
fredag den 19. august 2022

Words for Wednesday -- A Small Start

The next few days will be busy in the Owlery, I am not very far with the story, ideas are slowly emerging, and somewhen writing will happen too. But for now this is all I have done. I promise more to come eventually.
I did not use any of EC's Australian expressions so far ...

Pull the wool over his eyes
Put a sock in it
Dog's breakfast
Gone walkabout
Six of one, half a dozen of the other
Tell him he's dreaming

After lunch the visitors arrived, suddenly strangely clad persons stood in the bleak sunlight between the big bales in the yard.
Jon rose. "Now, my dear apprentices," he said loudly, the voice enhancing spell was not necessary, as everybody hang at his lips, "now the visitors have arrived. They come from the countries you have been examining and learning about in the last two days. Please gather in your groups and say hello to the witches and wizards from your country. First, from Brazil, Juana and Bruno Cardoso" the blue team jumped up and greeted the scantily dressed pair, whereupon they and Täthi and Taavi disappeared in direction teacher's living rooms. "I hope they find something warmer to wear," Jon said half smiling. He turned toward the door again. Next, Atreju and Uma Luzt  from Switzerland, Welcome." The yellow team got up, greeted the pair and they left with Matine and ML.
Jon spoke again: "And the next pair hails from Japan, Ume and Akito Matsumoto." The purple team bowed and the Matsumotos answered in kind and followed the apprentices, Torben and Birgitta out through the barn doors.
"And last but not least," Jon said. "G'day to Esther and Berny Drumley from Australia." Susan and the rest of the green apprentices rose and said "G'day" in unison. The two Australians smiled, they too were dressed inadequately for Danish winter chills, and soon drew their wands to shelter themselves from the frigid temperatures in the barn.
Then they followed the green team and Thora and Gilvi up the stairs to the green room.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I hope your busy time is productive and fun. I like this snippet and hope that my phrases don't give you too much grief.

  2. A nice little chapter. I'm glad they visitors can wave their wands and get warmer clothing!

  3. When work is done, it's time to play. Meanwhile, i will dream of what they might talk about.

  4. Good luck with all the work and a lovely sample of your work for us to enjoy.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.