
søndag den 28. august 2022

Sunday Selection - Wet Edition

The last week has been two things, busy and sunny.

The first I cannot show in photos, just imagine a busy MotherOwl zipping past, you see only the feathers flying in her wake😀

Sunny is easier to catch:

When riding trains or buses from here to there, I have tried to figure out how this was knit. So far no luck. I can make holes just like these, but the knit fabric around the holes invariably ends up looking wrong.

The Pirate is an animal lover, and the animals - at least grasshoppers and crickets - has been following him around. This one I managed to snap before it jumped away - Yes it's in the dishwasher.

As I said, it was sunny, it was hot. The Owlets were away, and MotherOwl and the Writer improvised a BBQ in the garden. All the soft drinks were hot as well. We had a brain wave - why not put them into the frog pond? They'll be cool in next to no time. The Owlets did NOT take to the idea, and ever since any suggestions like "Who's to do the dishes?" or "Please take out the trash!" have been answered with "Just put it in the frog pond!"

Here's the Writer on the very hot day with Coke fresh from the frog pond!

And a close up - with duckweed - It was drunk to the very last drop in spite of the complaints.

But then ... in the night between Friday and Saturday, when all good Owls and Owlets were sound asleep, the rain came! It gushed and poured, the thunder rolled, and awoke all of us. Next morning ... erm noon, when the rain had quieted down, MotherOwl checked the rain gauge. It was almost overflowing!

Thus ended our busy week. Let's hope for this one to be less busy.

6 kommentarer:

  1. The frogpond solution makes a heap of sense to me - though the owlets use of the phrase has me smiling.
    That was a lot of rain. I hope for you that this week is less busy - and filled with sunshine.

    1. It might be a generation thing. We laught a lot over frog ponds recently.
      And yes, a lot of rain, half a months worth of it. I sure hope for sunshine now, thank you.

  2. Before refrigerators, or even iceboxes, putting things to chill in the creek or pond was common. You can wash off the bottle before drinking, after all.

    Praying you have a blessed and beautiful week!

    1. More or less what we told the Owlets - duckweed do not penetrate bottles, you know :D
      Thanks, and the same for you!

  3. I'm not a fan of bats, I like them well enough, but not so much that I want them nesting near me. The blanket looks interesting, I'm wondering if maybe you knit the first stitch, then knit together stitches2&3, then with stitch 4 you create an extra stitch to allow for the ones knitted together, then knit together stitches 5&6, create another stitch with stitch 7, to keep the stitch count correct, then knit together stitches 8&9, create a new stitch with 10 and so on to the end of the row. Then on the next row, start with knitting together stitches 1&2, create a new stitch on 3, knit together 4&5, create a new stitch with 6 and so on like that, but with the third row you do the same as row 1, then the fourth row is the same as row 2. I'm not good with patterns and I could be wrong, but that is what it looks like to me. Let me know if it works out.

    1. As bats are eating a zillion mosquitoes and other pests every night, I like to keep them (and the swallows for day-time duty) near me.
      For the knitting I have tried many variations of this, But I will try once again using what you wrote, thanks!


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