
torsdag den 1. juni 2023

Words for Wednesday May 31

Back almost painfree, magazine sent to the printer, garden almost weeded, dome almost rebuilt, now  normal blogging will be resumed. And yesterday was Wednesday. This means time for Words for Wednesday!

Endnu engang undskyld til danske læsere. Der skal nok komme nyt fra haven, om min dome og så videre.

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

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For the last time in May the Words are provided by David M Gascoigne but as always are made public at Elephant's Child's blog.



This was some tough words. I wanted to continue my story of Susan and the hatching, but
Lions, Predators, and Firestorms? Uncanny words at a chicken hatching, I just had to work a bit harder. Here is what happened:

Rasmus suddenly made Susan think of lions, "Lions," she said aloud. "But why does Rasmus remind me of lions."

"I'm sure you'll find out eventually," Granny said, "but now I need your resources to help with the eggs. Which one would be your choice for a prime rooster?"

Susan slowly walked to the hen house. Then she knelt. The wisest course of action was to be as small and insignificant as possible. Susan thought of using the Nothing interesting here spell but decided against it. Slowly, cooing calming sounds, she put her hand under the brooding hen and systematically felt the rocking and chirping eggs.
She thought of a predator, and felt a protective spark from the egg under her hand. Gently her hand closed around this egg and slowly and with many an excusing and calming sound she pulled out the egg. "This one!" she said.

"Hold it in your hands to keep it warm," Granny instructed, "Turn it occasionally, and do not give in to the temptation of helping the chick break out. This might kill him, and I promised my next neighbour a fine rooster."

Susan sat on a log in the sun, warming and gently turning the egg; listening to the chirping sounds emanating from inside and encouraging the small one to break his shell.

Granny also felt the eggs, and gave one egg each to the three cousins with like orders. "She has too many eggs in there," Granny said. "There's not room and air for them all to hatch, and I have been inattentive, letting her incubate this many eggs. She is a sly one and bears watching.

Susan's thoughts strayed from the task at hand, her fingers still gently turning and warming the egg, but her thoughts were far away. Suddenly she remembered the connexion between Rasmus and lions. Elleore, the Lion island as they called it. Home to great and ferocious lions in Susan's mind, but in reality the two lions from The Lion Hunt had been old, and had been shot by sharpshooters during the filming instead of being euthanised in a German zoo.*)
     Every time they went to visit Granny they passed that island, and something in the form and colour of Rasmus' head had reminded her of it. She also remembered falsely thinking a firestorm was ravaging the sland, when it was only the setting sun reflecting off the ice in the fjord.
     Elleore was a fabled island in Susan's mind. Populated by lions, cows, hunters and a king and a queen. Yes Elleore was also a kingdom, a teeny tiny one, almost 4 acres of land in Roskilde Fjord. It was absolutely not an imposing sight, rising only slightly over the calm waters of the fjord. But Susan loved the stories connected to it. She owned several stamps issued by the micro-nation, and hoped that they would, as they had spoken off, be reproducing some of the scenes from The Lion Hunt to be used on new stamps. Normally no humans lived on Elleore, but one week a year the king, queen, government and all the people of Elleore met there to govern their island-kingdom.

A violent chirp and a big piece of the shell, that broke from the egg in her hands let all thoughts of lions and royalty flee from Susan's mind as she focussed on the tiny creature slipping wet and slimy into her hands.

Does Rasmus look like a lion?

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The Lion Hunt filmed on Elleore in 1907. Link

6 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you so much for both the continuing story - where you incorporated the prompts really, really well and the link. I would have joined the protests about The Lion Hunt.

    1. I do not think the lions were treated cruelly. But I just looked, and I found the English wikipedia-version a bit lacking. It only says that: "the charges of animal cruelty were dropped". Whereas the Danish version says: "In the legal aftermath, Ole Olsen was acquitted of all animal cruelty charges. It could be documented that all the animals involved were actually killed by professional shooters before they could suffer any other harm." It also tells that the lions he bought were about to be shot due to old age in the zoo.

  2. Excellent story, i can see Susan being able to pick out the best rooster.

    Now i'm fascinated by micronations and will be reading further.

    1. Thank you - micro-nations is a rabbit hole ;)

  3. This is a very excellent chapter, I love the thought of holding an egg as the chicken or rooster hatches out. I like the sound of lion Island too. Does Rasmus have a fiery head of orange hair that might resemble a lion's mane?

    1. Thank you. Rasmus looking like a lion? Why, yes he does. I added a portrait of him to the chapter.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.