gave him a longish explanation, in Danish, English and a little Polish, the gist of which was:

Many years ago, as I studied Polish, we read a poem about six female cooks. The sixth was sour like a lemon (Danish and Polish both use vinegar here), and always scolded the other five.

I did not remember all the matters she went on about, but the fifth cook had trouble because of bułka tarta - exactly what was written on those bags.

Back in those days when I studied Polish, the internet was not a thing, so, not understanding bułka tarta I grasped my large dictionary:
Bułka was easy enough: It simply means Bun.
But tarta? I found out it was the passive adjectival participle of the imperfective verb "trzeć" (yes I did understand those fancy words - still do) which means "to make into small pieces, grate or shred". Anyhow, I was still mystified, Whatever happened to that poor bun, and why?

Of course I was given this exact sentence to read aloud and translate the next day.

I interpreted this expression as if the bun got pulled into small pieces by cook # 5 and 6. The other students and the teacher laughed at me, and told me that I should have gone for the "grated" meaning, and gone from grated bun to breadcrumbs. Totally obvious - only not to me 🙂

As I told all this to the baker, he laughed as well, and I promised to bring him the poem, which he did not know.

I have published the poem about the six cooks on my blog before (here), but only with a Danish translation. This time I try my luck in English.

Sześć kucharek
Wanda Chotomska

Było sobie sześć kucharek:
Jedna chuda jak sucharek,
jak bułeczka pulchna druga,
trzecia jak makaron długa,
czwarta miała mleczną cerę
i lubiła kluski z serem,
piąta niby pączek tłusta
i jak ocet kwaśna szósta.
Pięć kucharek w mlecznym barze
miało przez nią kwaśne twarze,
bo nic nigdy nie robiła,
tylko ciągle się kłóciła:
z tą najpierwszą o kakao,
co na blachę wykipiało,
a z tą drugą - o talerze
i o każdą dziurkę w serze,
o ryż - z trzecią, o sól - z czwartą,
z piątą zaś - o bułkę tartą...

My best try in English

Once upon a time there were six cooks,
The first one dry, thin as a rusk,
the second one as plump as any bun,
and the third like a spaghetti long.
The fourth one had a milky face,
and ate her food with cheeses mixed.
The fifth was sweet like doughnut glaze,
but sour as vinegar the sixth.
The five cooks in the milk bar old,
because of her had sour looks,
for never did she ever cook,
and always did she brawl and scold.
With the first one over the cocoa,
which was spilled onto the stove,
With the second over the plates
and every hole in all the cheese,
with the third over rice, with the fourth over salt,
With the fifth however over breadcrumbs ...

Not a very brilliant poem, I used my artistic freedom here and there, but I still could not make those last lines to my liking, sorry.

--  --  --  --  --  --

Next Monday for Intention I have every intention of doing better ;)

søndag den 8. september 2024

Sunday Selection, Colour24 & Bathroom Entomology
Søndagsbilleder, Månedens farve & Badeværelsesentomologi

Først - for alle, der ikke vil se billeder af edderkopper og insekter, kommer månedens farve
For everybody not wanting to see spiders ... Colour of the Month.

Today we ate the very first bite of the very first ripe jalapeño.
-- 🌶 --
I dag spiste vi den første bid af den første modne jalapeño.


  I'm sorry, but entomology is not the study of ents - even if this would be a subject I would really like to study, I doubt even a single ent would fit into our tiny bathroom. Entomology is - as most of you probably know - the study of insects, spiders and such - in short bugology.
-- 🪲 -- 🕷 --
     Entomologi er desværre ikke ente-studier. Selvom det er en slags studier jeg gerne ville bedrive, tvivler jeg på at der ville være plads til bare en enkelt, lillebitte ente på vores ikke særligt store badeværelse.
     Nej, entomologi er - som de fleste sikkert ved - studiet af insekter, edderkopper og den slags.

-- 🕷 -- 🕸 -- 🕷 --

Some entomologic photos from our bathroom - no, I do not know why all bugs congregate there.
-- 🕷 -- 🪲 --
     Her er et par entomologiske billeder fra badeværelset. Gad vide hvorfor alle insekter og edderkopper godt kan lide at være der?

A pretty moth, probably Common carpet --  🦋  -- En fin natsværmer, nok en Almindelig bladmåler.

A lady Marsh cranefly, notice the pointy end -- 🪰 --  et hun-stankelben, det kan man se på den spidse ende.

And finally another spider. It is the same species as my itsy bitsy spider - a Walnut orb spider - but much smaller, probably a male one, and with distinctly hairy black and white banded legs.
-- 🕷 -- 🕸 -- 🕷 --
Og til sidst endu en edderkop. Den er af samme art som Lille Peter, en flad hjulspinder, men meget minder, så det er nok en han, og med meget fint stribede og behårede ben.

 -- 🕸 --

Ekstra, her til morgen var der denne edderkop på badeværeslet. Den tilhører helt sikkert slægten Halloween-edderkopper. Gad vide, hvor den er kommet fra.
-- 🕷 -- 🕸 -- 🕷 --
And this morning, I found this pretty specimen on the sink. It belongs to the Halloween spiders, I'm sure, and I wonder, how it got there, and where it has been hiding.

onsdag den 4. september 2024

Words for Wednesday ~ Updated & IWSG

Once again I'm only bringing the prompts, but there's all of today yo catch up, I hope to make it -- I have a half-baked idea.
And I caught up! A real life tale again, and a recent one too.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.

The prompts for September are provided by River @ Drifting through Life.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

This week's prompts are:
On the run
     and this image: taken by "Genius" and allowed by Val.
The streets were deserted, a lonely car made its way home, hurrying to make it before the expected downpour. Even a dog on the run would have given up running. The clouds were dark and hung low, not a star could be seen and the thunder rolled ominously from afar. Already well before midnight the first heavy drops fell, splattering on the deserted tiles and tarmac. By 3 am the thunder was rolling in earnest, and lightening, thunder and rain did not let up until we sat at the breakfast table. The thunderstorm belonged to a larger frontal system passing our small country from the south to the north.

We were right under its path and the circuit breaker kept activating almost as fast as we reset it. In the end we gave up, and just stayed in our beds in the dark, that was continually sundered  up by bright lightening. It was kind of fun, because there was no wind at all, the curtains hung still, like a large tent, and the giant drops fell vertically, only to splatter on the window sill and send small drops all the way into my bed and onto my toes, until I drew the curtains all the way. 

Later in the morning I spoke with the Walrus, who is still living with us, and is over 95 years old, and he also never experienced a thunderstorm like this one.

Map from, registering - I think - only cloud-to-earth-lightening strikes, and about half were cloud-to-cloud during this particular thunderstorm.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

Today is also the first Wednesday of the month. Time for the monthly Question from the Insecure Writers' Support Group

September 4 question - Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?

My answer: As English is my second language, and schooling in my school-time was rather lax, I never learned any rules for written English. Only as I reached secondary school did I receive any formal grammar and language education in English. As our teacher was old fashioned, formal and stiff, I chafed as I learned. And as she was not a stickler for grammar, but for Freudian interpretation of texts, I did not really learn that much.
I learned much more by reading, by listening to music and by watching TV, which is not dubbed in Denmark. And I think these media broke any and all rules.

My teacher in Danish taught us to structure our texts using the simple: introduction, main body with sub-themes, and conclusion structure. We had to hand in the written work with this structure written at the very beginning. I found this hard to do until she told me to leave a blank half page for the structure, then first write the text, then split it up into the relevant sections, and then see if any of these needed thinning or fleshing out. It felt like cheating, but actually it did work ;)  I have kept very much to this model whenever I need to write a structured text.

tirsdag den 3. september 2024

Poetry Monday :: Height ~ a Non-Poem

Yesterday was once again crazy busy. And when finally I sat myself down at the computer, I opened all the new posts according to my blogroll. Oops big mistake, as I have a hard time writing a poem after having read the contributions of others's.

I wrote a comment at Mimi's blog - after I wrote it, it hit me that it was almost a poem, and I said so in a comment to my first comment -- meaning to post it here as well. But upon publishing this second comment, comment #1 disappeared, which made me write a third comment hoping it was just eaten by the spam monster, and had not disappeared forever in the depths of the 'web.  ... confused yet?

This morning my first comment -- that one I think was in some way a look-alike poem - had returned, and the other two were there as well -- thanks Mimi for rescuing my comment from the jaws of the spam monster. Now I can cite it here as my Poetry Monday contribution, but a day late.

Funny poems - I love them, but now I am undone,
I read your poems before writing my own,
which is the height of stupidity -
at least it seems like that to me.

--  --  --  --
Next Monday: Family.

mandag den 2. september 2024

Colour24 September ~ Orient Red

Thank you, River, for asking. The colour for September is:
-- 🎨 --
River spurgte om jeg ikke havde nogen farve for september, jamen det har jeg da:

Og jeg brugte den i mine billeder i går. Jeg gentager.
-- 🎨 --
And I even used it in one of my Sunday Selections photos. Repeated here.

Ude i domen var der knækket en snor, og det havde hevet et par grene af en tomatplante, så nu plukker vi tomater inde i køkkenet
-- 🍅 --
A string broke in my greenhouse and severed a branch laden with tomatoes in different stages of ripeness. Now we can pick tomatoes in our kitchen.

Lots of Orient Red tomatoes.
Orientalsk rød passer på tomater.

søndag den 1. september 2024

Sunday Selections ~ Growing Things ~ Søndagsbilleder

No more spiders, but other creepie crawlies, and some who doesn't.

-- 🍅 🪰 🍑 --

Ikke flere edderkopper, men et par kriblekrabere og nogle der ikke krabler.

This one is not crawling anywhere, but can still sting. It sure liked some TLC, and rewarded us by flowering.
-- 🌵 --
Denne her krible-krabler ingen steder, men den kan altså godt stikke. Den kunne godt lide lidt kærlig pleje og belønner os med at blomstre.

Denne her stikker til gengæld ikke. Stankelben er faktisk pænt store, større end min husedderkop. Her fotograferet indefra, så den står skarpt mod den lyse himmel.
-- 🪰 --
This one does not sting. Marsh craneflies are large, larger even than my giant house spider. Here snapped from inside our living room, and a nice black contrast to the bright skies.

It's a male, females have pointy ends. Here with my wounded index finger for scale. Snapped from outside with cranefly and skies mirrored in our double layered windows.
-- 🪰 --
Det er et han-stankelben, hunner er spidse bagtil. Her med min forbrændte pegefinger til sammenligning. Både stankelben og himmel spejler sig i vores dobbelte vinduer.

Dammuslinger - de er til gengæld små. De skal ud og rense vores gadekær
-- 🐚 --
Duck mussels, these are small specimen, destined to clean the waters of our local pond.

 - - - o 0 o - - -

Ude i domen var der knækket en snor, og det havde hevet et par grene af en tomatplante, så nu plukker vi tomater inde i køkkenet
-- 🍅 --
A string broke in my greenhouse and severed a branch laden with tomatoes in different stages of ripeness. Now we can pick tomatoes in our kitchen.

And once again I'm making prunes from home grown plums
-- 🍑 --
Og nok engang laver jeg svesker af vore egne blommer.

onsdag den 28. august 2024

Words for Wednesday :: August 28, 2024 :: Onsdagsord

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for August  are provided by Mimi @ Messymimi's Meanderings.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

This week's prompts are:
        and/or the following random sentence
My daughter always said she doesn't get mad, she gets even.

Real life story - ouch!

If I had taken a few seconds to consider that I had burned the oven mitt and thrown it into the sink to put our the sparks only minutes earlier, I would have realized that it would not any more protect my fingers from the very hot frying pan.
Instinct told me to Let go! even before the pain registered, and I hung my face in shame as I tried to soothe the burning flash on my finger with cold water.

Typing one-handed - with my left index finger still immersed in cold water is a bit hard!
Use your brains - and pristine oven mitts next time, MotherOwl!

mandag den 26. august 2024

Poetry Monday :: Instrument

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Today's topic is Instrument.

My instrument of preference
is not one met with reverence.
It has no strings
no wires, springs
and not a button too.

My instrument of preference
takes training and some temperance;
it has no keys
and none of these
strange cranks or other screws.

My instrument of preference
needs study and perseverance.
You might have guessed
more than the rest
it's languages I choose.

- - - - -

Next Monday's topic is: Height (September 2)

And for the rest of September:
September 9: Family
September 16: Intention
September 23: Teaching
September 30: Feedback

fredag den 23. august 2024

Mere edderkop ~ More Spider

     Vi har, som de fleste andre husstande stor husedderkop i vores hjem - og den er stor, faktisk Danmarks største edderkop hvad benlængden  angår. Den kan nå et 'benspænd' på hele 10 cm. Den er ikke giftig, eller rettere, den er ikke giftig for mennesker - er du en flue eller et andet byttedyr, stiller sagen sig ganske anderledes.
     Normalt ser vi ikke meget til den, men hvis den falder ned i badekarret, kan den ikke komme op ved egen hjælp, og løber rundt dernede og spinder tråde for at komme op. Vi lader proppen hænge ned i karret, så den kan bruges som nødudgang, men af og til - temmelig ofte faktisk, er der en strandet edderkop i badekarret. Således også i dag.
     Og eftersom jeg var i gang med at snakke edderkopper, tog jeg et par billeder før jeg smed den ud af badekarret.
     Det regner (igen!) og er halvmørkt nede i vores badekar, så billederne er  ikke bedste kvalitet, jeg undskylder.

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

As most Danish households, we have Giant house spiders in our home - it is big, but not giant. It is the largest Danish spider, and its leg from tip to tip can measure up to 10 cm. It is not poisonous venomous (thanks Mimi!) - or rather yes it is, but not harmful unless of course you are a fly or other animal of prey. 

Normally we do not run into them, but occasionally they fall into the bathtub and can not get out on their own. We let the stopper on a chain hang down. The spiders are not always smart enough to find this emergency exit, but run around and spin threads to get out. This happened today as well, and as I was in the spider-rut, I snapped some photos before letting it out of the tub.

Today is rainy and overcast (once again!) so the quality of photos from the bottom of our bathtub is not the best, bear with me.

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

Dette her er nok det bedste billede -- This is probably the best photo

Og sammenlignet med min finger -- and compared to my finger

torsdag den 22. august 2024

Words for Wednesday on a Thursday ~ Onsdagsord

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for August  are provided by Mimi @ Messymimi's Meanderings.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

This week's prompts are:
     and/or the following phrases
Beating a dead horse
On the ropes
Wake up call

All what the words made me think of was this moralistic rant - Quirky Owl at large.

I'm trying to convince my co-humans that education never stops. If we do not exercise your brawn and brain every day, and pick a new slice of matter frequently, it is the same as to decide to regress, to fall into disrepair and forgetfulness. Use it or lose it goes for all areas of our mind and body.

Craft is one of the good ways of keeping fit mentally and physically, having a big lively family is another.

Time and again I feel I am beating a dead horse, but nothing will stop me figuratively yelling at people. And some won't ever listen, some only when neglect have brought them on the ropes, some do not even heed this wake-up call, but stays in the sofa with Netflix and chips handy.

Onsdagsord på en torsdag

Vi fik de her ord:
     og/eller følgende sætninger
At slå i en dyne
Ude i tovene
Wake-up call

Det eneste, der kom ud af det, var denne løftede pegefinger. Underlige Ugle på færde her.

Jeg prøver at overbevise mine medmennesker om, at uddannelse aldrig stopper. Hvis vi ikke træner både muskler og hjerne hver dag og vælger en ny skive af emnet med jævne mellemrum, er det det samme som at beslutte sig for at gå i forfald. Use it or lose it gælder for alle områder af vores sind og krop.
     Kunsthåndværk er en af de gode måder at holde sig i form mentalt og fysisk, at have en stor livlig familie er en anden.
     Gang på gang og igen føler jeg, at jeg slår i en dyne, men intet vil stoppe mig i billedligt talt at råbe ad folk. Og nogle vil aldrig lytte, andre kun når de er helt ude i tovene efter længere tids forsømmelse, nogle lytter ikke engang da, men bliver i sofaen med Netflix og chips ved hånden.

 ++ 🦉 ++

To show how my quirky brain works I found these two photos from the past week ... they reminded me of one another.

 ++ 🦉 ++

     For at vise, at min hjerne stadig finder på underlige krumspring, har jeg fundet to billeder fra den seneste uge, der mindede mig om hinanden.
A golden Pikachu-Oreo, banana/chocolate taste and ...

 ++ 🦉 ++

En gylden Pikachu-Oreo med chokolade/banansmag og ...

The blue super-moon ...Quirky owl indeed.

 ++ 🦉 ++

Den blå supermåne ... Underlige ugle på færde,

mandag den 19. august 2024

World Photography Day

And now, it's the day. The theme is a big unwieldy blob ... sorry to all the good folks behind this endeavour, but there's something about grandiose themes in the style of one day - one life, only more bloated that makes me recalcitrant and apt to poke fun at and eventually puncture your hot air balloon.

Read this (from here):
World Photography Day is the global celebration of all types of photography, but each year, we also have an optional theme to focus on. The World Photography Day 2024 theme is "AN ENTIRE DAY". It is an ongoing project which will officially launch on August 19, 2024 - visit An Entire Day website.

Over the course of an entire day, the population of Earth has more than a combined 20 MILLION years of human experience (almost 8 billion people, with 24 hours each). Everyone is living their own life, sharing one world. Our goal as a global community is to capture as many different aspects of what happens around the world in one day.

To do this - along with any other photos you're planning on sharing on World Photography Day this year, feel free to share a photo, a video or a time-lapse that you'll take on August 19, 2024 tagging #AnEntireDay on the social platform of your choice, and don't forget to tag #WorldPhotographyDay and #WorldPhotographyDay2024, too. Spread the word!

     Og nu er det endelig dagen. Årets tema er en stor, uhåndterlig mundfuld ... undskyld til alle de gode kræfter bag dette foretagende, men der er noget med temaer i stil med en dag - et liv, bare endnu mere oppustet, der i den grad giver mig lyst til at være på tværs, og tilbøjelig til at gøre grin med og til sidst punktere den store varmluftsballon. Og her på min blog kan jeg gøre som jeg lyster.
     Temabeskrivelsen er på engelsk, den kommer herfra og jeg har ikke haft ork til at oversætte den. Kan du ikke klare mosten, anbefaler jeg DeepL, som er meget bedre end Google Translate til den slags ;)

-- 🖼 --

And now my photo. My uncleaned window and an insect, which I call The Flying T -- it is a Plume moth, I suspect the Emmelina monodactyla also known as the Morning-Glory plume moth. I like that name! The Latin name actually means the one-fingered Emmelina, which is also fun.

-- T --

Og nu til billedet. Et upudset vindue med en natsværmer, som jeg kalder det flyvende T, men som nok hedder snerlefjermøl, Emmelina monodactyla, et fjermøl er det helt garanteret, og det latinske navn lyder også smukt - og lidt sjovt: Det betyder den en-fingrede Emmelina.

Poetry Monday :: Market

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Today's topic is Market. Yesterday an internet search brought me from Getafix, the Druid in Asterix ➡ the secondary characters ➡ Cacophonix, which in Scots is called  Magonaglix ➡  to a hopeless poet, William McGonagall, whose only concern seems to have been that the poetry should rhyme - hence writing what The Writer and I have dubbed "Folk Song Army-Poetry" - think Tom Lehrer and his Folk Song Army 😀🎶

This rolled around in my head. And combined itself with today's topic: Market.
I pride myself of mostly being able to both rhyme and scan correctly ... but what if I tried not to - or only one at a time. I hope I'm not as bad as McGonagall (LINK, takes you to some examples in the Wikipedia article on him).

My Farmer's Market
I go to an old farmers market
every Saturday morning in town
I there sell my soap and my ointments,
Its a troublesome, funny event.
There are veggies and wine
There are coffee so fine
And knittings and handcrafts to boot.

Sometimes it is raining and dripping,
my soaps turn all mushy and soft
When the sun shines the soaps are all melting
and the ointments go liquid from heat,
And the storms blow to hell
all the things that I sell
even tables and all of my booth.

And the customers, they are a handful
some days not a soap I can sell
The next Saturday they all buy it,
and poor little me has to smell.
My booth do I close
And I just cannot cope
with cooking of yet a compound.

Oh, I suffer and shiver and swelter
I am pelted by sunshine and rain.
As I bike home I swear, I am cussing
And I say: No, nay, never again!
But the next Saturday you'll find me
at the old farmer's market in town.

- - - - -

Next Monday we'll tackle Instrument.

søndag den 18. august 2024

Sunday Selections :: World Photograpy Week :: Hot Air

Beklager, ikke alt er overssat til dansk i dag. World Photography Week synes at være et SoMe-fænomen, fuldt af varm luft, løfter og "Likes", men uden det helt store konkrete indhold - en tendens, jeg synes breder sig i den slags internet-udfordringer.

-- 🖼 --

Yesterday iHanna asked about the theme for World Photography Week. I did not remember what it was, so I went looking. I am still none the wiser, only now filled with hot air and SoMe.

Please read this and tell me what you think:

World Photography Week 2024 Theme

During World Photography Week 2024, from August 12th - 26th, share a number of photos on the social medium of your choice that you've taken that have meaning to you, along with the story behind them, using the hashtag: #WorldPhotographyWeek.

If you're a photographer, we highly recommend showcasing new photography and prints using the tag #WorldPhotographyWeek - we want to create a global community event to help highlight photographers, and their incredible work.

Then, search for posts using the tag #WorldPhotographyWeek from August 12th to 26th on the social medium of your choice, and "Like", comment and share the photos that resonate with you the most. If you discover a photographer whose work you appreciate, be sure to give them a follow on social media, as well!  (from HERE)

Am I the only one finding that internet challenges like this one have turned into generators of 'community' which seems to be synonymous with hot air and "Likes" on social media?

I see no theme mentioned here - despite the headline promising one.

Well, despite my intense dislike for this particular kind of baloney I am going to post photos today and tomorrow as well.

-- 🌹 --

Og nu til billederne.   And now the photos.

-- 🖼 --

    Dagen startede med at vi var i kirke, hvor vi fejrede Jomfru Maria optagelse i Himlen - egentlig var det i torsdags, men de helligdage, der ikke også er protestantiske, er oftest henlagt til søndag. Jeg tvivler på at vore klassekammerater, kolleger osv. ville se med milde øjne på at vi med jævne mellemrum blev væk for at gå i kirke, så smart nok.
    Efter kaffe og kager var jeg igen i dag i haven. Jeg arbejdede lidt på mit træ-projekt, så slog jeg græs og rev det afklippede græs sammen, Skribenten, der normalt slår græs, var ved at støvuge gæsteværelset, hvor der var lidt for meget støv til mine sarte luftveje. At slå græs og rive det sammen, lyder måske ikke så hårdt, men vi har en plæneklipper med rugbrødsmotor og græsset var langt.
     Bag plæneklipperen ses én af fire bunker græs. En lille smule af det er mine høvlspåner og lidt snittespåner fra en søns projekt, men langt, langt det meste er græs. Det var ikke engang den største af stakkene.

-- 🖼 --

The day started out with mass. We celebrated the assumption of Our Lady -- yes it was Thursday, but in Denmark all holidays, that are not celebrated in the protestant church (which is the majority denomination in Denmark) are celebrated to the nearest Sunday. Rather smart, as I doubt that classmates and colleagues would accept our absence to go to mass several times a year.

After coffee and cakes -- our Sunday treat -- I worked a bit on my woodworking project, I then realized that the grass was in sore need of a mowing, so I set to it - hubby, who normally mows,  was busy vacuuming our guest room, and it contained a bit much dust for my comfort ... I'm not allergic, but certainly sensitive to dust, and I'll take mowing over dust any day.

I mowed all the grass and then raked the grass together. It was hard work - no, our garden is not extraordinarily large, but we use a hand mower and the grass was long!

In the photo you can see it and one of four stacks of grass. A tiny bit of this stack is shavings from my wielding a plane as part of the woodworking, and chips from a son's wood carvings, but mostly it's grass -- and this is not even the biggest of the four stacks.
Efter aftensmaden gav jeg først Maria nogle nye blomster, så slog jeg kanterne af haven med en segl - jeps sådan en Miraculix-én. Den er genial, man løfter buskenes grene op med den ene hånd og slår under dem med seglen. Så smart. Så var jeg klar til et bad og aftenkaffen.

-- 🖼 --

After dinner I gave  fresh flowers to Our Lady, then I cut the borders of the lawn with a sickle -- yup just like the one Getafix the druid is using --- it is so smart. Raise up the branches with one hand and cut the weeds with the sickle! Easy-peasy. Then I was done and ready for a bath and a cup of coffee.

Igen i dag er ingen af billedene behandlet på nogen anden måde end beskæring.

-- 🖼 --

And again today none of the photos are edited in other ways than cropping.

Mere om edderkoppen & Sunday Selection & More about the spider

First a photo that has nothing to do with a spider for all who does not enjoy looking at our eight legged friends:

For alle, der ikke kan lide at higge på billeder af vore ottebenede venenr kommer der allerførst noget andet.

   Natlig rejnfan ~ Tansy by night
In the background grey thistles ~ I baggrunden grå tidsler         
Fitting the Colour of the month ~ der passer til månedens farve

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

And now to the spidery stuff 🕸 Så handler det om edderkoppen

So many asked the name of the spider, if it was dangerous and how big it was, that I found it easier to write a new blog post telling all I know about it - with more photos!

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

Der var flere, der skrev og spurgte hvor stor edderkommen var, om den var farlig og hvad det var for en.
Det blev bare nemmere at skrive et nyt opslag - med flere billeder.

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

It is a Nuctenea umbratica, a walnut orb-weaver spider, possibly a female, as it is exceeds the 7-10 mm given as the maximum size of a male. It is not really that big, as the photo of her compared to my index finger will show.

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

Det er en Nuctenea umbratica, en Flad hjulspinder, nok en hun, for den er over de 7-10 mm hannen skulle blive og nærmere maksimum for en hun, der opgives til 11-16 mm.

Hverken Peter eller lille, med stadig en flot edderkop.   🕸   It might not be itsy bitsy, but it is a spider.

lørdag den 17. august 2024

Day 6 ~ World Photography Week ~ Dag 6

My health is steadily improving, daily chores are no longer insurmountable.
Today I went shopping, did some cleaning, scrubbing and vacuuming, I weeded and watered a bit, looked after the hens, edited and translated some texts, cleaned some more
and even did some woodworking (more of this later, I hope), helped cooking dinner, then I brought in two loads of clothes from the clothes lines and all our stuff from the garden! Yay - HUGE thankful!

While cleaning I found today's subject for my photo.
If you suffer from arachnophobia, please stop here.

It is incredible how many of the nursery rhymes are international and how they are spreading.
I'll never forget when I was in Turkey in 1979 and learned how to do Patty Cake in Turkish (spelled as I heard it, any readers knowing Turkish, please correct me!):
"Küçük ev. Lara Ingils, Lara Ingils, Karolin, Karolin, kaç, kaç, kaç?
Kari, Mari, Kari, Mari, Bay Ingils!" Yes, it was inspired by the TV serials Little House on the Prairie ~ Little House, Laura Ingalls, Laura Ingalls, Caroline, Caroline, How Many, How Many, How Many? Carrie, Mary, Carrie, Mary, Mr. Ingalls!" I'm not at all surprised that also this rhyme is known in many countries as well.

The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

Det går fremad med helbredet - hurra! I dag var jeg på indkøb, ryddede op, gjode rent og støvsugede; så oversatte og redigerede jeg lidt tekster, gjorde mere rent og noget træsløjd (mere om det forhåbentlig senere); så lavede jeg en del af aftensmaden, hentede to portioner vasketøj ind fra snoren og alle vores ting fra haven - Yay, jeg virker nogenlunde igen!

Mens jeg støvsugede, fandt jeg dagens fotomodel.
Hvis du lider af araknifobi, skal di ikke scrolle længere ned.

Det er utroligt hvor mange børnerim og -remser, der i virkeligheden er er internationale og forholdsvis nye, selv om de virker gamle og oprindelige.
     Jeg glemmer aldrig, da jeg var i Tyrkiet i 1979 og lærte en klapperemse på tyrkisk, den lød sådan her - undskyld for lydstavning til eventuelle tyrkiskkyndige læsere - rettelser ja tak:  "Küçük ev. Lara Ingils, Lara Ingils, Karolin, Karolin, kaç, kaç, kaç? Kari, Mari, Kari, Mari, Bay Ingils!"  Den er såmænd inspireret af TV-serien  Det lille hus på prærien ~ Lille hus, Laura Ingalls, Laura Ingalls, Caroline, Caroline, Hvor mange, hvor mange, hvor mange? Carrie, Mary, Carrie, Mary, hr. Ingalls!"
Derfor kan det vel heller ikke undre, at sangen ovenover findes på dansk ... det er såmænd Lille Peter edderkop.

Lille Peter Edderkop kravled op ad muren.
Så kom regnen og skylled Peter væk.
Så kom solen og tørred' Peters krop.
Lille Peter Edderkop kravled atter op.

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

Og her er så et billede af Lille Peter.

Amd a photo of the Itsy, Bitsy Spider.
He was allowed to stay when I vacuumed today, while all the chaotic spiders -- my name for cellar spiders -- were removed.

--  🕸  🕷  🕸  --

Lille Peter fik lov at blive, mens alle "kaosedderkopperne", der retteligt hedder mejeredderkopper endte i støvsugeren.

fredag den 16. august 2024

Dag 5 ~ World Photography Week ~ Day 5

I dag regner det, så vi går en tur i domen og kigge på umoden peberfrugter og chilier

-- 🌶  🫑 --

Today it's raining. I went to the Dome and looked at unripe peppers and chilies

Only time will tell what the two leftmost turn into as I only planted bell peppers and jalapeños.

-- 🌶  🫑 --

Jeg er spændt på hvad de to til venstre er for nogen. Jeg plantede kun jalapeño og røde peberfrugter.

torsdag den 15. august 2024

Day 4 ~ World Photography Week ~ Dag 4

I dag har jeg en lille film ud over dagens billeder - bare fordi jeg kan.

Today I have some photos and a short video - just because I can.

Billederne først ~ First the photos
Min kvan er blevet stor. Nu ligner den ikke længere en skvalderkål.
My angelica has grown. No mistaking it for a ground elder any more.

Min yndlingsblomst, blå kornblomst ~ My favourite flower, blue cornflower

Jeg ved ikke, hvad denne her hedder, men den en overlever, og så er den pæn.
I do not know the name of this one, it's a survivor - and pretty.

Hængeugle, nu med ekstra mos ~ Hanging owl with even more moss growing on it.

And one apple, all what grows on the tree this year.
Et enkelt æble er alt hvad der gror på træet i år.

Min hård prøvede laurbær. Omgivet af ukrudt, som jeg lader gro. Det er nemlig noget sjovt ukrudt som man kan se på videoen her - hvis den virker. Mine fingre er stadig misfarvede fra plantefarvningen.

My poor laurel, here surrounded by some weeds I'm loath to remove. They are fun, as the video will show - if it works. My fingers are still stained from dyeing with walnuts and cochineal.

onsdag den 14. august 2024

Words for Wednesday & World Photography Week

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for August  are provided by Mimi @ Messymimi's Meanderings.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

This week's prompts are:

    and/or these not as common as they used to be words

Today I dyed with different plants. In the morning I picked tickseed and tansy and hollyhocks, I also picked up some walnuts that the strong wind had blown down. In my stash I found madder roots, some red leaves - the fusty smell took me unaware and I began coughing; carefully so as not to blow away the plant materials - and some cochineal; calling this a plant dye is a small scale fraud, as it is not a plant, but a  bug living on cacti. Even a weak solution of those bugs dyes a load of yarn. I was not clement in my treatment of said bugs, but mashed them with a glass mortar and pestle to wring every ounce of colour from them.

    ... and now I used all the words but prepence, which I could not really get the hang of. But I'm not done with the telling. 

I grated the walnut husks, broke up the red leaves, and picked the petals from the tickseed flowers. Then I distributed it all unevenly over two wet hanks of yarn, also adding a teeny tiny amount of the mashed up cochineal bugs. The hanks were then firmly rolled into a piece of an old sheet.

The rest of the bugs were dissolved in water and the water poured into a glass. A third hank of yarn was added to this glass. Hollyhocks, tansy, more tickseed and walnut was packed with a hank of thicker yarn into yet another glass and weighed down with pebbles.

Everything went into the wonderful pot for two hours. Then came the patience testing wait while it cooled off enough for me to touch.

-- 🌿 🌻 🌺 🍁  --

I dag har jeg farvet med forskellige planter. I morges plukkede jeg skønhedsøjer og rejnfan og stokroser, og jeg samlede også nogle valnødder op, som den stærke vind havde blæst ned. I mit lager fandt jeg kraprødder og røde hasselblade - den støvede lugt overraskede mig, og jeg begyndte at hoste; forsigtigt for ikke at blæse plantematerialerne væk - og noget cochenille. At kalde det en plantefarve er nok ikke helt korrekt, det er nemlig ikke en plante, men en lus, der lever på kaktusser. Selv en svag opløsning af disse lus kan farve en masse garn. 
     Jeg var ikke blid i min behandling af de små lus, men knuste dem med en glasmorter og en støder for at få hver eneste gram farve ud af dem.
     Jeg rev valnøddeskallerne på et rivejern, knuste de røde blade og plukkede kronbladene af skønhedsøjerne. Så fordelte jeg det hele ujævnt over to våde fed garn og tilføjede også en lillebitte smule af de knuste  cochenillelus. Garnet blev derefter rullet stramt ind i et stykke af et gammelt lagen.
     Resten af lusene blev opløst i vand, og vandet blev hældt i et glas. Et tredje fed garn blev puttet ned i glasset.
    Stokroser, rejnfan, mere skønhedsøje og valnød blev pakket med et fed tykkere garn i endnu et glas og tynget ned med grus og småsten.
     Alle glassene og rullen kom i den vidunderlige gryde i to timer. Så kom den tålmodighedsprøvende ventetid  mens det afkølede nok til, at jeg kunne røre ved det.

Pictures  --  Billeder
Høsten -- The harvest

Cocheniller -- Cochineal

Cochenillemagi, farven er nu på garnet -- Cochineal magic, the dye is on the yarn now.

Rullen efter dampning i gryden -- The roll after steaming in the pot

Unpacked -- rullet ud

Og her hænger de så til tørre -- and all hung out to dry.