
søndag den 15. januar 2023

Sunday Selection :: Rain!

Uglemor er syg - og nej, det er ikke Corona - men en eller anden ondsindet influenzavirus. Propper i ørerne, vat i hovedet og en hals der er beklædt med næsehornshud hele vejen ned. Masser af varm the er på dagsordenen, og jeg håber den skrubber af i en fart!

-- 🦏 --

MotherOwl is ill, and no, it's NOT that dratted Corona virus - but some evil flu. Stuffy ears, head filled with cotton, and throoat that feels coated in rhinocerus scales. Lots of scalding tea is being consumed, and I hope for fast improvement.

Men uden for vinduet ...                    Meanwhile, outside my window...
De her skærmdump er 4 dage gamle, men vejret er stadig det samme. Og det vil fortsætte sådan et godt stykke ind i næste uge, hvis vi kan stole på metrologerne på DMI.
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I took these screenshots 4 days ago, but the weather has been the same ever since, and is going to continue like this until somewhen in the coming week - that is if the weathermen can be trusted.

Markerne er fulde af regn, naboens grund ligner en sø, relæer og elkasser løber fulde af vand, så telefonen og strømmen skiftes til at forsvinde. Og vasketøjet tørrer aldrig.
     Jeg tror det er tid at bringe mit "Så har vi altså fået nok regn"-digt. Det er desværre kun på engelsk, og det har været bragt her på bloggen i let forskellige versioner 10. august 2020, 25. januar 2021 og 29. august 2022. I dag er en god dag til at holde traditionen i hævd.
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The fields are overflowing, neighbour's back garden is turning in to a pond, telephone lines and our cables are being wswamped, makinf for recurring episodes of no electricity and no land lines working. And the clothes on my clotheslines just never dries!
I think it's time for a re-post of my "Enough of this rain"-poem.
 I originally published this poem 13 August 2018. But I have published it almost every year since then - today is the right day to keep up this tradition:

It was rainy all day. I could hear it all night, as I lay in my bed.
Now everything's dripping and drooping, and dreary and wet.
The brooks are all leaping, the rivers all run.
Every field had its water, every straw had its drink.
But there's clothes to be dried and we miss them, I think.
So please, pretty please, can I have back the Sun!

(also published in slightly varying versions August 10 2020, January 25 2021, and August 29, 2022)

Og nu til Månedens farve ~ ~ PINE GREEN ~ ~ And now for Colour of the Month
Malik, mit hittebarn efter stormen af samme navn overlever stadig. Han er ikke blevet større, men det kommer nok. Og nej jeg har ingen anelse om kønnet på denne plante, men Malik er et grønlandsk drengenavn, ergo er min Mailk også en dreng.
- 💚 -
Malik, my orphan of the eponymos storm is still, if not thriving, at least keeping his own. And no I have no idea of the gender of this plant, but as Malik is a Greenlandish boy's name. It's a he!

9 kommentarer:

  1. I hope you feel much,much better. Soon. I also wish we had some of your rain.

  2. I hope you soon get enough sun to dry all the clothes. I hope also that you get better very soon.

    1. According to the weather predictions, the sun will come, but always tomorrow. Like the sign: "Food tomorrow, not today".

  3. Get well soon! All that rain outlasted its welcome here last year so you’re welcome to keep it for a little while longer….we’ve definitely finished with it.

    1. I'm afraid that if the rain stays here, we'll sail away. It has so outstayed it's welcome here too. I'd like it to go somewhere where it's needed!

  4. Drat the flu! I hope you feel better soon, and your Malik grows well in spite of the drowning rains.

    1. Yeah, drat it, but still better than Covid. I think Malik will survive now he has lasted for almost a year. He stands on higher ground and won't drown. I'll just have to remember watering him if the summer turns dry, as he also grows near big trees.

  5. So sorry you're ill! Sending prayers and good wishes! And nothing makes a cold more miserable than cold, miserable weather!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.