
onsdag den 3. august 2022

Words for Wednesday & IWSG - August Question

Dear everybody!
I'm so sorry for posting a half-written post yesterday. I had forgotten we were celebrating a July-children's birthday and coming home and done with writing party yesterday. I must have pressed Publish instead of Schedule.
  Now at least here are the Words. This month it's Elephant's Child supplying us with the words on her blog.


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August 3 question - When you set out to write a story, do you try to be more original or do you try to give readers what they want?

My answer: Neither. I tell the story, I want to tell. I sit myself down and write the story down - often after composing it in my head while walking, biking or taking a bath.
  Then I wait for some time,and read it through to see if I still like to read the story. If yes, I go on correcting, expanding and so on this story. And when I like to read it, all of it, I consider it finished.
  I might never publish anything at all this way, but then I hope you, my readers here in the interwebs, and whom else in real life reading my story has had just half as much fun reading my story as I have had telling and writing it.
  This suddenly does not sound like it belongs in a The Insecure Writer's Support Group post, but I promise you that I am still insecure while writing. Trying to find that one word catching the atmosphere in just the right way, trying to give that timbre, recreate this peculiarity and soon.

13 kommentarer:

  1. I have IMMENSE amounts of pleasure reading your stories. And look forward to seeing whether this week's prompts stir your writing gene.

    1. Thank you, yes, writing will happen, only ... life is happening as well ;)

  2. I try to be original because I have no idea what my readers might want. Mostly I just write what the words tell me to. Sometimes I wake in the night with a complete sentence in my head and I work from that.

    1. This sounds great. I for one always love reading where the words led you!

  3. I have just discovered your stories - reading starts today, One problem, I don't use google. Esther O'Neill

    1. Welcome!
      I hope this will not cause too many problems. I have set up my blog so that everybody can comment also anonymous commenters. Only very old posts are moderated.

  4. If you're just enjoying writing, then relish that freedom to write what you want!

    1. Of course, I hope to publish my story when I'm done writing. But I most of all want to tell my story. If this means it won't be published, so be it. It has taken me a long time to reach this "place", but the thing, I have published, following other poeples' opinions, moore than my own head, does not give me joy.

  5. Your stories are precious to me, i thank you for sharing them.

  6. "I tell the story, I want to tell." -
    Yes! That's the best approach to writing.

  7. I also try to tell the story I want to tell and it's probably why it takes me so long to finish a piece. It's easy to say, you're writing what you want to write but it didn't mean it's easy. You do sound confident to me with your writing. We all have insecurity even if we know what we want to do.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.