
mandag den 1. august 2022

Poetry Monday :: Girlfriends

Poetry Monday - that's today!  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who supplies us with many of the topics - are also writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way, now that her mum's health is in need of a prayer too. But still we dare hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

  But  today's theme: Girlfriends? ... No, not going to happen. I don't know why, but all the caboodle with Best Friends Forever and so on scared me at school. Of course I had  friends not many, but I had them, girl friends and boy friends. But being boys or girls was not what mattered, if you understand ...  Then again I'm not going to opt out of Poetry Monday just because the theme does not speak to me.
  Let's talk a girl's best friend instead. No, not diamonds, dogs or boys. Horses top the list!

En vej går ind i himlen (Min lille hest)                             A road leads into haven (My little Horse)
Tekst/Lyrics: Halfdan Rasmussen,                                                      Melodi/Music: Hanne Passer, 1984
  Bad translation: MotherOwl, 2018-2022

En vej går ind i himlen hvor jeg bor                          A road leads into heaven where I dwell
imellem hvide sky'r og grønne marker.                      Meandering through clouds and grassy meadows
Ved vejen står en lille hest og sparker                        A little horse is waiting in the shadows.
og spiser græs og vokser og blir' stor.                        He eats his grass and everything is well.

Når dagen gryr' og vækker blomst og bi,                 When day is dawning, waking up the bees,
og lyset planter trær' og rosenranker,                       The sunlight planting trees and golden cornstalks.
da står min lille hest med våde flanker,                    The little horse, with dewy hoofs and fetlocks
og vrinsker en godmorgenmelodi.                            Is neighing his good morning to the breeze

Når middagsstunden slår sin vifte ud,                      When midday's sun is burning hot and clear
og solen brænder havren tung og gylden,                 And sunshine makes the oats all ripe and golden,
da går min lille hest i læ bag hylden                         My little horse is hiding in the rowan
og kysser den og mener den er gud.                          He kisses it and thinks it is a dear.

Ved aften blir' den hentet af en dreng,                      When evening comes, a boy comes for the horse
som klapper den på mulen mens han snakker.          He strokes its muzzle gently as they're talking.
Så går de sammen mellem lave bakker,                    Then through the rolling meadows they go walking,
hvor åen nynner som en gylden streng.                    Along the streamlet's humming silver course.

Men kommer natten ridende fra vest                        But when the night comes riding from the West
med dug på koderne og sølvblå tømme,                   With dewy mane and starlit, skyblue stirrups
da går min lille hest herud i drømme,                       My little horse comes riding in the moonlight
og derfor elsker jeg min lille hest.                            And that is why I love my horse the best.

Listen here in Danish - this is the one most like what I remember. The 2 first verses are best:

 - - - - -

Next Monday: Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbour's Porch Night

13 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you. And I loved listening to it in Danish - despite not understanding a word. The sounds were poetry in themselves.

    1. Halfdan Rasmussen is like our Dr. Zeuss, it makes me happy that his magic transcendends language.

  2. That was just lovely! I was able to follow along with your English translation. Sooo sweet!

    1. Oh, thank you for trying this. It's always easy when you know where to sing what, because you wrote it. That you could follow along greatly pleases me. Thanks.

  3. Without knowing any Danish, I could still see that you followed the rhyme scheme in your English translation - I am very impressed! Your mother tongue is lovely to listen to.

    1. Anonymous is me, jenny_o! Blogger is working its magic again ...

    2. Thanks for confirming that this was indeed you - I suspected as much. Thank you for the kind words on my poem and on Danish, which most people describe as a potato language.

    3. That seems like an odd description - I found it delightful.

    4. I think most people compare Danish to Dutch. Im grateful for your positive description.

  4. That was lovely! Yes, a horse can be a wonderful friend, and your translation was easy to follow with the music.

    1. Thank you for trying out this. Horses are allrigth - as another Danish song says ;)

  5. Your poem is nice. I had a few friends at school, but I can't recall a "best" friend.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.