
fredag den 2. juni 2023

Negativitet - 3 - Negativity

Kan I huske de negative superhelte? Jeg kan godt, men det er selvfølgelig også min drøm og min blog, og i dag så jeg noget der mindede mig om dem.
     Min drøm: Der fandtes superhelte. Negative superhelte. De var så negative, at når deres blik faldt på noget affald i grøftekanten eller et andet sted, hvor det ikke skulle være, lyste affaldet op i negative farver.

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Do you remember the negative supers? No wonder if you don't, I wrote about them over 6 years ago. But I remember - they were my dream after all - and today I was once again reminded of them.

My dream: Supers existed, negative supers. They were negative, very much so, and whenever their eyes fell on garbage in a ditch, the garbage went negative too.

     I dag falder mine negative superheltes blik på fire dåser fra energidrikke. Det er nye, danske dåser med pantmærker på. De kan bare ikke indløses, for der er nogen der har stået eller hoppet på dåserne. De er helt flade.
     Indtil Irma i Helsinge lukkede, var det i den butik et menneske som tog imod pantflasker og -dåser, og altså også dåser der var mishandlede og skæve. Men nu er der kun pantmaskiner alle vegne, og de tager kun imod hele, fine dåser.
     Jeg har flere gange på denne blog skrevet om at panten var for lav - og det er den da åbenbart, når det er sjovere at hærge dåserne end at pante dem.

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Today the super vision of my negative supers discovers four cans from some energy drink. Those are new, Danish cans, bearing the deposit mark, but they will never get cashed, as they are made flat by someone standing on top of them. The machine won't accept them.

A bit over four years ago the only supermarket having a human being receiving the cans and bottles was closed. Now we have deposit machines everywhere, and they accept only cans in pristine condition.

More times now I have been agonizing that the deposit is too cheap. I still think I'm right.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh. We have machines that accept cans too. We don't purchase those cans so have never tested whether they only accept the pristine ones. I am appalled at the garbage tossed out on our streets and wonder whether the tossers are as careless in their own homes and yards. I would be surprised if they are.

    1. I normally pick up tossed cans to cash when shopping. And no, people are not this messy at home.

  2. People here take their cans and bottles to a recycle centre if there is one nearby and they have a car. The bottles get counted and paid out, but the cans get weighed and paid by the kilo, so many people crush them to fit more into the bags and more into their cars. But they must be clean, dirty cans and bottles don't get accepted.

    1. That is quite smart - the paying for cans by the kilo, that is - not the driving far to do this ;)

  3. Hvis der var flere der havde dit negative superhelte blik, ville det også kunne forebygge noget, tror jeg👍

    1. Hehe, jeg må sætte de briller i masseproduktion.

  4. We are blessed with a recycle bin into which we can throw clean paper, paperboard and cardboard, all cans even if crushed to fit more in the space, glass, any solid plastic with the recycle symbol and a number on it, and many such things. Plastic bags and film with the recycle symbol can be taken to the grocery and dropped in their recycle box.

    Of course, we don't get paid for this, we pay for the recycle bin along with our garbage bin, and it gets picked up once a week.

    If you want to recycle larger metal items, you can take them to a scrap metal recycling center and get paid by the pound.

    I'm just glad we are able to recycle so much so easily.

    Yes, people throw their trash all over the place, and i've often wondered what they are thinking and why they do it. If i'm driving somewhere and have something in my car that needs thrown away, i take it home and put it in my garbage bin where it belongs.

    1. My answer for this turned into a post on its own.

  5. Our recycle bins only get collected once each fortnight and they are always so full the lids can't close because the neighbours I have put all kinds if rubbish in not just recyclables and they never crush anything. Even big cardboard boxes get pushed in without being torn or cut up first. And they are not the sort of neighbours who would listen and then change their ways.

    1. That neighbour exist everywhere ;) I always wonder how some couples with no kids manage to fill their bins to the brim and over when we, 6 persons, always have room for a little extra Sunday evening (bins emptied Monday morning alternating so that each bin is emptied once a fortnight).
      And this comment was in Spam limbo, sorry to not have seen it before.


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